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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. 313HR was may 07 onwards, so you`ll get them on 07 plates onwards. I had a look on Autotrader earlier and for your budget you should have no problems getting a HR model. If you can afford the extra road tax id definitely go for one, they are loads better to drive than the earlier models. Nissan spent a lot of time on improvements.
  2. On the later cars they actually had progressive pas. So, at slower speeds the steering was light and at higher speeds the steering became heavier.
  3. Y SO SLOW I think he knew that and was just being funny!
  4. Yeah going on telly telling the world what they do has probably put a stop to their "career" now. I bet in a few weeks time they`ll be in the sunday sport...
  5. Welcome!!! Ive just come back from a weekend in Manchester, cracking place!!!
  6. Interesting reading indeed. I will have to follow that one. May have to start reading about "pips" myself!!! Yeah, it looked like it was going up & up & up, so 27p seemed good at the time. But in reality litterally the day after I bought, it crashed down like mad.
  7. Well, we all had a great time in Manchester. Loads of nice scenery there. It seems every girl in Manchester wears a short skirt. We had a massive session on the Friday hitting the pubs / clubs then had an all day session on the Saturday ending up in a dodgy looking snooker hall called Rainbows before loosing loads of money on the Greyhounds later in the evening. As someone else said theres a few strip clubs. The first we went to was called "long legs" and its highly recommended. Very cheap, friendly and you get to see plenty without spending a fortune. We also went into another one near Printworks called Victorias and immediately wished we hadnt. We were the only blokes in there at 2am on Saturday night and we were immediately pounced on by about 30 birds all desperate for our cash. Talk about high pressure sales. Ive been in a few clubs in my time but have never experienced anything like it. Girls basically dragging you off and asking you to buy them drinks and trying to force money out of you. They were also about 5 times the price of the other club. Certainly wouldnt recommend anyone ever goes there.. All in all wish id had a few extra days there as there was plenty more to do.
  8. Or scrap yard... maybe see if alex has any. I remember buying a set for my Renault 5 from a breakers yard once. The guy thought i was taking the michael when I asked for a set of wiper arms. Still, they were only £2 incl the blades!
  9. I found the program really anoying. Those girls clearly leading blokes on with the poor bloke thinking the bird is genuinely interested in him. Then when the guy tries to make the relationship a bit more they just dump them. Like that guy who paid for the older bird to fly out to New York, then when he tried to hold hands with her she just told him to get lost. Im supprised those girls dont get beaten up or attacked. In all fairness though, if guys are that stupid to fall for it then I guess they deserve it. I had to laugh at the webcam bird though tho that punter paid £200 to for 4 minutes of her telling him he was a looser. I said to the missus, maybe I should change my career, although I think this line of business is purely women only.
  10. I always park miles away from anywhere as im paranoid about anyone scratching my mint paintwork. But you can guarentee when you come out you`ll find some muppet has parked their old banger next to your car. Even at home im careful where I park as I dont want the neighbour hitting my car. But sods law, get home from a weekend away last Sunday and the missus sheepishly tells me she scratched her friends suitcase all the way down the side of my door. WTF!!!!!! So not sure what to do now, its down to the primer, not metal, but im not sure if it can be touched up or whether the door will need repainting.
  11. With chunky tyres like that it will make a nice off-roader.
  12. Its just natural really to group together if you have shared interests, whether its a car, a hobby or any sort of interest!
  13. RRL has had a bunch of anouncements, all seeming positive and as always, when RRL gives positive news the share price drops. Its now down to rock bottom at 7p. Im debating whether to buy some more to try and bring my 27p average down a bit.
  14. Excellent! I used to supervise track days a few years back and its really rewarding watching peoples progress throughout the day.
  15. Wonder why they didnt get the front numberplate level on the red one? Looks amazing tho!
  16. I just had a look and theres no end of 370z`s for sale on Autotrader. Loads more than 350z Roadsters. Theres a couple of 370z coupes in the high £16grand range on there atm. So, sounds like the best plan for the OP is to go for one of them.
  17. We had that storm pass through Cambridge here about an hour ago. Seriously heavy hail.... just when it was my lunchbreak too.
  18. Nice mileage and nice looking car. As others have said, dont bother with main dealer servicing, just keep notes of what you have done and the receipts - for any buyer that will be as good as main dealer as they can see you have looked after it.
  19. Interesting way to look at it. When I bought my roadster last year, the price for a roadster was more expensive than a coupe. Just a fact of life. I noticed the same with M3`s, the Convertible always demands a premium over the coupe. They are more expensive to buy new, and 2nd hand the prices follow suit. The biggest problem I had when I was looking for mine was that there were only 2 313 Roadsters within 100 miles of Northampton, and both at dealers, so hardly much choice. I had to travel to Birmingham to get mine and the dealer selling mine had another buyer lined up and refused to take anything less than the full screen price, even after 2 hours of haggling. Still, it was fully loaded with every extra in the book and so I paid the going market rate for the car. £15 grand for a 59 plate roadster is not bad money. Ive been following the prices on Autotrader & ebay, and with summer here, a 2007 roadster seems to average around £12500, a 2008 one is around £14500. They seem to depreciate by around £2grand (ish) a year at around that age. I did see a 2 year old Grey 370z Coupe at the Lexus garage in Coventry the other day, near Toll Bar Island. It was up for £21grand, but is now down to just under the £20grand mark. There are more 370`s around than 313 Roadsters, so they maybe easier to find. Based upon a new 370z loosing 40% of its value over the first 4 years, you could probably expect to get one for the £16 grand mark in another 18months or so`s time.
  20. Just over 5000 miles?! Christ, wonder what thats been doing for the last 5 years?! Be interesting to see how much they want for it.
  21. Where abouts are you based? Theres a few 313`s coupe`s ive seen on ebay / autotrader, but very very few roadsters out there. On a previous discussion thread it was said theres only about 250->300 313 Roadsters in the UK, so pretty rare. Unfortunately for owners, rarity doesnt seem to have much effect on the price and they seem to be falling in value the same as the coupes. Ive seen 2004 276bhp roadsters priced for £9999 and yet you have cars like the mint 2008 313 Roadster Jamie is selling up for £12999.
  22. Subaru`s are reasonably cheap to run. About 4 of my mates have them and all of them have done loads to their cars themselves. One has a 2000 model, which on the road with 300bhp and a few handling goodies, cost him a less than £2k all in. Very cheap fun.
  23. Im my familys resident insurance "expert" atm having on average halved their insurance premiums this year. The 350z in general is a high risk car, mainly because its powerful and rear wheel drive. You`ll find some quicker, faster cars coming in cheaper due to the old "statistics" game insurance companies play. The obvious things for cheaper insurance is to be old, have lots of ncb and live in an area insurance companies class as "low risk". Now, these areas arent those which you`d necessarily regard as being low risk areas. I live in a quiet town, in a cul-de-sac full of old pensioners. The only bit of excitement my street ever sees is when 96 year old Ethal fell over and broke her hip. And yet, because my postcode falls under a local larger town, its classed as a higher risk area than my previous house which was in a big city on a main road with a much higher crime ratio. Outside of moving house, changing job title can reduce the premium slightly as you have found out, parking on the street rather than in your drive & garage drops it slightly, adding other drivers can help - especially if they are old experienced drivers like your parents or grand parents. Things you would have thought would make a different dont always do. Such as saying its just a 2nd car in which you`ll only use occasionally - makes no difference. Having previous experience of driving such cars, rather than going from a Ford Fiesta straight to a 350z - makes no difference. Parking in secure garage, having extra imobilisers, even chaining a Rottweiler to the car when not in use etc. etc. all makes no difference.
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