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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. GTR?!! Id have snatched their hand off I think!
  2. I noticed when my front falkens were well past their minimum depth requirement the car was tramlining really really badly. It was all over the shop. New falkens and the cars totally transformed. Really planted now. Not saying your allignment hasnt improved things, but the worn tyres definately make the car tramline like mad.
  3. Sounds like you got a raw deal there. When my 350z roadster went back to Nissan for them to check the hood out last year they took a brand new fully loaded 370z off the forecourt - took the £34k (from memory) for sale sign out of the window and let me use that for a few days until they were finished looking at my car. That was probably a sales ploy. Let's stick the guy with the 350 into a 370 for a couple of days and get it sold (backfired somewhat with you though given your comments on another thread ). Yep, think your right there! Be interesting to see the outcome of the hood problem though, make sure you keep us all updated!
  4. Had exactly the same story in Belgium in 2010 except it was a white van. About 10 inches of thick snow on the road, everybody going at around 30mph in one lane of the motorway (it literally felt like northern parts of Canada) and this one smart guy in a van decided that he's gonna go into the fast lane. He lasted 200 yards before writing it off into the central reservation. Yep! Thats just how it was. Amazing the stupidity of some people.
  5. When I used to supervise track days you`d get cheaper prices in the "off" season - i.e. when its a good chance it will rain and be crap weather conditions. Not ideal if your in a RWD car or motorbike, but we still used to get some serious nutters turn up on their motorbikes and spend all day thrashing them about the track in the rain. Another option is in the summer some tracks, like Snetterton used to offer evening sessions. Where you start at like 6pm until dark. That worked out as a fraction of the price of a day session.
  6. So presumably my HR is fine as it is and this is more for the older engined zeds?
  7. Sounds like you got a raw deal there. When my 350z roadster went back to Nissan for them to check the hood out last year they took a brand new fully loaded 370z off the forecourt - took the £34k (from memory) for sale sign out of the window and let me use that for a few days until they were finished looking at my car. Does sound like they are a decent dealership though with the service manager being on your side. That said, the service manager has to get approval from the guy in charge of the dealership (for any repairs not paid for my nissan), or Nissan themselves for any work under warranty. Fingers crossed!!!
  8. Im guessing the seller is just trying his luck. Who knows, some rich person may come along and pay it then the seller will be laughing all the way to the bank.
  9. Maybe its something to do with 5 series drivers? When it was a bad winter 2 years back I remember one day we had a lot of snow fall. So much that when I was driving home you couldnt actually see where the road was. So I was following this articulated lorry doing 40mph as we joined the motorway. I happened to look in my mirror to see a guy in a 5 series pull out to go straight into the fast lane. God knows why as it was just white snow - no car tracks or anything. He promptly lost control and over took me spinning 360 degrees as he ploughed into the central reservation, stopping facing the wrong direction in the fast lane. Doh.
  10. Going from a Golf GTI (albiet a mk4 GT TDI), you`ll notice how the interior isnt as good. You`ll also probably find you wont be able to drive it as hard with as much confidence as you`ll have gotten used to in a hot FWD hatch. Also, your right. You are will be miles better off selling your car privately. I got over 4 times (yes FOUR TIMES) the price the dealer offered me for my Golf by selling it privately. Depending on the dealer, they will just stick your car straight into an auction, so they`ll simply give you same price they fetch in the auction just to get shot of it. Your golf does look nice though, so you may be a bit more lucky and if its non a main dealer then they might just mark it up and put it on their forecourt.
  11. That is peanuts for a nice car, I expect the soot chuckers hold their value slightly better.... Yeah I was looking at the 1.9TDI redeye models. But I guess 2003 is what 2 or 3 generations old now for the a4. Still, a nice car for the money. Thats the same cash as old 1999/2000 high mileage TDI VW Passats were just a few years back.
  12. 1 cop vs 2 cops. I've been done before by 1 cop on his own in his car, so there is no need to have another cop to back things up. This was back a good ten years ago when I was young and reckless. The cop did a statement saying that he had chased me for a good mile doing over 90mph and I was out accelerating him and he could not keep up with me in his police Volvo t-5 turbo (or whatever they used to drive in them days). In actual fact, the only reason the cop caught up with me at the time was because id got stuck at some traffic lights and after sitting there for a good 3 or 4 minutes I heard some police sirens. I had no idea he`d been trying to follow me. Went to court, i pleaded guilty (cos i was) expecting a ban, got 3 points & a fine. As far as Magistrates are concerned they will nearly always believe the policemans word over yours.
  13. Cheers Mate! Let me know if you need any pie advice! DI Racing... hmm.. not heard of them, i`ll have to check them out, cheers for the recommendation. I tend to do all my work myself. Like you say, just not worth paying marshall monkeys. P1 is a nice and easy DIY job. Hardest bit is getting the undertray off. Theres about 18 bolts to undo. I did my P1 just before Xmas and cost me about £35 for all the parts.
  14. Can you really get a 2003/2004 A4 for 4k?! Thats mad. I was looking at 2001 models of them a few years back and they were 14grand. Amazing how much they have depreciated. Saying that, id probably go for the A4. I test drove quite a few and really liked them.
  15. Yep your right, there isnt really much in it performance wise between the 313 and the 370 on the road. And your also right, the 370z interior was nice... that was one thing I did really like. Whilst my facelift interior is much better than the 276, the 370z interior makes mine feel old. Even climbing out of the missus`s juke into my zed really shows up things have moved on. Like the steering wheel. On the 370 its a lovely wheel. On the 350z it looks so plasticy now. I also liked all the "little bits" inside like the nissan connect, the cup holders in the centre tunnel (mine dont have that), the auto down on the passengers window etc.. So they do have a lot going for them. I just wasnt so keen on the outside styling. Whilst its shorter and wider, it actually looks longer & narrower. Even the "roll bars" on the roadster look harsh and square - rather than the smooth lined sleek ones on the 350. Its as if the 370z is turning into more of the Z4 kinda looks.
  16. Well just had my MOT with Barr Tech and it passed, even with my number plate which some people on here were moaning about. Have to say, very impressed with them. Their customer service was excellent and the mechanic knew what he was talking about. MOT was full price, compared to a lot of other garages in the area which currently offer half price deals to attract the business, but id rather pay more for a decent place. Certainly wouldnt hesitate to recommend them to others.
  17. We'll see how long that lasts - I've heard it before plenty of times, including when I said I wouldnt get a 370z as it wasnt worth it over a 350z Well its been nearly 12 months since then and im still happy with the 350z, so its lasting quite a while . I just couldnt justify the extra cost of the 370 over my 313 model at the time. If mine had been an older 276bhp one then maybe, but even so, the looks of the 370 just didnt do it for me. The drive also didnt feel as good. The car actually felt slower, maybe because the power delivery was a bit smoother? I dont know... just didnt feel as exciting.
  18. Really struggling on how you can save money owning a zed here. If your doing 1mile a day to work, then just walk, that will obviously save you petrol money. I do nearly 100 miles a day, so that option isnt there for me. (well it is, but it would probably take me a month to get to work! ) Insurance... you used to be able to get discount for low mile use of cars. But I think in their greed insurance companies have kinda scrapped that, and it would probably cost you as much as "normal" miles these days. Only other thing where you could save money is on servicing... do it yourself, which means you`ll save on the £50 an hour or so a decent garage would cost you.
  19. Id love to know how many Nissan accountants get to have a 370z roadster for a "company" car. In reality it was probably used as a demo or press car. Congratulations though on the purchase, you`ll love it with the summer coming up. I had a 2011 black rose roadster for a few days on loan last year and it just wasnt the car for me, so kept my 350z 313 Roadster instead.
  20. Welcome! Wish someone would service my cars for me. Unfortunately im the one who usually ends up servicing all my friends & familys cars.
  21. Thanks excellent news. Nice to see good customer service!!!
  22. +1 and then consider running costs on top. +2. You can get ancient high mileage coupes for that sort of price, but you`ll struggle to get a roadster for that amount, they normally fetch more than the coupes - esp with summer coming along.
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