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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Okay, an update on this. Ive just fitted a gates belt as a replacement, so will see how long that lasts compared to a Nissan one. I couldnt see anything fouling the belt or anywhere near it. The pulleys all felt fine. There was a little play in the top middle one, but when the belt is running I cant see any wobbles in it. Now heres the funny bit. Bare in mind, the previous belt I had nissan fit as I mistakenly thought it would be covered under warranty as the car had only done 20k miles and id only had the car a few weeks. They took 1hr 45minutes to fit the new belt (whilst i sat there waiting) and charged me £80 for the work. Guess how long it took me to fit the belt just now? Yep. 15 minutes!!!!!!!!! That included googling to find the instructions, opening my garage up, getting all my tools out ready, getting old belt off, fitting new one and putting tools away. Just goes to show how much some garages rip people off....
  2. Yeah thats not looking good at all, im surprised your not having more problems...
  3. Thats pretty good. My local Vauxhall garage charged my mate £170 the other week to service his Astra. I did my last P1 myself, think it came to about £50 for the bits...
  4. Not been washed since September! but it does need one, maybe tomorrow To be fair Liam i have only taxed it for 6 months for the last 3-4years. Kept it too long now to sell really and with the current market condition.............. Have to say it looks totally awesome in that colour. And you havent washed it since Sept?!!!
  5. I actually found it was the other way around for me. I already had a car insured with Flux, so called them up when I was looking at buying the zed and checked what it would cost. If you are already mid-term with a company, the company you are with may not be the cheapest for a zed, so you have a choice. Either pay their high price until your policy is due for renewal, or have the broker (flux) cancel the policy (loosing 1 years ncb) and move to a company which is more favorable to the zed. I phoned around all the companies I could find, incl sky & other "specialist" ones and the problem I had was that, even though i had 20 years NCB, had many many years experience of 200mph motorbikes & hot hatches, some of them felt I was a high risk as I hadnt recently driven a high performance RWD car. Some said if i had driven a skyline, or z4m or whatever then they said it would have made a big difference to my quote. So some of the quotes I had from the "specialist" insurers were about double that of Adrian Flux. One even came back at nearly £2000. So, I stayed with Adrian Flux. Come my renewal however a few weeks back, I did the normal shopping around and decided to move to Admiral as they came in at about 25% cheaper than Flux this time. But, I certainly wouldnt hesitate in going back to Flux if they come up with a good price in the future.
  6. £290?!!!! thats mental!
  7. she's not my cup of tea +1 she looks very much like that bird off 4 rooms who every time she smiles looks like she`s had a stroke.
  8. Bet that sounded sweeeeet.
  9. I could probably weld up a roof rack if the OP required....
  10. Around my way pretty much everyone is farmers or does shooting, so people dont really worry about it. Some nights when im lamping you can hear shot after shot coming from other fields in the area - its like being in iraq sometimes. The only people who seem to moan are city folk who sell their terraced house in London, buy a mansion & a range rover sport in the country and think they are a country gent. They just arnt use to normal country life! I did have a call the other month from one of the land owners whose land I was on and she asked if I was in her field. I said yes and asked why, and she said one of her neighbours had called her reporting a "suspecious looking skinhead armed with a gun wandering about on her land"....
  11. Looks like you have narrowed it down to a similar choice to what I did. I looked at quite a few E46 M3`s and as soon as I sat in a 350z the decision was made! Welcome back!
  12. Some good advice on here. Im very much into shooting. I use an Air Arms s410k pcp air rifle for magpies, rabbits, pigeons etc. They are cheaper and lighter than the hw100. You will get more shots than you will need from a refill, and no recoil. You can get pellet on pellet accuracy upto about 50 yards easily, and also completely silent. You can get them 2nd hand for around the £350 mark and they will hold their value. You could use it for a year, then prob sell it and get your money back on it. Magpies are funny things, ive a few in my area atm. Once you get one dead on the floor, then millions of them swarm in to check it out - so it ends up a bit of a magpie mass killing spree. Even crows will come in to see what all the noise is about. As others have said, the larsen trap is probably a better bet. Also, depending on where you live, watch your neighbours. Some can be funny and one spot of someone with an air rifle then the police get a call saying there`s some madman with an m60 on the loose. Im pretty lucky my neighbour used to be into shooting himself, and is more than happy for me to sort them out.
  13. Definitely avoid main dealer. No point for a car that old, unless you were specifically trying to keep a warranty going. Id checkout the garages listed ,or even invest in a few spanners yourself. The P2 isnt a hard service to do yourself.
  14. It definitely does. If you put a bit of relaxing classical on you will find you drive slower. But, anything aggressive or loud, like Sepultura, Slipknot, slayer, napalm death, prodigy etc... and most people will drive more aggressively. I use the same thing in the gym... if im lifting heavy weights i`ll stick on some heavy thrash music, maybe some Slipknot or something. And if im doing a cardio session, then maybe i`ll stick on some dance music... all psychologically helps!
  15. I was just the same. Used to use .99p sponges all my life, and it was only after getting the zed i finally invested in a Meguirs Mitt!
  16. Depends what you mean by a great girl. My missus was a size 18/20 when i met her. She spends most of her time on the sofa watching telly whilst eating chocolates and hates exercise. In fact she hates anything which might involve physical activity - such as walking, running, swimming. She even hates cleaning. So, probably about as far removed from the sort of girl id normally go for, but we clicked and get on really well together. I think women have similar ideas as to what they like in a bloke, but dont always stick to it. My ex for example hated me working out and making sure i was in shape all the time, she said i was too "big and muscularly" and she hated that in a man. And yet whats her new bloke like? yep. more ripped than me and even has an 8 pack....
  17. What sort of bodyshape you like on a girl and the sort you end up dating or marrying are 2 completely different things I find. Ive dated all sorts, from size 10 model material blondes through to girls who are a bit err.. larger. Also, height wise ranging from about 5ft dead to 5ft 11. Personally I like a girl who clearly looks after herself, and isnt just some coach potato who sits there eating chocolate & watching TV all day. Size 10->14 suits me, 5ft 5ish, DD upwards. Like someone else said, maybe kim kardashian sort of shape. However, ive yet to date a girl just because of what she looks like. For me, its always the personality which I go for first, and its a bonus if the girl has a good figure. I tend to get to know a girl first, usually through work or friends long before the dating starts. However, some guys definately have 1 particular type and thats the only sort of girl they go for. Loads of my friends are like that, and its sometimes scary how their new girlfriend looks nearly identical to their last one!!!
  18. Think a lot of companies these days are cutting back on what is included, so it pays to check the small print. Personally I tend to use confused.com to get some benchmark figures, then check what each policy includes.
  19. Indeed, if those figures are to be believed he's done 1 million miles in the last 8 years, that's an average of almost 350 miles a day Pete. Imagine how much that would cost him in petrol.......
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