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Everything posted by rabbitstew

  1. Are tie-rods and rear shocks all torqued up? Ive had it on another car where i hadnt tightened them up quite enough and that was enough to cause a knocking.
  2. "They are offering me £5681 (Value of the vehicle less the value of the salvage £1794.00) valuing it at £7475." Are you sure you have read that correctly? My Dad had someone reverse into the front of his car a few weeks ago - very minor damage - dented front wing and scratched bumper. The other drivers insurance immediately wrote my Dads car off and offered him 2 options. They would take the car and give him the market price for it so he can buy an identical car - which was £3,700. Or, they would give him £2,500 and let him keep the car and do whatever he wanted with it. So he could scrap it, sell it or whatever. My Dad decided to keep the car and a very reputable local body shop repaired it for £500. So he is £2000 up on the deal, but may get slightly less for the car if/when he sells it as its a cat N or whatever its flagged at now. Looking at car sales, the £3700 valuation of the car was pretty much spot on, so he didnt haggle but previously its been my experience that the first price they give you is very low and you have to provide them with evidence via adverts etc as to what it would really cost to replace your car like-for-like before they give you a correct market price. On another note, I was quite surprised how quickly the insurance company wrote off a perfectly good car with only £500 of damage, no wonder premiums keep going up. But I guess they figured transport costs to their "approved repairer", hire car costs etc etc would soon add up.
  3. Wheels look ace! I did white wheels on one of my cars once and they look great but are a mission to keep clean! Plenty of poor boys wheel sealant on them!!!
  4. Just seen this, I use a local garage which the local supercar indi used to use. My porsche has been MOT`d there since 2014. There shouldnt be any issues with emissions unless its modified. On mine, it does struggle with the emissions as since the remap & race clutch the car is impossible to idle at 3000rpm. So they tend to use a rpm which they can keep it at for long enough to do the emissions and thats fine.
  5. Bought back memories for me when skimming of brake discs & drums were the norm! Now its rarely done any more. Glad you got the problem resolved!
  6. In the past when ive needed temp insurance on a car - whilst i was selling it - i managed to get a short term insurance for a few days ffrom adrian flux. However, it cost a stupid amount as I couldnt use my main 28 years NCB on it. Id get someone to trailer it to the shop as I think that would be the easiest way.
  7. Looking ace. I had to do a similar amount of cutting/welding on my Renault 5 GT Turbo the other year when I started on that. Was one of those situations where the you cut out, the more rust you found.
  8. And so it begins again..... Picked this little baby up last week. I didn't really need it and am not looking forward to the inevitable "hairdresser" jokes, but it popped up on an alert I had setup and was too much of a bargain to turn down! Unlike the black one, this one doesn't really need much doing as it came with FSH, new MOT, brand new exhaust, new suspension bushes, 4 previous owners, bodywork pretty much mint with perfect panel gaps all around. New Uniroyal tyres, new DAB radio, new brake discs/pads and it looks like the wheels were refurbed not so long ago. It drives really well! Its also a mid 2006 model so its the facelifted R53. There's a few bits different to the earlier models, they came with a teflon coated super charger and a pop & bang map as standard which gave it a bit more power. Certainly a bargain for £1500! So what needs doing? Well it was sat under a tree so its covered in tree sap so I need to give it a good detailing. The reversing sensors dont work, it hasnt had its supercharger service yet and the hood has a couple of small patches so I need to see if there's a better way of repairing that. Like the black one it has the horrible 2 spoke steering wheel so I will upgrade that to the newer 3 spoke one. I did consider taking all the mods off the black one and putting on it, but its in such good condition I think I will keep it stock and just have fun throughout the summer in it. (when im not cutting hair!)
  9. Lovely car. I've always wanted one of these but don't think I could get away with it having bought another Mini Cooper S last week.
  10. I havent got one for sale, but I have replaced the screen on one and its pretty straight forward and you can get screens cheap off ebay, so what I did was to buy one with a cracked screen for next to nothing and just replace it. So always an option if you get stuck.
  11. Oo-er front end looks lambo, side looks lambo/ferrari and back looks lotus. Be nice to see one in the flesh.
  12. "with a heavy heart"........ hang on, your not Boris Johnson are you?!!!!! only kidding, good luck with sale. Im a biker myself and fortunate that I have managed to hang on to my collection of bikes, even though I seldom get to ride them these days. Better than money in the bank at the moment.
  13. I have a couple of CTEK MXS 5.0`s on the cars which I dont use on a daily basis just to keep them topped up. Its quite a clever battery charger and monitors the battery condition. It can even revive some completely dead batteries. You can hardwire a connector to the battery so you just plug it in. Or, if the cigar socket allows, you can get a cigar adapter and just charge it through there. I do it both ways on my cars. I think i paid about £60 or so for mine. Previously I have also used £15 LIDL / ALDI chargers to do the same with good results.
  14. Could have been worse, I was reading about the bloke who bought 2 pizza`s with 10,000 bitcoins back when that amount was only worth £30. Now they would have been worth £300 million.
  15. I remember having a conversation with some lads at work a good number of years back, and the consensus was that we had missed the boat with bit coin.... little did we know. Musk seems to be having a good laugh with it all atm. Months of hyping up bit coins then now claims they are bad for the environment. Surely tesla`s arent much better. Who knows where bitcoins & the like will go. Some say bitcoin will be $250,000 end of next year. They are about £34,000 now so thats big increase. There is a lot of talk about a global currency crash happening before long with all the crazy amount of money printing the central banks have been doing, and governments around the world borrowing trillions to give to pharmaceutical companies & others over the covid stuff so it could all explode at some point. Therefore a lot of people are looking to other ways to store their cash etc. gold, bitcoins, property etc. anything other than keeping money in the bank!
  16. It used to be the case that police didnt check with other forces as to whether you have previously done the speed awareness course within the 4 years - so if you got caught by a different force to which you previously did the course you could just keep quiet and do the course again in the other area if it was offered to you. Not sure if thats still the case. Doesnt help if your caught by the same force you got caught by before though. Id always take whatever they offer you with regards to points/fine and avoid court if possible. In my younger days I thought points meant prizes and collected quite a few of them. I also went to court a few times too and from my court experience, its totally pot luck what you will end up getting. I found it was because the magistrates are usually 100 year old pensioners who have no legal qualifications at all, and tend to just pick a number off the top of their heads depending up on how they feel. Once I got flashed by a camera doing 72 in a 60 in the middle of nowhere. The magistrate wanted to bring back hanging especially for me until the Clerk told him that was a bit excessive. In the end he "settled" on 5 points and a fine when really it should have only been 3 points. Then again, a few years later I was back in court with a Traffic Officer saying he had chased me for several miles and despite him being highly trained and doing nearly 100mph he couldnt keep up with me. Magistrate gave me 3 points. Go figure...
  17. Wow, looks and sounds awesome! Good idea on the cat. I need to do similar with my mini and that might be an easier approach than I was thinking. Keep up the good work, looking forward to on-road videos once its MOT`d.
  18. Wear wise, I run MPS4S on my 997 turbo and got 25,000 miles out of the rears. The fronts are only half worn at that mileage. Pretty amazing really when the previous set of P-Zero`s only lasted 14,000 miles and were down to the canvas all round.
  19. Where the straps are riveted to the support bars started pealing back on mine. The "fix" which the Nissan main dealer did on mine was to add rivets to it. I suspect maybe someone has used a cable tie on yours to do similar. Id be tempted to replace it.
  20. Tell me about it. I washed my 911 Tuesday, first time in months and I looked out yesterday and it was covered in dust again. Less than 24 hours. It does sit outside on the drive though, but so annoying. I dont remember having this issue with my other black cars, so not sure why it seems to happen all the time now. The dust is nearly like sand or sawdust.
  21. Google own Waze, so I suspect the alerts are probably exactly the same. I've not used the google maps nav for a very long time, but does it also show accidents, broken down cars & hazards also? If so google are probably using the Waze datafeed.
  22. Lorry drivers do this all the time. I always wondered how do they know how much or how many times they can re-cut the tread before the tyre goes BANG!
  23. I had an issue on mine when i was only a few years old with how those fabric straps were attached to the metal rods which go over your head. On mine, the tension pulled the metal retaining bit back from the length of the bar. Nissan took it back and just riveted it back in place. Cheap & nasty fix but it seemed to help.
  24. Speed camera detectors these days are pretty much as waste of money. I have a Valentine One which ive had for as long as I can remember and is highly regarded as one of the best out there. Back in the "olden days" fixed speed cameras were all radar based and the Valentine happily picks them up from about 1/2 mile away and alerts you with virtually no false alerts. However, for the last 15 years or more all the new cameras like the Truvelo ones are all infra-red and so any radar based detector is useless against them. Thats fixed cameras. Mobile cameras are laser, and units like the Valentine One will detect this and alert you, but with laser, they only have to hit your car with it and they already know your speed before the detector has alerted you. The only way around that is laser jammers which start getting into dodgy illegal territory. To get around the modern speed cameras, some radar detector companies have branched out, adding functionality where they can store the locations of all fixed cameras and then based upon the units gps location it can alert you in advance. However, this is where free apps like Waze come in. Waze has all the locations for fixed cameras in it already as well as being an excellent sat nav app. Its driven by users who can upload any mobile speed cameras they see as well as accidents, roadblocks etc. I dont go anywhere without having Waze on in my car, its saved me hours of being stuck in traffic and I cant remember the last time I saw a mobile speed trap it didnt already know about. There are other systems, such as blu-eye which relies upon a different approach. This detects the police radios they use and alerts you. A few years back this might have been of use, but all emergancy services used the same system, so you would have no idea if the alert was a police speed trap, an ambulance or even a traffic warden. The police have since been switching their radio system to a 4G based system which will render these type of "detectors" useless. So in summary. Just download Waze an use that for free!
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