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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Logic says it should be the one worth the most cash. Unless you want to use the garage for something else. Ive a double garage and yet leave my new 123d m-sport in the drive along with the missus 6 month old Nissan Juke. Also, you may or may not have to factor in what difference it makes to the insurance if you tell them you are keeping the car in the garage rather than on the drive, as it very often increases your premium.
  2. Should have looked a bit harder and pressed on it a bit harder !! Have got owners handbook from Nissan @ Marshalls of Cambridge. Have also obtained 2nd key from same place - not cheap !! Guy was saying how often they get trade-ins with only one key. Saw a couple of posts about oil - recommendation is for 5/30 but have I read about using 10/40 ? Managed to get prices from Nissan parts department for filters etc - not too bad - but £95 for a set of 6 iridiums - I don't think so !! No not me - it will have the personalised plate from the FTO when paperwork come through. I have already noticed that people in Golf GTI's/2.0 TDI's, BMM Z3's etc all seem to think that they can straight-line you - very odd !! Only 2 keys? Mine had 3 keys. 2 drivers keys and a small plastic key with no blipper on it. Plugs certainly arnt cheap, but the other bits for a service are. Genuine oil filters are about 6quid, yours wont have the dual air boxes like mine had, so your only looking at one air filter and the oil is a reasonable price. It cost me half the price it costs to service my missus`s old Peugeot 307 HDI.
  3. Well had mine a couple of days now and have to say im very impressed with it. The OS is just so smooth and fast. Very nice. The OS is slightly different to ICS on my S2, but very similar to the CM9 Cyanogenmod OS im running on my other S2. The screen is very very sharp and easily as good to my eye as the ipad3 we have at home. Ive been busy with work so still havent had time to play fully with the nexus, but setting my s2 to "create wifi hotspot" I was instantly able to tether it to my phone to get 3g internet access on the move if there isnt a wifi hotspot nearby. Will report more after the w/end as hopefully i`ll get some more spare time then! EDIT: Well, got home and google must already sync your device settings with their cloud as without me doing anything the nexus already knew what my wifi was called and what the password was - automatically connecting perfectly. I could easily browse my home network and stream all my media from my media server straight to the nexus out of the box. We are still trying to get that to work on our ipad3! The screen is great as an e-reader. I just copied various .mobi format books I had to the Kindle directory and could view them fine. The Chrome browser on it seems faster than on my s2, but because chrome syncs, all my bookmarks appeared straight away. I was very impressed with the keypad on the nexus, it seems very accurate and easy to use. Very very few wrong key presses - unlike on earlier android keyboards. Using the device as a satnav in the car works well, although can be very distracting if you get something like a facebook alert popup as you find yourself tempted to start checking them or emails as they come in. The only thing im not impressed with is the sound quality from the built in speakers. It is shocking. Through headphones its brilliant, but the built in speaker... terrible. It maybe that I havent put the settings correct as it looks like there are different settings, base boost, equalisers etc.. which you can configure for various profiles etc.. Will have play later. All in all, for money this is a bargain.
  4. Having the inside pad wear before the outside pad is actually pretty common. I see it all the times on cars I change the pads on. Its usually because the caliper isnt sliding on the rails properly - its full of rust and brake dust etc. So the inside pad is doing more "work" than the outside pad. A good clean up and a spot of lube (make sure you dont get it on the pads or disc) helps. It is very strange though that the rear pads have worn before the front. I wonder if like you say, the dealer only changed the front ones.
  5. That sounds just like Admiral. I had them phoning me up nearly every other day claiming they could insure all the cars in our household to "save you money". Every time they wouldnt believe it when I told them they wouldnt be cheaper. So they go through all the details and sure enough they always came back more expensive. One vehicle in particular i was quoted 80quid fully comp and they came back at 400quid fully comp. 80 quid for what?! sinclair c5? 1988 Renault 5 GT Turbo.
  6. £345 for an oil change? You have to be sh*tting me! That is *very* excessive. Genuine filter is about a fiver and oil is about 30quid. Even a YTS trainee mechanic could do it in about 30mins. Longest bit i found was getting the sump shield off. Even if they charged £50 an hour and charged for the full hour (to give the YTS lad chance to have a cup of tea and a sleep) your`d be looking at less than £100.
  7. Maybe its only new Peugeots then or Peugeot petrols which are dodgy? Our 2003 307HDI now has 120k on it and still going strong, cost me less to maintain than my VW Golf did - £10 in 40k miles isnt bad at all for parts. Prior to that we had a Peugeot 106 1.5 Diesel which I had from 80k up to 170k and engine was still going strong. My brother has a 1998 Peugeot 306 D Turbo which hes had from 50k, now its showing 120k on it, still going strong. My ex gf has a 2000 306 HDI which she has done about 40k on, now at 120k without any problems.... and so on.
  8. I had white alloys on a previous car. To me they always remind me of the speedline rally alloys you see on rally cars. They were also a total nightmare to keep clean. Personally on a grey car, id go for the standard silver colour.
  9. Is that a factory colour? They did white for some of the last 313`s if i remember rightly. That seems a very good price too.
  10. Coupe for £4000. Hmm.... how about aHyundai Coupe? They must be around that sort of price now and I know a few people who have had them and enjoyed them. As someone else said, Audi TT`s must be getting cheaper now. Whilst you said you wanted something a bit sporty, personally id go for something a bit non sporty. That way, when you get back in the zed you will really appreciate the performance difference. I know I did, when I was driving the missus`s old shed (Peugeot 307 HDI) for a few weeks then got back in the zed a couple of times a week. It was like climbing out of a transit van and getting into a spaceship the difference in performance. Made me love my zed again! Speaking of which, the Peugeot 307 HDI we have as our shed isnt a bad motor. 52mpg every week, 600 miles on a tank of diesel, cruises smoothly & comfortably at 80mph all day long. Cant hear the engine when your stopped in traffic (have to keep checking to see if ive stalled it). Only thing we have had to do to it is new tyres and suspension top mounts (10quid), in the last 40,000 miles. Sure, 0-60 takes a while as its only got 90bhp, but 4 doors, plenty of room for adults (took 3 mates all the way from Northampton to Manchester & back in it the other week), and a massive boot on it. Depreciation on it has been roughly £500 a year. £120 a year to tax and £200 to insure. Sure, its not what you are looking for, but ive been pleasantly supprised by this old shed!
  11. For that money id be looking at something like a mk4 Golf TDI. nearly 60mpg, lovely drive and reliable. That beemer, advert doesnt show mileage and he says "below average". Well, average for 2003 would be about 130,000, so because he`s not listing it, id expect you are looking at over 100k. Not that thats a problem, but 30k peugeot compared to 100k+ beemer. All depends on what you want though. If you want a family 4 door saloon, or a hatchback, or a sporty car... so much to choose from these days.
  12. It amazes me at how the car appears to be undamaged and yet it got on the barrier somehow. I bet they probably caused more damage getting it off there!
  13. Mental! Wants me to go out on my R1 now.... although not in the snow!
  14. Repost!!!!!! But never the less, always amazes me when i see that pic.
  15. That sounds just like Admiral. I had them phoning me up nearly every other day claiming they could insure all the cars in our household to "save you money". Every time they wouldnt believe it when I told them they wouldnt be cheaper. So they go through all the details and sure enough they always came back more expensive. One vehicle in particular i was quoted 80quid fully comp and they came back at 400quid fully comp.
  16. Spotted last night at about 6pm, heading north, a14. Somewhere between Bar Hill and Cambridge Services. Grey 2005 UK Roadster. Guy in suit driving, poodling along at 60mph. **05 PMO
  17. Im pretty sure the one at Crown motors is my old one as theres not many of them in the country. Its a 313 model, so 309bhp rather than the 276bhp yours has. It also has the optional extra Alezan Orange seats (£650 when new), the Sat Nav (£1400 when new) and the Rays alloys. It has the ipod modification in it, new Falken tyres (£600), K1 exhaust, just had P2 service and 12 months MOT. Only thing it would need is new spark plugs if they havent already done them, as they are due. Were you on the a14 at about 6pm last night travelling north from Cambridge as I overtook an 05 plate grey roadster who was cruising at 60mph (in a 70mph zone). **05 PMO I think the plate was.
  18. Its all down to personal preference really!
  19. `kin ell 9k is a bit strong, i just sold my 2007 313 fully loaded, low mileage one for a little more than that. Im in Cambridge too, so will look out for you!
  20. Just looking at what these go for on Autotrader and maybe I should have bought one of these instead of my 123d.
  21. Huh? Really?! Where the hell is mine then?! i ordered on the 28th June. Yeah a lot of complaints online about googles delivery. If you order from their website it says 1->2 weeks delivery, but on ebuyer.com a lot of people got theirs on the 13th as they had a batch they could send out. Now ebuyer are showing out of stock, but pcworld are claiming they have them in stock and should be delivering mine within next 3 days. They could have delivered it "next day" but I didnt fancy forking out an extra £3.95 for that. Whether or not it will actually show up i`ll see. Just been reading some of the benchmarking tests and it actually beats the ipad3 in some areas and isnt far off it in others.
  22. His price is cheaper, his car has more mods than yours and his car is newer. Boom I have to say I am not looking forward to my quote for the 370z... received 3 points recently so hopefully it wont go up too much I checked out what difference 3 points would make to mine and it increased the premium by 10%.
  23. I think thats a very good price indeed. I was quoted something like £900 for my renewal on my 2007 313 Roadster and im 40 with 20 years NCB. I managed to get it down to about £600 in the end I think by shopping about.
  24. rabbitstew

    Golf R32

    The R32 is one of the cars ive always wanted. My brother had a VR6 golf many years back and it was just incredible the amount of power it had. Handled like a sack of the brown stuff though. The MK4 golfs also handled terribly - I had to replace the shocks on my MK4 GTI with uprated Koni struts and lower it by about -40 before it handled like it was on rails.
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