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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Is it 1000 or 3000 rpm as mine is set in valet mode 3000rpm to stop the parking attendant (yeh right) more like Grease Monkey from joy riding!
  2. Ok if your an Ant as thats one of the few things that will see them? Unless you get one of those yanky rear bumpers that have a section cut out!
  3. I agree with you mate. Put them up with a description and a price. If people want them they will buy them.
  4. What! and miss your midnight comments Dave! Not a chance:)
  5. Not as yet as its something that I have given little credance to. I want the brighter reverse and stop and tail plus fog needs to be changed to the uprated leds that I have seen somewhere. Side lights I would like something like the Audi R8 but where and what lol:)
  6. If you go onto the dealerships good and bad of you will find a long post on Crystals at Grantham. Basically they supplied me with an 18 month old supposed 1 owner low milage Nissan Pathfinder Adventura. I had it as a Motability vehicle. On collection it had 2 bald tyres one with wire sticking out the side. The spare as smooth as a babys bum. Wipper blades had the rubber coming away from the blade. 3 deep dents, Full service consisted of the original factory oil and fuel filter, Air filter was as black as the Ace of spades. No washer water Low coolant After 2 trips up from mine they put everything right and gave me £500 expenses. I think they thought that because I use a walking aid I am not firing on all cylinders! Well in this case I was!!!
  7. The story so far. Today I made some alterations to the stock so it could take an uprated trigger guard. The one on the rifle was a nasty plastic thing. The replacement a black one of Alloy construction. 2 min job with the dremel and some woodstain and job done:) Pre stain The next job was the barrel blueing. For this I used a Jell from makers Bisley A highly toxic dangerous product that um well a kid can get hold of it over the counter or online!!! 1st wipe down the metal with sovent or white spirit. Then I used a soft brush and you just dip it in the pot (Gloves are a must) and dab it on. let it dry for approx 30-40 secs then wash off with cold water. I use a cotton wool ball and let the cold tap run over the item. Repeat the above 3-4 times until your sure that the area is fully treated and will not take any more blueing. After the treatment wipe dry and apply 3-1 or Gun oil to the whole area and buff up to a shine. You will have to repeat the oiling several times especially after the build until a deep luster is achieved:) I am now repeating the process on all the externals like barrel and sping housing/ lever and sights. This is the barrel after the 1st coat of oil. Certainly different from the rusty one of 2 weeks ago!!
  8. Well the Diana G80 is actually a Milbro made under licence, It is infact late 60's early 70's. As suspected the barrel is heavily pitted and not sure if the blue will take so need a plan B Hopefully I wont have to use hammerite and the painstaking task of flattening it. Anyway here are a few pictures of many hours work and little to show for it. As RT Biscuit said the stock needed to be sanded down, stained and varnished, This is the 2nd coat of varnish and I need to sand this down with fine paper and apply a further coat of varnish. Proberbly let it harden for a few weeks then use T-Cut. The springs I have are no good as they wont fit in the piston, So I ordered an OX spring No 2 from Chambers Gun Makers in Scotland for £20 In addition a new leather seal I will update as I go. Sorry Stew the Mannilicher has been sold from the gun shop so cant get any pictures but may have some old prints.
  9. I tried to pm you but is says you are not allowed messages!!! I am sure this is a blitch as I had this issue with Jumpin350 yesterday and it finally worked
  10. When I went to sleep last it was 17th October, Seems I have woken up and its 1st April:) I think it was holding the right ear lobe that did it for me in the end!
  11. I did a post on the fitment of the carbon version of this a few months ago. After measuring it up and marking it out I then put Tiger seal on the back and held it in place with masking tape for a couple of hrs until it dried. Then you can see the gaps and I think you will find it is more to do with the flexing of the rear bumper which is very thin. You then apply tiget seal into the gaps. Again let this dry and take off the masking tape. Then its just a matter of tidying it up. Lay a bead of tiger seal round the entire edge and use your finger to get it straight and smooth. Leave it over night and you will be good to drive the next day. You would not have a chance in heck using double sided tale for an item that large in the bottom of the bumper especially when there is no support behing it:)
  12. He's good isn't he? What colour is your wheel Papa Smurf?
  13. After deciding that I did not like the cut outs (as they looked naff) and the wheel was going on a car that did not have steering wheel controls. We decided to get some blanking plates and have another go at covering them with leather. Same procedure as before and this is the end result. Jumping350's refurbished wheel.
  14. That is not an Iphone 5 Mr Octet!
  15. 1ST one is a old belgium "Poachers Gun" as such it is made as light as possible by taking out the centre of the stock to help reduce weight. This one is also known as a "Folding Shotgun" and once folded like in the pictures it can slip inside a large purpose made sleeve sewn into the lining under a great coat or simular. I got this for £60 from a Game Keepers fair about 8 years ago and it was in a sorry looking but usable condition. I stripped it all down, sanded the wood and re-coloured it and the same with the metal work. All rust and yuk was rubbed down with wire wool and then degreased using a mild solvent. Then you apply the Gun blue direct from the bottle onto the metal using an applicator. If the metal turns blue you have done a good job of preparing it. If not you have to start over. Shot size is .410. Appologies for the pictures being upside down. but they are the right way up when they are in the folder in my documents. As soon as photobucket gets hold of them most get flipped over. I have tried the tools and rotate and save. but still to no avail When I got this it was a solid block of Canadian Dark Walnut imported from the USA. It came with a diagramme and instructions. I never used any power tool what so ever and the tools I did use were all carpenters wood working chisles and a wood vice. It literally was wooden hammer and chisel and sandpaper. I think I kept picking it up and putting it back down over most of the winter of 2007. It is a stock for a .22 Air rifle WEHRAUCH HW 97K Underlever. The next shot shows the actual air rifle it is intended for but needs a bit shaved off the length. The brass trigger and guard is another adaption of mine and this is fitted with a Ox spring to bring the power up and it is on the money all day at 50 yards. A few more toys in the box. From top down Tikka 5.56 centrefire Sako Quad barrelwith .22 LR attached 12 bore Semi camo edition 12 bore single barrel.
  16. I need to retreive the Lee Enfield and maninlicher from the gun shop tomorrow as they have had them for 9 months now and not sold them! I will put up a little poachers gun I which was my 1st restoration I did. hence i will never part with it:)
  17. It cocks and fires but I suspect it could be well weak I have a spare ox spring here so if if fits its going in. And who's pinched my WD-40 then?
  18. Underleavers:) This one was made in the earlie 80's but could be older. The spring seems weak and i think its due to the fact it had a pellet in it and was cocked. My neighbors dad died a few months back and it belonged to him, so how long it's been under load we dont know! Could have been nasty as checking to see if it was loaded is always the 1st thing you do. Especially as it was handed to me barrel 1st!!!
  19. No French surely. Oh hold on, that would be more than once. As you were. Come on Watshot, get on the right page:)
  20. It is my winter project but knowing me it will be done by the wekend lol I love working with wood and it took me 4 months to shape a bit of Canadian walnut from a solid block into a stock with a chin rest carved in it, a while back. I bought a Canadian rifle once, very good condition, never used only dropped once Thought that was an Italian Rifle SMD!
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