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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Outside of the normal mad insurance statistics they use, I think its probably more on the "book" value of the car than the actual year. When I got my 2007 313 350z Roadster, the insurance companies went mad and the cheapest quotes I was getting was around the £1200. I managed to get it down to £900. Thats for a 40 year old, clean licence, 20 years NCB living in a quiet town cul-de-sac. I was amazed. As the Golf GTI I had previously was only costing me about £190 a year and my Yamaha R1 was costing me £60 a year. I could only assume it was because the 350z was coming in at about £16,000 as the book value. Interestingly though ive just renewed the insurance on my 123d beemer and thats coming in at a fraction over 300 quid, for a car they have given a "book" value of £25,000 on. But, its the m-sport coupe, so statistically less have been crashed or claimed for as there arnt as many on the roads atm as 350z`s.
  2. Im paranoid about speeding and have been for years, with insurance costs going up all the time, the last thing I want is any points. I only "make progress" on roads I know well and are safe, and you have to be 110% alert at all times. You were asking about speed camera gadgets. Personally I use an app called Waze on my phone, which is a sat nav. Has all the speed cameras and users can report any police / accidents / traffic / mobile cameras as they are driving about and it alerts other drivers instantly. It also does all the normal sat nav things like rerouting you if any traffic etc. etc. Another good app is trapster which does a similar kind of thing.
  3. Dont you have to have an Arthur Daley style camel coat if you buy a Jag?
  4. Spotted heading east on A14, queuing up in traffic at Huntingdon roundabout this morning at about 9am (6/11/2012).. Black 350z, private plate P*NSA. Had a massive boot spoiler on it, probably Nismo, but it looked bigger than the boot! Bloke driving.
  5. Good luck with the dealer. Typically have they will offer you 25 to 30 percent less than their forecourt price.
  6. My advice on this would certainly not rush into buying anything. I bought a load of shares, must have been 2 years ago now, and now they are all worth about 10% of what I paid! Im holding onto them now hoping that one day they will go back up to at least what i paid! And that was after I did my research on the companies!!!! Shares are a total minefield and no matter how much research you do, anything can happen. Id workout which shares you think look good, then rather than buy them, just watch them for 6 months or more and see whether your choices were good or not!
  7. I didnt realise the older cars didnt have an auto tensioner like the HR does. Ive learnt something new today!
  8. I had the same choice to make when I bought mine. I went for the HR, as it was like night & day over the older engines. You only have to read on the net what improvements Nissan made to the engine. Basically its an 80% new engine. They did everything they possibly could to squeeze as much power from it. Built in Ram Air so at speed it generates more power, improved cooling, the engines mounted lower in the chasis than older cars to improve the centre of gravity & handling, 7500rpm rev limit.. etc. etc. Not only that, there were loads of other improvements they did to the 2007+ HR cars to improve handling / steering etc.., There was a massive long list of them on one of the threads here somewhere. I remember I had the sales brouchures for the 2007 models listing all the "new for 2007" which I think I added to that thread at the time. I was really surprised at just how much they did to the car. Previously, the price of the HR put a lot of people off as it was significantly more than an older 276bhp model. So it was cheaper to buy the 276, add the air filter, pendulum mod, exhaust, revup, remap etc. etc. etc. and get it to 300bhp than fork out the extra and buy the HR with 309bhp as standard. But, now HR`s are creeping down in price more people can afford them.
  9. Some people like the thrill of it I guess, or want best of both worlds. My ex cheated on me with her ex. Luckily I have a "spider sense" and could tell straight away - so I caught her out and finished our relationship there & then. For her it was a case of her ex was her first BF and he always had a certain hold over her. They must have "got back together" dozens of times before I started dating her. He only had to snap his fingers and she`d come running. Think he couldnt bare her to be happy with anyone else. I guess I had the last laugh as they were only back together for a couple of months before they split up again - she then started seeing someone else and got herself knocked up, so then had to get married in a hurry. Feel sorry for her new bloke though, as now shes got a family it wont be fun when she goes running back to her ex again.
  10. Thats amazing. I was paying £190 for a Gold Diesel and was paying £900 for my 350z, thats with 20 years NCB and a clean license. You must live in middle of nowhere and be 100 years old!
  11. +10000000000000000000000 +1111111111111111111111111111111 Im still suffering from driving my zed for 20k miles with a K1 on it. Im seriously deaf now. No difference to MPG at all btw.
  12. Having serviced my HR 350Z myself i dont see how just changing oil & oil filter could cause any problems like you describe. The oil filter is easy to get to once you have removed the undertray - its the same oil filter as fitted to most Nissans, incl the Nissan Micra! The oil goes in the top of the engine, nice & easy. Theres no wires or anything you have to remove, so even a YTS trainee should not have any problems. I wonder what else they changed in the service. It could be anything really - blocked air filter, ignition problems, fuel starvation.... a sensor, but id say its more likely to be some problem the car has always had, rather than relating to a service. Lets hope the dealer can trace it down. Seems mad that they changed the clutch on it!!!
  13. Im not sure what the AH rating is. I just used a cheap LIDL battery charger / conditioner on mine, think it cost less than a tenner. In fact I bought 2 of them - one for my motorbike too.
  14. As a quick update, the Nissan Juke is still going strong. It had its 1st service last week at 19,000 miles. Before the service, after a bit of investigation by myself, what I thought was a blowing exhaust actually turned out to be the air filter housing coming out of its mounts under the bonnet, and therefore the plastic pipe which feeds it from the front of the car is resting on the engine and vibrating like mad. Strange as it sounds just like a blowing exhaust! I asked the garage to fix it as part of the service and they helpfully seem to have totally forgot about it, as its still doing it. The only other problem flagged up was that the front passenger electric window motor has died so they have ordered a replacement which will take a few weeks to arrive apparently. Strange as we have only used that window maybe 5 times at most! Not good! The tyres look like they are barely even 1/2 worn, so we should be on track to maybe get nearly 40k miles out of them which is good. Bodywork is holding up well, no new marks appeared, although the internal door cards are showing a few scratches already from where the missus has loaded things in / out. What was very strange however, is the Nissan main dealer who we took the car to for the service gave us a Ford Fiesta as a courtesy car! Strange as I was kind of expecting some bottom of the range Nissan Leaf or Note or something as a courtesy car - certainly not a Ford! Also very helpfully they make sure the courtesy car is totally empty of fuel, so you have to fill it up before you drive off. I guess they do this, as you are unlikely to be able to judge how much fuel you put in to match your miles, so they always end up making some free fuel out of it. Very annoying as if you are in a rush, you then have to fill a car up with petrol before you can go. Id much rather then ran it full-to-full on the fuel rather than zero-to-zero. The wifes mileage isnt as much as what she was doing when we first got the Juke back in Jan, so I expect we`ll average 25,000 miles in this car over the first 12 months.
  15. I met most of my previous girlfriends via work. Same old story really, you spent most of your time at work, and so usually build up a good friendship with people at work, and if one of your work mates happens to be a hot bird, then before long an attraction will appear. Either that, or you join a new company and immediately spot some hot chick and become friends with her. I had some really good relationships this way, although the obvious problem is when you split up with the person, then have to change jobs as you just cant face going to work and seeing your ex there. In fact, thinking about all my mates. Every single one of them met their missus via work. Except one who met his missus whilst on holiday in Mexico. Where this fell over for me was when as a single straight guy I joined a company which was full of blokes and no women working there. Doh! So, anyway, after being single for a while a mate persuaded me to joined a popular online dating agency just to make some new friends of the opposite sex. I had mixed results on there - most of the women who contacted me seemed to be single for a reason - either mad stalker types or morbidly obese and not attractive. I did meet a couple of really nice girls who were interested in me, but the feeling wasnt mutual. But, one of the girls I did meet turned out to be really nice and I ended up dating her. That was 4 years ago now and we are now married. So, online dating sites can work, but i guess its a bit like when you go night clubbing. You get certain types of people playing the numbers game and just trying it on with everyone in the hope one will put out as all they are interested in is a quick leg over. Dating sites which need subscribing to reduce this problem to some degree.
  16. I think this is the best option. But where do I draw the line? So far they have taken the wallpaper off 1.5 walls in the room and are halfway through pealing the paper off wall number 3. I can replaster the walls with the blown plaster myself - this will take a good few hours and probably coming back a few days later to finish off. Then once its all dry (couple of days) id have to go back and then hang the new lining paper up. But then do I then strip the other 2.5 walls myself, replaster & put new paper up also, or leave them to do it, hoping that even without using a steamer they dont end up pulling more plaster off? What about painting do I then go back and paint the room for them? You can see it soon adds up and will involve a lot of journeys to the house & back (house is about 80miles from where i live). If the house was empty and I had a week off work, id happily do it myself like I did in the spare room. I`ll see how it goes Saturday and if needbe will take my tools incase i need to make a start on the work.
  17. Thanks everyone for the comments. Tough one really isnt it. As others have said, i shouldnt have agreed to let them decorate, but they have just agreed to sign a 12 month lease, rather than the normal 6 month lease, so I felt that I should let them in order to keep them happy - bit like the new cooker & redecorating the spare room. Whilst they have messed up due to their inexperience in decorating by heavy handed use of a steamer, the general consensus is that I should have foreseen that they may have done this and should have told them explicitly not to use a steamer. Im going to have a look at the "damage" this weekend. The approach im going to take is to advice them that they shouldnt have used the steamer and its really therefore their fault. If they just google "wallpaper steamer plaster" there is no end of stuff saying how you shouldnt use steamers and be careful as they can blow plaster off walls. Theres also loads of stuff from letting agreements, councils & housing associations instructing tenants not to use steamers under any circumstances. I`ll then advice them on how I would go about repairing the damage if I was them - looking at the photos they have sent me, personally I think a bit of plaster / finishing skim should be enough to repair the damage they have done, and by the time the new lining paper is put up, it should hide everything nicely. Afterall - it looked fine before!!!! If they arnt happy with this, then I may just repair it myself - ive seen worse walls before and its nothing I couldnt make a half decent job of with some plaster. It just means wasting a day of my time. Thanks for everyones advice.
  18. Ah that explains why mine wasnt working. All fixed now.! yey!
  19. Yey!! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Good idea there. Will have to give that a look.
  21. I agree with what your saying. In retrospective I should have just told them to leave it as it is. The walls had lining paper on for a reason, and now we know what that reason is - the walls are bad! If it was my main house id probably just reskim it myself a bit and then put the new lining paper up - but when I factor in the time and hassle it soon adds up. But then again, last time I got a quote from a plasterer to skim a couple of walls they wanted nearly £500. I see now why the councils & housing association contracts I was reading on line specifically state no steamers to be used. I certainly will remember to tell them not to use that again!
  22. After a bit of advice. We rent out a house to some tenants. Its around 1950`s build, so obviously not brand spanking new. Our tenants are inexperienced in life. This is their first place they have lived outside their parents house and also they have never done any decorating before. So, when they wanted to move in they asked whether I could redecorate the spare room for them. Out of the kindness of my heart I said yes and redecorated it for them. They then said the cooker looked a bit old (perfectly working mind you), and because new cookers werent expensive, I had a new cooker fitted for them as i figured it would make the kitchen look better for my next tenants in the future. So, ive been quite good so far. I guess I was in a good mood at the time. Anyway, last week they ask me if they can redecorate the bedroom. I say yes, no problem, as long as you make a good job of it - figuring if they are happy to forkout some cash decorating a room it means they are likely to want to stay there for more than 6 months. Now, this morning I get a call from them saying that the plaster is all falling off the walls as they get the wall paper off and want me to pay for someone to replaster the whole room. I send my brother over to have a look, as Im stuck at work. Basically what they seem to have done is to use a wallpaper steamer and because they are inexperienced at decorating, have happily ended up blowing most of the plaster off the walls. Sure, its an old house so you`d expect the walls not to be brand new, and so normally you`d have to be extra careful. I certainly didnt have too much problem when I did the spare room a few months back. When I used to rent a house, i remember i was responsible for all the inside, so if i made any mess or anything I had to repair it. Including filling holes where id pulled plaster off and redecorating etc. In fact I remember i used to keep quiet about any damage id done and id repair it myself quickly for fear of loosing my house deposit! Looking at the tenancy agreement I have with them, it says the tenant is responsible for keeping the premises in good tenantable condition, they agree to keep interior of the house incl fixtures / fittings / furniture and effects all in good repair and condition and safeguard them against any damage. Looking online, a lot of councils and housing associations actually specifically state in their agreements that tenants should not use steam wall paper strippers for exactly this reason - so it seems to be quite a common "mistake" tenants make. In my mind, its the tenants fault. The walls looked fine before hand, they have damaged them in stripping off the wallpaper using their steamer and so they should repair them, making sure that after they have finished they look as good as they did before they started. However, the tenants parents are quite aggressive people, and it sounds like they have said "oh, the landlord will sort that out", and therefore the tenants expect us to sort it all out. Im going to see them this weekend and I thoroughly expect they will get their parents to come over at the same time for support, but where do I stand? Is it their fault for being heavy handed in getting wall paper off? Or, is it down to me to make sure the interior plaster is all repaired. As after all i had no idea what condition the walls were behind the paper only that they looked nice and smooth and when ever id nailed up pictures and stuff, they held up fine. Anyone else been in a similar boat?
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