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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Pipe cleaner? This needs a pull through with a Christmas tree a few times :
  2. Absolutely, but this sequence of events was not in the script, and unless it can be forseen is likely to strike and cause problems. I was highlighting what happened to me and how you can deal with it if it does land on you phone. The guy who wrote the instructions has a sense of humore at least:)
  3. A picture of a wheel cover purchased from Redline Goods and placed on a import wheel. I should imagine that this is just a bog standard one seeing as there is no bling. The leather Redline uses is top notch but I would want somethig a bit more challenging!
  4. It is my winter project but knowing me it will be done by the weekend lol I love working with wood and it took me 4 months to shape a bit of Canadian walnut from a solid block into a stock with a chin rest carved in it, a while back.
  5. Its a Diana G80 made in Great Britain!!! Quick wipe over with oil and its 50% better already. trigger pressure pull switch is knackered as the bolt is loose in the tread.
  6. The last 2 I did were a Lee Enfiled 303 with King George 5th bayonet and a 1886 Austro/Hungarian Mannlicher which I sleeved with 4.10 shotgun barrel so i could have some fun with them. I have them up for sale at Surrey Guns in Wallington but they seem reluctant to tell me if there is any interest or not. So might have to get them back. So you think its a BSA Chris? You might be right as the sights most definately are. Unfortunately the place where they used to put BSA on is a tad corroded. Despite all the rust and manky sights It fired 10 shots into a 2" circle at 25 yds. Me thinks a phone call to Chambers gun makers in Scotland for a nice big OXE Spring should do the trick. I will attempt to get the action out 2moro and put some more pictures up:)
  7. Theres a few ex trogs on this sight RCT Rule lol:)
  8. I never read the script of the above. i got it from a techno forum and was just glad I managed to get safari to stop storing my cookies:)
  9. I saw it as well The R=T team have doen a great job on that:)
  10. I do like a challenge and when I was given this .22 Air rifle that had been left in a old wooden shed for years by the look of it I thought why not. Trouble is it was dark. When I saw it in the cold light of day I wondered just what the heck I had taken on. My hobby is buying old firearms and restoring them then selling them on, but this is by far the worst restoration I have taken on. Appologies if some are upside down but I uploaded them the Photobucket without realising they were like it!
  11. Iphone 5 clear History from safari blich! This will clear the search history: 1) Go to Settings --> Safari 2) Change your search engine (switch from Google to Yahoo! or vice versa) 3) Tap Home button 4) Tap Safari 5) Go to Settings --> Safari 6) Tap the following sequentially: Clear History, Clear Cookies, Clear Cache 7) Change your search engine back to what it was originally 8) Tap Home button 9) Launch Safari and verify search history is gone MBHockey is offline Even though you might have cleverly disguised the name of the page (e.g. 'Cunning Swedish Linguistics') Safari will keep showing the URL in the address bar. This is a default action for all bookmarked site. Delete the bookmark from Safari and use an app like 1password. It has a built in browser and does not use Safari, so Safari does not know what sites are bookmarked or what sites you visited. Your secret visit to 'Massive Banal Plug-ins' will remain a secret.
  12. Hiding porn sites from the missus, eh? I got spam attacked by a PIP company and because i could not delete the cookie it kept texting me. Its a world wide problem by all accounts and you dont realise its to late until its. umm 2 late:)
  13. It makes you chatter a lot SMD thats what it does:)
  14. Now you know its not a catch tank but a power steering resovior you should be fine:)
  15. Both the powersteering resovior and header tank were made foe pre HR I belive by Weapon R I just sold a new set and the pipes go on as they come off the old one:) Small jubilee clips or spring clips were what the guy who bought them from me used. Just an update. tarmac sell these items. Anyway the guy that bought mine is called Chris and owns a garage called Brooklands kent 01322 616 716 http://www.brooklandskent.co.uk/ I think he put a wider pipe on but seemed to be happy with everything. Give him a call and I am sure he will tell you what he had to do.
  16. I probably worded it wrong Pete, generally a S/C or Turbo will create more oil vapours due to running hotter temperatures, these catch cans 'catch' the vapours. Plus look cool in the process
  17. I always wanted to know what an oil catch can was and now I know. Was not aware that S/C car uses more oil than the others though.
  18. I see I am not the only one who does typos lol
  19. +1 on the price of the centre consol? Tan
  20. Well thats a "Cute" Angle Smurf.
  21. Best get back on track then lol I finally got a garage out of Haig Homes and its £7 a week. My last one I got of Windsor and maidenhead council was double that. Like most of you the Zed just goes in. Park on left mirrors in, kag the walls and puch the drivers seat right back to get in and out. Being a fat git don't help!
  22. Mate asked the seller.. he says it doesent fint.. wrong size. Mate I did before I put the post up He never responded:) Though he seems to have to you. Given us a laugh has it not?
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