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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. +1. Ferrodo ds2500 pads were incredible in my zed. Not cheap, but good!
  2. +1 Think Luke has covered it all. The key I find when selling a car is you really need to come over as an enthusiast who has really looked after the car - I find that inspires confidence in buyers and they are more likely to overlook a "flakey" service history if they know you have cared well for it and looked after it.
  3. Yeah, I expect the higher trim and option levels are much nicer. The plastics are a cut below even the 350s no fuss dash, boggo stereo means no steering wheel controls, and the seats have no real bolsters! Could be worse, could be a Micra! Yeah sounds like its a poverty spec one, but your right. At least its not a Micra!!!!!
  4. Definitely the M3. Rated as probably the best car in the world in nearly all the reviews ive read. I seriously considered one when I bought my 123d a few weeks back as I could have picked up a 2nd hand V8 M3 for the same money. But, only thing which put me off was the running costs as it would be by daily commuter!
  5. You can cancel an ebay listing at at any time, even if someone is already bidding on it. It asks you for the reason why and you can just put "no longer for sale" or whatever you want. If you have bidders or watchers then expect to get some messages from them asking if its still for sale etc...
  6. They do kinda grow on you though. I hated my missus new one when we got it in Jan, but its kinda grown on me loads since then. Now with 14,000 on the clock the diesel engine has loosened up a treat and its surprisingly nippy. We got the Nissan Connect pack with the sat nav / reversing cam / bluetooth / music streaming etc. and it works really well. All the controls are in the right places and having driven it on some long drives its quite a nice car to be in. Not as nice as my beemer mind you, but it was half the price.
  7. Definitely. I think its because not many dealers know about zeds. The amount I see which say they are GT or a 313 and they clearly are not. On the other end of the scale, the garage which was selling my old zed didnt list any of the extras at all. They assumed everything on it came as standard, rather than there being over 5 grand of optional extras on it. Just shows you really have to do your research before you buy a car!
  8. Hey everybody, this threads vaguely about a Porsche so if everyone else could stop posting, Ekona's got it all covered Yep, I will leave him to it. He is clearly the expert.
  9. If your only doing 4k a year then the tyres will last a very long time. Your right, for me its all about in gear performance and 2nd & 3rd on the zed are pretty good and by then your doing well over legal speeds anyway. 1st and 2nd gear on the zed are very restricted by the ecu in that it delivers the power slowly rather than give you it all at once, in order to try and help traction. Looking at porsches website your porsche weighs about 100kg less than a zed, has 325bhp compared to the zeds 309bhp and 273lb ft compared to the 268lb ft the zed. So, the porsche has the advantage in those figures!
  10. Thats what i did but as others have said its a very fiddly job.
  11. Boxsters are one of those cars you love or hate. I did consider them at one point as i could have bought 2 of them for the same price I paid for my 313 and still had change. But, they just didnt do anything for me. Looks, styling, the whole image. Even the performance didnt come close to the 313 zed unless you got one of the very newest ones they did, although the handling on the boxster is said to be better. That said, my mate loves them and gave me no end of stick for picking a "Nissan" over a "Porsche". Id try one out and see what you think.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. As a 313 owner for the last 18 months, ive just sold mine so can give you a good break down of the running costs. When you workout the total running costs including tax, insurance, mot, tyres, servicing, everything.. mine was costing me around £250 a month all in. That`s assuming you dont have a big expense like a clutch etc. I fitted new set of tyres on mine and it was £600 all around for Falkens. Bridgestones would have been nearly £1000. Servicing varys from £170 for minor to £400 for a major. However, its well within DIY capability and I did my last service myself which came to around £35 for the parts. MPG depends on how you drive. 15mpg if its a weekend toy or a better 26mpg if you use it as a daily 25000 mile a year commuting vehicle like I did. Brakes depends on what you go for. If you go OEM its going to be cheaper, but I went for DS2500 pads which were £250 all around. You mention depreciation... well that depends on where you buy from and where you sell. I bought mine from a main dealer and then sold it to another main dealer 18 months later, and lost £6500 in the process. Which ever way you look at it, thats quite a bit of depreciation there, something like a 30% drop. If I had bought / sold privately I would probably have only lost £4k judging from prices, but the 2nd hand market is very hard atm for cars like the zed. Fun factor? Whilst its not all about 0-60, whats your porsche do 0-60 in? 5 seconds? The 313 is about 5.5 or 5.8 I think, so not too far off so when you put your foot down it will go. As standard I felt the HR sounded great, very sporty and with an aftermarket exhaust it was even better. The driving experience you need to try as if its all down to personal taste really whether you like it or not. The bits I didnt like was that I felt the zed was a bit too heavy & the suspension was a bit too soft compared to other cars id been used to. Also the TC had a tendency to cut in until the tyres were fully warmed up. But the plus points was that the steering was brilliant and the actual on the road performance against other cars was great. I was very often surprised at just how quick the zed was and could keep up with cars which on paper should been much quicker. All in all I found owning a zed a really good fun experience. One of the biggest factors with zeds which was one of the reasons I went for one over an s2000 or a Porsche or a BMW Z4 is that they are very rare. The 313 Roadster I had was just one of around 250 in the country and during my 18 months of ownership I only ever saw 1 other one. And in fact I could probably count on 1 hand the number of 350z`s I actually saw on the road during that time. Its one of those cars which is so rare people actually stop and stare at you. I had complete strangers coming over and saying "nice car mate" to me, which I hadnt had in a very long time. So you have a kinda of exclusivity when you own one. If I was you id try a couple out and see what you think. For your £15k budget theres a lot of cars you could get, so you really are spoilt for choice!
  13. I personally wouldnt bother with a 2nd hand reader when you can get new ones off ebay for around a tenner.
  14. Think about the mpg and that will make you feel a bit better....
  15. Which fat burners are they? I need to try them. None of the over the counter ones seem to do anything these days. Where as back in the day most of them contained stimulants like speed etc to make you rush around everywhere & loose calories. Its the ones with Ephedrine in them........they're banned in many countries as they've effectively got Amphetamines in them. Apparently they send you loopy. I've tried that testosterone booster as well (see if I could grow some pubes).........they give you whacky dreams. Basically its all a load of shite..........like the ebay modders sticker says, you want "built not bought" If your wanting testosterone, best just getting injections. T400 or similar. Training on steroids is hard. People think its cheating but its not. Your diet has to be perfect an you have to train very very hard. Most over the counter stuff is crap. Black mamba and t5's are usually available from behind the counter at most bodybuilding stores. They are an e.c.a stack and cause crazy nightmares, depression etc as your are literally taking speed. Start doing squats Ricey, it makes your test levels go up. Legs are very important when training but probably the most forgotten about tbh as you end up in agony or a week afterwards. T400 eh? Sounds like i need to look out for some of that stuff then..
  16. Which fat burners are they? I need to try them. None of the over the counter ones seem to do anything these days. Where as back in the day most of them contained stimulants like speed etc to make you rush around everywhere & loose calories.
  17. Its like those fatburners you can buy. "turbo anabolic extreme fat blaster shredder ninja burners" it says on the tin. When in reality all they do is maybe suppress your appetite a little and raise your body temperature slightly so you naturally burn a little more calories off. Nothing compares to the simple calorie watching and doing a bit of exercise.
  18. Err.. around my way 99.9% of them do leave the road... they usually mount the pavement outside the school when they park up...
  19. Whats a two hand car? Is that one you measure like horses, so its only 2 hands off the floor?
  20. Always a bit of a gutting moment watching your car drive off. Its like having someone run off with your girlfriend......
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