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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Theres quite a few more Braun designs which look extraordinarily like Apple designs listed here.... http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-br ... 012-9?op=1
  2. I used to use firefox until it got all bloated, then switched to chrome. Esp like the way on chrome it links all my favourites and search history with my mobile & tablet. Saying that, I actually tried firefox again the other day as there was a plug in I wanted to use which was only on firefox and the new firefox looks really nice - and with the firefox beta app on my phone it too lets you sync favourites etc. between devices. Havent used IE for years.
  3. Your too far from me, else you could have borrowed mine. Saying that, they arnt expensive to buy, im sure i only paid a tenner for my set. Good luck though. I have changed no end of springs on many different cars and always hate the job. Its not difficult, but just such a pain winding the spring compressors up. Next time i do it i will use the windy gun on them.
  4. The Quad Core Samsung Galaxy S3 scores around the 1800 range on geekbench so this article is incorrect. It was probably referring to the US only Galaxy S3 which apparently has a dual core processor and not the quad core everyone else gets. Not bad for a phone which is 6 month older than the iphone 5. http://www.itproportal.com/2012/09/17/b ... axy-s-iii/
  5. Ive been servicing my mates focus for the last year or so and its all really easy to do. Did the brakes on it for him a few months back as well as a full service - all the bits were well cheap. 11quid for full set of front brake pads, and service bits came to less than 30quid. Only thing which is a complete git to do and ive no idea why ford did it, is that the pollen (cabin) filter on it is actually up under the dashboard behind the glove box. So you have to strip out the entire glove box, move the fuse box etc etc to get to it!!! God knows why they didnt just put it under the bonnet like most manufactorers do.
  6. Quite near to where we are staying next month. I'm quite a bit older than th last time I was in Prague....I hope I can still cope wit partying in Lavka till 6am! The club next door to Lavka was much better, spread over 5 floors each floor playing different music...... cant remember the name of it though........ Is that the one with the drained out swimming pool in the basement where they play hard core dance and no health / safety policies at all? I remember going to Prague for a stag do in 2001 and beer was 10p a pint. I remember buying the first round in a pub for ten lads and we just couldnt believe how cheap it was. Im sure its all changed now. The thing I didnt like about Prague was the dodgy taxi drivers. They always tried to rip you off. At one point one taxi took us all to a brothel on an industrial estate out of the centre when we only wanted to go to the train station!
  7. Depends how rich you and your mates are. I had my stag do in June just gone and I decided to stay in the UK. Anywhere in Europe and you have to get another mortgage out as your looking at 5 or 6quid a pint and you know how much beer gets drunk on a stag do!!! I went to Manchester and it was a cracking weekend. Loads of pubs, clubs and stuff to do. Also didnt cost an arm and a leg. Ive also been on stag do`s in Leeds, Newcastle & Edinburgh. All good places to go.
  8. "Police are investigating exactly how the car managed to "take off" from street level " !!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!! I know, no-one ever did find out how he managed it. Maybe some cars have a secret "turbo boost" button ala Knight Rider?
  9. They must have been going at a hell of a speed to launch off that TT and into the 1st floor of that house. Still, if its a 30mph zone then they will probably get to go on the "speed awareness" course and get let off with no points.
  10. Wouldn't let my missus anywhere near my zed. Purely because I've seen how she drives her own car.
  11. Very true, but most insurance companies charge 5% or 10% more if you use a credit card, cheapest way would be to use debit card to avoid fees, but obviously then you need the full amount in the bank.
  12. Looks like a japspeed and you can see the bolts holding the bungs in so I'd expect they are included. But op will confirm.
  13. I'd steer away from 2 strokes. Too narrow power band and not as easy to ride as a 4 stroke. Motorbikes are dirt cheap now. I'd be looking at something like a 1999 kawasaki zx6r.
  14. Welcome! All those questions can be answered via the search. The face lift added improved interior trim and few other bits like headlamps and bumper. For your money I'd go for the 313 which was the most powerful one they did and had lots of improvements over the face lift. Only problem with the 313 is that they came out mid 2007 so definitely will be higher tax bracket. I had a 313 with the oem sat nav and I found it perfect for what I want. You can get new maps and it new of everywhere I wanted to go. Even new roads. Nice big screen too. Only criticism people have is that it hasn't got speed cameras on it and rather than postcode you type in city, street and number. Not noticed dimpled seats.... Do you mean the fishnet mesh the roadster seats have? Good luck with your searching.
  15. rabbitstew


    Same here. I had one for a few days and just couldn't get on with it. It was ok when you were giving it some stick on twisty back roads but I just didn't like it for normal driving.
  16. Welcome. I too had to choose between the e46 m3 or a 350z. I went for the 313 350Z and definitely think it was the right choice.
  17. Hold on. Look at the figures. Q2 2012, 68% of smart phones sold were android, and only 17% were iOS (Apple). So, its not a case of Android "catching up" with Apple, they have long since flown by them and are the most popular OS on smart phones. Thats partly because android isnt just 1 phone, its on hundreds of different models of phones. So you get basic lower level 80quid PAYG entry phones running the same android as say the top of the range Samsung Galaxy S3. Looking at the specs, the iphone 5 is way behind the S3 even on the hardware, and the new Nokia 920 is even further behind. Although until we get some actual benchmark testing done we wont know exactly how they all compare hardware wise. I was also reading about how apple spend hardly anything on their research & development compared to other companies such as Samsung, so its hardly surprising that they are falling behind. I find that really surprising when they are one of the biggest companies in the world now.
  18. APMSL The brand spanking new iPhone 5 has a smaller screen than an S3, no NFC, no HD output, no drag and drop from Windows, a slower processor, shorter battery life, less camera options, you cant upgrade or replace the memory or battery, it wont run Flash or Java and you need to replace every connector you already have. Ive got nothing against iPhones, they are easy to use and all that but it seems that once again Apple are recycling existing technology and charging a lot of money for it. +1
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