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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. I flash when i see another zed, but having only seen a hand full in the last 12 months that isnt very often. In general I think ive only had 1 zed owner flash me back and wave. The others just looked really confused.
  2. Does seem very strange as most people would sell a car with at least 6 months MOT on it, as like you say, selling a car with just a few weeks MOT left on it isnt going to inspire buyers with confidence. MOT`s cost between 25quid and 58quid these days, so why not see if the seller is prepared to put it through an MOT? If they are genuine then I dont see why they wouldnt. If they say "not a cat in hells chance mate" then you know to walk.
  3. Hmmm. Im not sure how it works, but my old house was a great example. It was a massive 1930`s 3 bed semi with a 200ft long garden and enough driveway out front to park around 10 cars on it. It was a Band B for council tax. My neighbours both sides had identical houses to me but had extended their kitchen very very slightly more than mine had been extended. This was all done prior to the current owners moving in. Both my neighbours houses were rated as Band D on the council tax! Go figure! This might help: http://www.voa.gov.uk/corporate/Council ... ments.html Good link! Basically it says that if you have "improved" your house, when you come to sell it, the council is allowed to review the council tax band for the new owner if they feel like it. So I guess with my old house, when I bought it the council didnt feel inclined to increase it, but when my neighbours with nearly identical extentions bought their`s the council happily jacked their band up 2 notches.
  4. Thats a fantastic quote for insurance there. Admiral wanted to fleece me for a lot more than that. Welcome to the forum!
  5. Hmmm. Im not sure how it works, but my old house was a great example. It was a massive 1930`s 3 bed semi with a 200ft long garden and enough driveway out front to park around 10 cars on it. It was a Band B for council tax. My neighbours both sides had identical houses to me but had extended their kitchen very very slightly more than mine had been extended. This was all done prior to the current owners moving in. Both my neighbours houses were rated as Band D on the council tax! Go figure!
  6. No probs ever in need, just ask Thats what i love about forums like this. People always helping each other out. Top bloke!
  7. The roadster with roof up is one of those cars people either like or hate. Some say its got a big bum with the roof up. Others love it. Of course most roadsters look better with the roof down, but I think the 350z roadster isnt that bad with the roof up. I actually had 7 bin men drooling around my car this morning. Was quite funny. One got my wheelie bin off my drive to empty it then did a neck snapping double take when he saw my number plate & my car. Then he called out to his mates and one by one they all came over to have a look at the car. Even the bin lorry driver climbed out and wandered over. I was in my kitchen but could hear them saying how nice a car it was and how much they really liked it. One guy was saying "what is it??!!!!!"
  8. I don't think I would have got the bolts un-done at all without the blow torch... even with the torch we had to get the bolt glowing red before it cracked loose. I think a blow torch is going to be my next tool investment, Me too! I`ll be off to toolstation this weekend in fact and add it to my shopping list!
  9. Does it send out presents or a cake too?!
  10. Yeah would of liked to of had a go at doing it myself but dont have all the tools etc especially if rusted bolts are involved ( also if it would take me 5 hours ). Will take it to my local trusty independent to fit me thinks! Well thats one reason why i did it myself as i just didnt trust a garage to do it properly. The only time I ever took a car to a garage to have an exhaust fitted they managed to snap off the bolts holding the down pipe to the turbo. So since then regardless of what car ive had, ive always done it myself, as i figure im more patient and can spend the time doing it properly, rather than getting the impact gun on it and snapping them all off! Looking back I should have used a blow torch on the bolts, rather than relying on wd40 and patience. In the end Mr Angle Grinder and Mr Air Chisel helped me get the old system off.
  11. There are instructions inside the boot lid showing how to get ONE bag of golf clubs in the roadster. (I think you can get 2 in the coupe). The roadster boot is very small, but if you have the roof up, you can use the roof storage compartment to get a surprising amount of stuff in! Its like a 2nd boot. Road noise with the roof up is loud. If you are sitting in a queue of traffic and someone walks past talking, you can hear every word they say. My K1 exhaust which sounded reasonable on a coupe actually sounds ridiculously loud on the roadster. From the reviews I read on the net, the Roadster is slightly heavier than the coupe due to the extra strengthening, but handling wise they said that they both handled as well as each other. No noticable flexing on the roadster when pushed hard. Insurance is usually higher for a convertible. Ive not done a back to back comparison against a 313 coupe and my 313 roadster so im not sure exactly what the difference is for me. A couple of other points to consider... the 313 roadster is pretty rare. They made around 300 ish of them as they were only around for a couple of years before the 370z roadster came out. And secondly, now is the wrong time of year to buy a roadster. The prices go up by around 15% over the summer months. I love having gone for the roadster though. Nothing can beat it. Roof down if its not raining - even when its cold (can stick the heaters on) and it brings a whole extra element of fun driving. The engine note & exhaust just sound amazing. The 313 HR engine is amazing, with its redline at 7500rpm - accelerating hard in 2nd & 3rd just is excellent, it really throws you back in the seat and makes the driving experience even more fun. Because they are so rare, it never fails to get attention and even complete strangers compliment you on what a nice car it is. Ive only seen one other 313 roadster on the road in 12 months of ownership, and one older non 313 roadster. Thats 2 in 12 months. Now thats rare! If your not sure, id recommend trying both and seeing what you think.
  12. Excellent. I still have nightmare memories of when I fitted my cat back system. Took me about 5 hours as everything was siezed solid. Id never seen bolts as rusty on a 20k mile old car before. Rediculous.
  13. Maybe he was hoping you`d use his breakdown recovery service next time to get your car to the garage?!
  14. Thats not a bad idea actually... Im in the market (next 12 months) for a new TV anyway, so i might as well wrap up the cost of a media player/solution into that. Im after a Samsung ue55 d8000... sexy tv However with regards to streaming... my xbox is on a wired connection, and i stream from my laptop via xbox media center, but my laptop is not wired... and i suffer major slowdown issues. How do people get around this? Guess it must depend on what size file you are streaming and the wireless speed. Ive a dedicated media pc plugged into my home cinema setup which I use xbmc on, buts its a wired internet connection. I stream video from that to my laptop in the garage wirelessly to play on the plasma screen in there without any problem. Is the d8000 that borderless LCD model? If so id checkout the reviews on it before buying. I was considering one of them and opt`d for the 50" Panasonic ST30 instead. Much better picture quality but not as sexy looking physically!
  15. Is that really correct? Ive always understood that you were allowed to drive a vehicle to the MOT test centre for a prebooked appointment if you had no road tax. Ive been doing it for years with my motorbikes. Looks like I was correct: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Ow ... /DG_069671 "You can drive your vehicle to and from a pre-arranged test at an MOT test station as long as you have adequate insurance cover."
  16. Is that really correct? Ive always understood that you were allowed to drive a vehicle to the MOT test centre for a prebooked appointment if you had no road tax. Ive been doing it for years with my motorbikes.
  17. I find it mad how nearly everything has usb & internet connections now. My bluray player does, my amp does and so does my telly. So if I want to plug in a hard drive and watch a film you are really spoilt for choice as to where to plug it in. In fact all 3 items have built in wireless internet, so you can just stream videos straight from your mobile phone or you tube or even netflix or iplayer. Have you considered the AppleTV? Im not an apple fan, but from what i understand it does everything you mention apart from having a built in hard drive - you can just plug an external HD into it and off you go.
  18. Well being as it was a nice weekend I thought id have a look at the roof and see why it was a bit sticky last time I used it. Sods law, I couldnt get it to go wrong at all this weekend. Up & down perfectly fine and smooth. It was noticeably warmer though, so I can only assume it was the cold weather. Whilst it was nice I also cleaned the hood using some AutoGlym convertible roof cleaner & retreated / sealed it with the AutoGlym stuff which comes in the same kit. Have to say it was a nice easy process and the hood now looks brand spanking new!!!
  19. Apparently when you break 147.3 mph, the convertible roof goes down before a metal one replaces it and wings appear out of the side skirts for take off. Sounds very strange to me, as on mine you have to have your foot on the brake and press the open/close button before the roof does anything. You can stop it at any point you wish, but it wont continue until you put foot on brake and press that button. Most strange. Id definately be looking into it a bit more!!!
  20. Welcome! As others have said, if you have any doubts about the car it may pay to get a mechanic or AA inspection done for peace of mind. As for running a zed, they are perfectly good every day runners like a lot of other cars! Have fun!
  21. Anything more than a gentle gradient has mine rolling away. I always have to remember to leave it in gear. Interestingly, the car passed its MOT perfectly fine a few days ago, so I guess even though its fairly poor it must still be strong enough for the MOT.
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