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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. yes; ones driven by more younguns and therefore the crash ratio is higher on the zed than the M3 maybe, but we're not asking about young'uns................ we're asking about me n my Mrs - same people, same risk! an older car and worth a 1/4 of the M3.................. but its £130 more.........!!! thats my point! I can beat that. Cheapest quotes I had from confused.com were £900 to insure my zed worth about £15k, but a mere £700 to insure a £45,000 nearly new Nissan GTR. I also had quotes for about £650 for an M3 which was what I was looking at prior to seeing a zed. All pretty normal (but frustrating)... there has been long long discussions about this on the insurance sub forum.
  2. You`d have thought it would be the wrong time of year to sell these with winter now (hopefully) done with. [adds to ebay watch list]
  3. To the OP - ive just been looking on ebay and theres a couple of 313 roadsters on there. Your looking at about 13k upwards atm.
  4. Must remember that when I come to sell mine.
  5. They certainly do come with the 313 engine. Ive got one. But the roadsters are very rare in general. When I was looking there were only 3 within 100 miles of my house for sale. I recall looking at some sales figures on the net and for my year (2007) there were only about 150 roadsters sold in the UK. If I remember correctly, I think the figure was something like 1500 350z roadsters sold in the UK in total, which is a fraction of the amount of coupes out there. With the engine growl... i seem to remember reading somewhere that Nissan "tuned" the exhaust to make it sound good on the roadster ones with the roof down. Not sure what that actually meant!
  6. Harsh but very true, actually it was £187 I looked :wink:
  7. Reminds me of one house I used to rent. Me and the missus at time were err... quite active in the bedroom. (sigh... how things have changed). And I never thought anything about the noise. Until one day I was sitting in bed quietly reading a book and I could actually hear my neighbours having a normal conversation in their bedroom through the wall. I then realised the walls were paper thin. Embarrassing wasn't the word. However, it did explain why the neighbours wife used to always look at me "knowingly" with a twinkle in her eye. Since then when ive had problems with noisy neighbours, I find playing Slayer at high volumes seems to quieten them down a bit.
  8. Nice bargain find!!! Not often this happens these days!
  9. Try before you buy....... reminds me of a good ol Woolworths Pick n Mix. Thats why they went under.....
  10. +1. I bought a cheap trolley jack from a local car parts place years ago. Came with 2 axle stands. I use that on my zed without any problems. On my old car (Golf TDI which id lowered -50mm or so), i had to lift he car up by hand a bit in order to clear the side sills. If I remember rightly I think i paid something around a tenner for the jack.
  11. Just checked it again and vpower is 143.9 near me. So, that works out at £117 per week just on fuel. Why not use Tesco or Sainsbury Super fair bit cheaper and then at least then you will get points..... Well I used to always use Tesco`s Momentum so id get clubcard points, and it was about 2p a litre cheaper. Id read an in depth test on the net where someone actually tested Momentum and it came out as good as vpower and better than all the other "super" unleaded`s. But this last couple of months ive actually been putting shell vpower in it and I am noticing an improvement in performance. The car seems so much better. I didnt expect any difference at all, but the car does feel better. It may or may not be psychological, but i didnt fill up with vpower expecting any improvement, so for the sake of 2p (or £1.63 a week for me), i figured id may as well use vpower.
  12. Just checked it again and vpower is 143.9 near me. So, that works out at £117 per week just on fuel.
  13. My mate does this. Has a track / hill climb scooby with a mate of his. They both own 50/50 of it and work 50/50 on it. His mate is more mechanical, but between them they split the work out. Not sure if id go for a mk1 Elise. I really wanted one for a long while based up on the looks & concept, until I actually test drove one and was amazed at how sluggish it was. In fact I cut the test drive short and took it back and asked them if the car had some kind of problem. When I got home I actually then checked the stats and realised that my Renault 5 GT Turbo which I was driving at the time actually had twice the power to weight ratio of the mk1 Elise. Of course, I know the Elise is more about handling rather than performance, but even so, id have expected it to be better. I seem to recall people doing turbo conversions and that the later cars did actually get the more power it needed.
  14. +1 At least its not all rusty like most old xjs`s are.
  15. My commute consists of about 1mile of 30mph, then 35miles @ 70mph then 2 miles @ 40mph. And the same back home. I average 26mpg over that if i drive carefully and dont floor it. But then if im driving like a grand-dad and not making use of the performance I may as well be driving my missus old car which if driven the same will give me about 50mpg and save me 3000quid a year on fuel.
  16. +1 to this. I jumped on the band wagon about 12 months ago, and within about 3 months my shares had all plummeted to 1/4 of what I paid for them. One of my shares has gone up 100% over the last week, but is still now back up to where it was 12 months ago. So, its very much a guessing game really as to trying to workout when is a good time to buy a share.
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