Things have ground to a halt at the moment as I need to get this leather piston seal washer sorted out.
I have found a shop that sells everything I need down in Bognor.
I went to get in the car this morning to go down there and as soon as I sat in the seat the Sciatica said to me.
You aint going no where!!
So back to bed Arrrrhhh
The shop cant send it to me as I need to take the piston down to get it matched up.
Aparently there were several diferent ones.
If I dont get it right 1st time I will have to dismantle it and damage the piston guide and backing plate that also need to be replaced.
I can actually buy a 2nd hand rifle for half of what this is costing to do up, but where is the fun in that!
And as soon as this is done I will do another one.
I am already looking at a turn of the century BSA and a 60 year old pistol.#
I wont use wood stain and varnish on the next one but go down the more traditional route of using a red stain that comes from a plant root,
Before the stain you use a grain filler and sealer. Then its polished over a week with a special oil.
I did the Lee Enfield in it and it looks awsome.