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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Good luck with undoing it. I took my exhaust off after just 20k miles and my god those bolts were like rusted solid. Even though i took my time and used penetrating fluid etc... i still managed to sheer one bolt off... then began the painful process of trying to drill out the stud to replace with a new nut / bolt.... argh! Ive swapped loads of exhausts before on cars and never had one do that before, esp after such low miles.
  2. Actually saw this stuff for sale in the local supermarket at the weekend for the first time and just couldnt get my head around how it could work with no water - like others have said surely you are just pushing the grit around the car on the cloth!!! Pictures the OP posted do look good tho!
  3. Depending on what tools you have, the zed is very very easy to service yourself. They actually use the same oil filter as nissan micras! Hardest bit i found was getting the undertray off.... seemed like there was a hundred screws holding it on. Once it was off, the actual oil change etc... was really easy.
  4. Takes her that long to wake up! I always keep some spare pies in the fridge at work! Eating a lovely Venison pie atm which a visitor bought me at the w/end!
  5. I dont think a gazebo would last 5 minutes unfortunately.
  6. Might depend on how busy their techs are. I know when I blew up my Ducati a few years back the reason they took 3 months to fix it was because they`d rather their mechanics worked on servicing customers bikes (which they could charge the customer for) than a warranty repair as they couldnt charge out their mechanics time for that.
  7. Funnily enough those were the first things bmw offered me when I started haggling! First it was 1/2 tank of diesel, then a full tank, then a years road tax (£110). I think it was because they were trying to tempt me with the things which cost them the less. £50 of fuel & £110 road tax is probably a lot less than having their mechanics spend a few hours retro fitting something to the car.
  8. Very nice. I wish my morning was as exciting. Mine goes more like: 4:00am - Cat wakes me up demanding breakfast - try to ignore him. 4:30am - Cat getting increasingly more violent in his attempts to make me get up & feed him, so i give in, give him his breakfast and go back to bed 5:15am - Just manage to drop back off to sleep. 5:25am - Wife`s alarm goes off and she then snoozes it every 10minutes on the dot until 6:30am. 5:30am - Cant get back to sleep because of the above so i get up, pack my lunch, shovel endless amounts of cat sh!t into the wheelie bin, clean house, do washing up etc. etc. 6:30am - Wife gets up moaning ive been making too much noise cleaning. 7:00am - Iron shirt, have shower, check work emails, have breakfast. 8:00am - Leave for work, which is a 42mile journey 10:10am - Arrive work work having spent over 2 hours stuck in traffic.
  9. Depends on which model of zed you are after too. I bought my 2007 313 GT Roadster back in March last year. It was one of only 3 for sale within 100miles of my location and the dealer refused point blank to drop a penny off the full screen price, which was £15995 if i remember correctly. Id already been to look at one of the other cars for sale and that dealer also refused to drop a single penny off the screen price so I had walked away from that sale. I managed to negotiate 6 months road tax (£240 odd) and a full MOT, but that was it. I tried every trick in the book, even starting to walk away etc... which normally works on previous cars ive bought. I had no part-ex and it was a cash purchase. In my case I think it was that the particular car was a very high spec, low mileage example, the dealer knew it was only one of 250 313 Roadsters in the UK and with summer rapidly approaching he knew that he`d be able to sell it no problem. I think for more run of the mill coupe`s you may well be more likely to be able to knock a few quid off as not everyone can afford a big engined, high tax car these days. And with Xmas approaching, the car sales markets are traditionally very much a buyers market at this time of year. I sold the zed and bought a beemer a few months back and managed to get around 10% knocked off the screen price after a lot of hard negotiation.
  10. Mine was the Twilight Grey and had the tan leather... I presume by "tan" people mean the Alezan orange. Its worth noting that this was an optional extra ontop of the GT pack, costing £600 more over the normal leather. They are very much down to an individuals taste. I think they look nice with the grey, but on the blue or ginger cars they would look terrible. Its also worth noting they are very hard to photograph! In photos of my interior they looked really bright orange! But in reality they are more beige. As with any leather you need to really look after them. I cleaned and treated mine every 3 months and they looked brand new still. The only bit on the Alezan orange interiors which really deteriates quick is the gear knob. Mine looked really disgusting when i bought the car and it had only done 20k miles. I replaced it with a genuine one which isnt cheap at all. But you can always go for an aftermarket black or carbon one to save a lot of money!
  11. Yep, the 370z is actually wider & shorter than the 350z. But visually it looks the opposite! Its kind of deceiving!!!
  12. At my old garage the guy used to always get me to drive / operate my own car in the MOT. He never once sat in it. Id drive it onto the ramp, do the lights, brakes etc etc etc. for him. I remember once having a car with no working handbrake "pass" the MOT as he didnt notice i was putting my foot on the brake at the same time as pulling up on the handbrake. Now adays due to health and safety etc etc most places want you to be sitting in the waiting room area whilst they "play" with your car.
  13. I used to resell speed camera detectors many years back, but now I just use a free sat nav app called "waze" on my smart phone. It has all the speed camera locations in it, and users can report mobile traps / police / hazards which instantly show up on other users phones. So for me its a great all-in-one solution. In fact im just in the middle of installing a 7" android tablet in my beemer to use rather than the OEM sat nav. Outside of that I used to use a bell 440 (i think) radar / laser detector, but really not much point these days. Most mobile traps are laser rather than radar, and with laser, as soon as it hits you its clocked your speed, so the warning the detector gives you is far too late. Hence people developing "laser jammers" which jam the laser long enough for you to slow down. Although as far as I know those are illegal to use. Most fixed position truvelo speed cameras are infra-red, so its only the old style gatso cameras which use radar. Also, I used to find, if the fixed position speed camera is pointing away from you (i.e to get your rear plate as you drive by), the detector doesnt pick up the radar signal until too late. It is fun though, seeing how many of the gatso cameras actually are working.
  14. I was dreading this when it came to MOT my zed, so I actually found a place which specialised in ferrari`s and who knew instantly not to roller test the brakes on the zed. Cost me full price MOT rather than the discounted £25 my local garage wanted, but it was worth the extra knowing they would do the job properly.
  15. Damn... my 123d coupe has just flipped over onto 8010 miles, so i missed out on getting a photo of it on 8008.... now i have to wait 80,000 miles before I can get 80085.
  16. I remember seeing this the other year and theres quite an online community for this detaliing how to make the bikes and best rear wheels to use etc... Looks mental.
  17. Good luck with the sale mate. Its a shame as I had to do the same a few months back. With the current climate, I opted just to part ex at the local bmw dealer to save the hassle of trying to shift privately. Needless to say the price I got wasnt the best, but it saved me the hassle and I managed to knock a good bit of a virtually new bmw diesel.
  18. Im waiting for the owner to actually turn out to be a member on here. I remember once before everyone was ripping into some car forsale on ebay and the owner was on here.
  19. +1 Personally id be looking at 6000->6250, but it really depends upon what your happy to pay for it.
  20. How much are these, apparently they are quite rare!
  21. Ive been in court quite a few times and its boring as anything. You wait around all day long and you know your case will be the last - if not its postponed until another day so you waste 2 days sitting about. Then the barristers treat you like something they have trod in and basically call you a liar at anything you say. Then (if its the magistrates court) you get some old retired person who has no legal qualifications at all giving you some sentence they have picked up out of thin air and has no baring at all on the offence committed.
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