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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Those wheels look very nice!!!!
  2. Garages always do this kind of thing and id take what they say with a pinch of salt. Its kind of how they justify the expensive price for what was just a £4 oil filter and £30 of oil service. They add onto it a 200 point check, to imply they have done a lot of work. Luckily you seem to not have fallen for it, but it does make you wonder how many customers would say "oh well, you had better do the work".
  3. Evo X would be the best bet. £22k for 0-60 4.4 secs. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/3936619.htm `kin ell, thats less money than the relatively boring bmw 123d I looked at last week.
  4. I think where people are coming from is that rather than the OP start spending 10k or more on his car only to find out the engine cant take it, or requires more expense to make stronger, its better to start with an engine which can. I think most people are agreeing through that it would take serious money and he`d be better off buying a different car if he wants something that fast.
  5. I think id definitely be looking at a HR roadster like mine if your going to start turbo`ing it or s/c`ing it. As stock, the quoted figure for the HR roadster 0-60 is around 5.7 seconds, so your`ll be looking to shave another second off that. How much extra power over the standard 309bhp you`ll need i dunno. On my Renault 5 GT Turbo, doubling the power of it knocked about 1.5 seconds off the 0-60 - down from 7 seconds to about 5.5 seconds. The other alternative to adding more power is lightening the car. According to the specs, the roadster weighs 100kg more than the coupe, but with the roadster im not sure how your`d even go about chopping weight out of it. They have alloy bonnets, alloy suspension. The folding hood where the roof goes is plastic and even the boot lid feels like its plastic. The prop shaft is carbon fibre and there's literally hardly anything metal above the floor pan apart from the engine (and even that is mounted lower than the older models to improve the center of gravity even more). If your got the rays wheels like mine, they save 4kg per corner already over the standard wheels. If you want a quick car, i think you`d be better off buying something like a scooby. They are very cheap now and you can get serious power from them for not much money if you are handy with the spanners.
  6. £51k I looked at a couple of older boxsters last year, as you can pick them up for £6k now. Thats a hell of a depreciation.
  7. 30?! Time for cheaper car insurance, and walking sticks!!!
  8. I put ICS on my Galaxy s2 earlier in the year. As always, it was released in other countries miles before the UK networks did it. Certainly a nice improvement over the old version, everything is smoother, slicker. Only problem I found is that some apps which worked fine in the older version of android are not happy with ICS....
  9. £6500 for a 2002 imported car and yet the consensus on here on another thread was that a 54 plater was only worth about £5000. So I think this guy is probably hoping a bit. As for the 185mph... well I read a while back a long thread that about how fast can a zed actually go if the electronic 155mph restrictor was taken off and the general consensus was that we were talking of nearly 180mph, especially for the 313 models with 309bhp. Im not sure anyone has actually been brave enough to try it out, but I may have to google later as im sure someone must have tried it. But then this guy reckons his very old imported zed has 323bhp... so maybe he has a flux capacitor installed and therefore 185mph would be more than achievable...
  10. +1 An engine can use oil in 2 ways really. Either the piston rings are worn, so oil seeps through and is burnt that way. Or, the valve seals get worn and oil seeps through those. Sometimes if cars are left standing for months and months and hardly used then the valve seals can dry out. Likewise, heavily abused engines can cause them to wear. I had a similar problem on one of my motorbikes and luckily it was just the valve seals, so I only had to get the head off and have them swapped. A compression test can shed some light on it, but the main killer with anything like this will be the labour costs involved in having someone strip half the engine down if its either of the above 2 problems. Head problems would be cheaper than bottom end problems. But as someone else said, its sometimes cheaper to just get a whole new engine. Id certainly look at the "time to sell the car" solution, but then again you take the risk that the car you are buying may also have problems......
  11. Also thefts from garages are higher as once a theif is inside a garage he is out of sight. Were as on a street they are in full view at all times. So in theory your car is "safer" from theft. Thats my understanding on it. The fact that in my case a thief would have to break through heavy duty steel security gates to get into my drive, then hotwire and move 2 cars out of the way, before then breaking into the garage in order to get to the car. Then have to break into the zed, start it up (waking the entire neighbourhood incl myself) and drive it out of the garage actually makes my premium more expensive than if I left the zed on the street outside.
  12. Dill rigs? Were they looking for herbs......... Only joking. Got any juicy insider gossip then? gossip like when are we going to make some big bucks You will my friend. Just be patient. Very patient....
  13. Definately up for that! Wouldnt mind a meet in MK. Nice to get out of N'pton every once in a while! Count me in on that. Will have to be end of June / start of July time for me as im off on holiday for most of June. Be good to see some more zeds though, i hardly ever see any.
  14. Around my way zeds are very rare cars, so I never really saw many of them. When I did I remember finding it very hard to decide whether I liked them or not. I liked the side profile, the door handles and the front, but the back end.... I really didnt like that at all. My mate test drove one once and he`d literally only got about 200 yards up the road and his missus made him stop the car, she got out and refused to get back in it was so quick. Id never actually seen a zed roadster before until last year when I was looking for a BMW M3 and I saw a 54 plate zed roadster sitting in a garage show room with the roof down. Unfortunately it was sold, but I looked around it, sat in it and pretty much instantly decided I wanted one rather than an M3. I then did some research on them and figured if i was going to get one I may as well get the best one they did, so the hunt was on for a 313 Roadster. There were only 2 within 100miles of my house for sale, so I had a look at a midnight blue one and that was the first time I actually saw a 313 and got to drive one. It was hammering down with rain and I think it was safe to say I was bricking it as I wasnt sure what to expect with 309bhp and RWD, esp in the rain. I loved it, but didnt like the colour and the dealer would not budge on the screen price. So, I went off to see the only other one which was for sale, which was in Birmingham. Loved it, although still wasnt sure about the big bum on it. Ended up buying there & then. Again, dealer wouldnt budge on the screen price as he knew how rare they were, and had another buyer lined up who was going to buy the car the next day. Probably one of the quickest purchases ive ever made. About 5 hours from deciding I wanted one to buying one outright for cash. Impulse buy? Maybe! But its been a lot of fun.
  15. I just noticed the same. Mines gone up by about 40% today alone. Very strange..... Guess it must be all the eurozone stuff.
  16. That engine damage looks nasty. Reminds me of when I dropped a valve on my 2 month old 500 mile old Ducati 748SPS....
  17. I toyed with the idea of an M6 a couple of years back,. I looked at a nice one in a BMW garage on Sunday. 05 plate i think it was, up for £55k. I didnt realise how big they were. Massive cars! With regards to the value of the zed. How long is a piece of string. I saw a 2004 roadster up for sale last week for £9999. And yet, the 313 2007 roadsters like mine seem to be around the £12k mark. 2004 coupe`s vary drastically from £5k upwards. Every seller seems to use a different number!!!
  18. Certainly is. Roof down this morning on the way into work for me made me remember how much I love my roadster. At this rate i`ll have a sun tan before the weekend!
  19. Welcome, im about ten minutes outside of Northampton, so may see you about!
  20. +1 ive had the same experience with my private plates. As for the value, ive tried selling plates before through number plate dealers and you can wait years for someone to come along and buy it. People tend to know DVLA sell cheap plates these days and so thats their first point of call. My mate sold his plate on ebay a few weeks back, and whilst he didnt get back what he paid for it, he got more then he thought and it was a nice quick sale.
  21. When I was looking for my roadster I only had the choice of 2 cars, as thats all what there were in a 100mile radius of my house. One of those was a midnight blue. I have to say whilst it was a very clean car with a GT pack and sat nav, the colour just didnt do a thing for me. My mates dad has a Skoda Fabia in the same colour and thats what it kept reminding me off. Saying that, I used to have an old Austin Mini in the same colour, but with a white roof and white bonnet stripes and it looked good! I think in general its not been a very popular colour on the zed, so they are quite rare.
  22. ?? RRL reached 23.5p on March 9th 2011, they have never been higher, so I can't see how you have an average of 27p. Unless you're broker is charging you 20% commission. It's a very high risk sector, share and market but if you can afford to, averaging down would be a good idea. Mind you, why listen to me............................................... As a cautionary story, if I had sold on that day at 23.5p, I would have made £64,0000 as I held 400,000 at 7.5p at the time. Unfortunately I believed all the hype and inexperience told me to hold. I've traded hard in them since as they swing wildly and have "made" £30,000 on those trades. Currently, I'm £20,200 in the red as I hold 317,000 at 12.9p. So if I sold tomorrow I'd walk away from the RRL story with a profit of £9,800. Not bad, but it ain't £64,000 so I'm staying long. My target is 50p and a £150,000 pay-day but the self-control I'll need to not sell in to a rise is, I think, beyond me. Latest (credible) rumour is that there IS a significant find in Puntland but Horn (drill operators on behalf of RRL) refuse to release the full news until the end of May when the Horn directors have the prices for their share options set. They obviously want the share price as low as possible during May because the option price is determined on an average share price for the last 30 days. If they'd announced a 200 million barrel find last week, HRN would be trading at $4 and not $0.80. Good luck to all. I'm going for a lie down. It's tiring work, this share stuff. Your right, i miss-typed. It was 20.7p my average, not 27p. Still, I doubled my holding of them on Friday buying a load at 6.98p which has bought my average down to a more sensible 13p(ish). Have to just hold on and hope they eventually hit our targets!
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