Just checked it again and vpower is 143.9 near me. So, that works out at £117 per week just on fuel.
Why not use Tesco or Sainsbury Super fair bit cheaper and then at least then you will get points.....
Well I used to always use Tesco`s Momentum so id get clubcard points, and it was about 2p a litre cheaper. Id read an in depth test on the net where someone actually tested Momentum and it came out as good as vpower and better than all the other "super" unleaded`s.
But this last couple of months ive actually been putting shell vpower in it and I am noticing an improvement in performance. The car seems so much better. I didnt expect any difference at all, but the car does feel better. It may or may not be psychological, but i didnt fill up with vpower expecting any improvement, so for the sake of 2p (or £1.63 a week for me), i figured id may as well use vpower.