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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. doh! yep! I wish it was £20 for 2000 miles.
  2. Aminex going mental..... up 25% already this morning.
  3. Join the club, im doing 2000miles a month in mine. Costs me around £20 a day on fuel.
  4. Whats a "version T" ?!!?!! 320bhp for a 54 plate which normally would have been doing 276bhp is a remarkable increase for the few mods he lists, so unless he`s got a dyno graph proving this id expect the car to only be pushing 300bhp at the most. Also, hes on about an uprev as being some sort of anti-lag device?! And yet the 350z isnt a turbo car. I think all in all it looks like a nice car with an owner who doesnt really know much about the cars. Id certainly say its worth a viewing although it depends on what sort of price he is expecting to get for it, and whether thats in your price bracket. Good luck!
  5. They know that a certain percentage of people will just renew without checking other companies prices, so most companies will seriously jack up their renewal. Its even better if they use the "auto renewal" on your credit card and take the cash off you without you doing anything. I remember one year having my renewal coming through and it was for 700 for my old golf. I checked on line and cheapest I found was 250. So ring up existing insurance company and they immediately dropped it from 700 to 250 without even querying it!!! Absolutely rediculous and shows you the amount of profit they make on insurance. My details were identical as I simply clicked on "resubmit quotation" on confused.com rather than retype them all in.
  6. I went through all this pain last year and just couldn't believe how useless estate agents were for the relatively huge amount of cash in "commission" you give them. The guy who bought my house in the end, the estate agents did not even do the viewing, they sent the guy out - I personally showed him around my house and he agreed to buy it. So all the estate agent did was put the house on rightmove, take a call from the guy and send him over. Thats it!!! Prior to that, they were sending over people and telling them that I would "happily" take 20k less than the asking price, even though they had already put it up for 30k less than the one 4 doors away sold for the month before. Then you got people coming and offering you less for a fully refurbished house which cost me 35k to do up, including landscaping, new garage and every room in the house redone, then a house 3 doors away sold for needing full restoration?!!!! At the end of the day, the estate agent only cares about his commission. You may think he is "working" for you, but all he cares about is getting someone to buy your house. Back in the old days, estate agents used to take a % commission, so it kinda encouraged them to make the most they could for your house as then they got more money. Now adays all the ones I spoke to charge a fixed fee, so regardless of what they sell it for, they get their fixed fee. When your buying a house, most estate agents try and sucker you into speaking to their financial advisor "just to see if he can give you a better mortgage deal". They then know exactly how much you can afford and regardless of what prices you have said you want, still try and push more expensive houses over to you. They also try and encourage you to use their own solicitors "to speed up the process" - which may not always be the best ones for the job. etc...
  7. Id highly recommend the "Michel Thomas" audio CD courses. They are great to listen to in the car on the way to work. He does French, German, Spanish, Italian etc... I did his French course a few years back and it was very good. How his courses work, is that he starts of teaching you which words are the same in English and French. So right off the bat there are probably like 1000 "French" words you already know. Then he teaches you which French words are just English with a different ending. So then thats like 2000 French words you know. Then he gets more into the grammer, accents and phrases etc.. I really enjoyed it.
  8. +1 more suited on a pimp mobile.
  9. Spotted, roadster identical to mine on a 57 plate. Same colour, same alezan orange interior Location?? Believe it or not, in my neighbours driveway!!!! **57 NNL Couldnt believe it. Ive only seen 2 350z roadsters in 12 months of owning mine and today theres one identical to mine in my neighbours drive! Madness!
  10. Welcome! Do you know Hercule Poirot? I think he`s from Belgium also isnt he?
  11. I think the cost would outway the benefits personally. You`d be better of buying a cheap android tablet and bunging in there, or an after market stereo which has a big sat nav screen.
  12. Yes, i think anyone with a 350z roadster must be a bender. Only kidding. I think the 350z roadster is one of those few roadsters which look like a blokes car. Maybe that and the Z4 convertible. Most other converibles tend to look like chick cars. My missus had a 206cc last year and that was definately a chick car. I felt embaressed every time i drove it.
  13. Anything would be better than the pink girlie lunchbox my missus seems to have packed my sarnies in today. My god the stick im going to get when I have my lunch at work in an hours time.
  14. Good find AK350Z. Looks like Chris was right! The aerodynamics make it have crap mpg. And crap performance to some degree. 190bhp and 0-60 in 8 seconds is shocking when you think a lot of other cars are quicker than that with just 100bhp. Had to laugh when I got home last night. It looks like the missus must have driven through a bit of mud or something, but its all sprayed up the side of the juke. Makes it looks like she has been doing some serious off roading or something!
  15. Thats a long time. Your right. After driving a van every day you`ll feel like your driving the space shuttle when you get back in the zed!!! My drive home last night was pretty boring really.. stuck at 70mph for about 30miles and then on the only bit where I can really give it some stick I was stuck behind a lorry doing 40. Made me realise that if I only used the zed for weekend fun and used a shed during the week then id probably enjoy it a lot more. Luckily i can use my missus old car until her insurance runs out on it in April.
  16. I quite like "i wanna dance with somebody". Whenever that comes on I find my self singing along to it, especially the line which goes "i wanna feel the heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaat" which she does at a high pitch. Always makes my missus laugh as normally im into death metal. I went to see David Byrne live and as an encore he did a version of I wanna dance with somebody indeed!
  17. Well to put it into perspective from my last few diesel cars... 1997 Peugeot 1.5 Diesel (non turbo) done 165k miles. I was getting 56mpg out of it on my commute. 2000 Peugeot 306 2.0 HDI done 90k miles. I was getting 48mpg. 2001 VW Golf GT TDI 115bhp done 175k miles. I was getting 58->63mpg 2003 Peugeot 2.0 HDI 90bhp, done 112k miles. Getting 48->49mpg. Brand spanking new Juke 1.5 Dci getting 48mpg on same commute. All driven in the same way on the same commute. Personally id have thought that as technology improved over the years that newer diesel engines would have been more efficient and therefore get better mpg, not worse! You might be right though with the aero dynamics thing. The front of the Juke is like a brick wall! Maybe thats why its getting lower mpg than some of the older sheds ive driven.
  18. Im pretty sure the Nissan extended warranty is £70 a month, i had the renewal come through a few weeks back.
  19. I would carefully check what is and what isnt covered under the warranty. I had an extended one on mine (runs out next month) and it covers basically nothing. If the clutch goes, its a "servicable" item. Same as brakes. My electric roof is classed as bodywork so thats not covered. In fact it seems very little is covered.
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