Iphone 5 clear History from safari blich!
This will clear the search history:
1) Go to Settings --> Safari
2) Change your search engine (switch from Google to Yahoo! or vice versa)
3) Tap Home button
4) Tap Safari
5) Go to Settings --> Safari
6) Tap the following sequentially: Clear History, Clear Cookies, Clear Cache
7) Change your search engine back to what it was originally
8) Tap Home button
9) Launch Safari and verify search history is gone
MBHockey is offline
Even though you might have cleverly disguised the name of the page (e.g. 'Cunning Swedish Linguistics') Safari will keep showing the URL in the address bar. This is a default action for all bookmarked site. Delete the bookmark from Safari and use an app like 1password. It has a built in browser and does not use Safari, so Safari does not know what sites are bookmarked or what sites you visited. Your secret visit to 'Massive Banal Plug-ins' will remain a secret.