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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Well that answers that question then:) Blue will go on red. And the square is Nissan Anthracite! The blue is Porsche blue that I used on a Boxster.
  2. I have blue dye:) !!! Surely blue dye on red seats would make purple? I think Peters world is pretty much all multicolored.. Hey pal I resemble that remark!!!!!
  3. I have blue dye:) !!! Surely blue dye on red seats would make purple? I have never tried it lol. The dye is a water based plastic from what I can gather, It bonds to the surface. I have some red leather and blue dye so i shall have a play. I dont think I would change the colour of something that is constantly in contact with you like the bolster or swab! Watch this space lol
  4. I just need 1 set of inserts to send across. I will tell them to send them back afterwards. let me give them an email 1st to see whats occuring:)
  5. Lee It may not be for 3 months latest so i would sell them all and let you know when I am ready. That way there is no pressure on either of us:)
  6. Try this guy out for prices. Just search and you will find the right ones. Sometimes a wider tyre is cheaper and it does not hurt to go up a size or 2! http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/ava_tyres/m.html?item=190742780078&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  7. Peter without being harsh.... would you get in and out of those seats ok? :surrrender: Your not being harsh. Sometimes I need my eyes opening up as these jabs they keep giving me make me feel like a kid in a sweetie shop. I really had not given it any thought. As long as it moves back and forward, as I need it fully back to get out the car in the garage. I do drive with it almost upright. I need to find someone who has a set so i can have a go. The 458 I do the leather on is simular and not a problem thus far, mind you i only get to take it for a 5 mile spin in a blue moon and the thrill superceeds the pain. happy days:)
  8. FIVE SURGEONS ARE DISCUSSING WHO WERE THE BEST PATIENTS TO OPERATE ON. The first surgeon says, 'I like to see Accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered.' The second responds, 'Yeah, but you should try Electricians! Everything inside them is colour-coded.' _ The third surgeon says, 'No, I really think Librarians are the best; everything inside them is in alphabetical order.' _ The fourth surgeon chimes in, 'You know I like Construction Workers... Those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end, and then the job takes longer than you said it would.' But the fifth surgeon shut them all up when he observed, 'You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains, and no spine, and there are only two moving parts - the mouth and the arsehole - and they are interchangeable'_
  9. White seems to be in fashion at the moment. Quite a few people are going for resprays as they are hard to find. They look great in the 370 with tinted windows:)
  10. I just cant believe these have been up for a year and no one has snapped them up. Had i known I def would have had them. Incidently out of interest whats a bride seat look like! Not that I want a set as it has to be GTR all the way:)
  11. The cover came from Redline today and although it doesn't look much it will be great when its fitted:) Do not attempt this if you have had a beer or are in a rush as it just ain't going to happen. They even send you some needles:)
  12. That price is very good Hanna I would go with it!
  13. Is that the total price or is VAT added on after?
  14. About this phone you bought me Shel! :;/-/:;() That's so we can buy a gun if we find out anything and need to shoot you lol Meeeoowwww
  15. 4RE Leather

    Sky+ Box

    As an alternative I have a technomate HD 6900 super + that I paid nearly £400 for a couple of years bsck. Its as new and been sitting in a box for all but 3 months of its life. Have a read up on it and you will see it even has freeview as well! i used it when living on my boat tomboost the Terestial TV as it has a amplifyer in it. I forgot all about it until I saw this.
  16. Hi can anyone help out please. I need a set of the HRGT leather door inserts please. They are the bit that the door mirror control panel butts up to. Of course I will pay for them lol. I need to send them to Redline Goods so they can make up aftermarket leather ones in your choice of colour. I just cant seem to find any. Its not even real leather but a flimsey bit of Vinal. I need some knee pads as well that go uder the dash on both sides, Again another item that seems illusive. Before Redline can bring out an item they need to have a donor. I will be askng for other items in due course! Thanks
  17. The point I was making Sarnie was WTF was the link doing on a Air Rifle spares shop web site! Mind you it caused a laugh:)
  18. About this phone you bought me Shel! :;/-/:;()
  19. Shel I need to keep more than an eye on you cos your well dodgy!!
  20. This will fire up this post again! I found this on an Airgun sight whilst seeking parts for the restoration. http://www.solware.co.uk/download-products/bluetooth-spyware.shtml Its things like this that gets my gander up, and whilst it maybe legal in USA I am not 100% sure it is in UK? Nice comments please lol
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