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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Green shall not be seen in Surrey!! It might be!!! You can tell me again when you catch me Beware. The red Skoda from hell is behind you all the way:)
  2. Green shall not be seen in Surrey!!
  3. Park as far way from all the muppetry, it becomes a way of life with a Zed, maybe call the local dentmaster chap Hang on a moment. Is that a stuffed childrens toy (The smurfs) saying park away from muppets!!
  4. Talking about SMD where is he? Loads of inbound flack but nothing coming back! A bit like the spurs footy team of late? If he got your seats Chris they could be painted with a tin of blue gloss from Homebase? Daft Apeth isn't he:) The footy result for this weekend is. Spurs lost . Anyone else won:) !!
  5. Good to see honest opinions matey, not like the company I got my kit from. Centre sections of the seat would be ok going by my old 350z seats, but the bolsters are a no-no. Do you live down South Chris as I could take a look for you!
  6. Takata Thanks Stew. I knew it started with a "T"
  7. It depends on the covering. If its leather or a mixture? Going on those red ones I like I would say all the bits both sides with the base is £5k I am going on the audi R8 price and they look the same to me. They will look even better with those green harnesses whatever make they are. tein??
  8. Ask a Military man what SLR stands for and its Self Loading Rifle:)
  9. Oh yes more cake Papa as Chris speaks with straight tongue. I shall of course come down and watch. I dont think my car is going to be ready anyway as a vital part of the refurbishment has not yet left the USA because the order ended up in the supplyers Spam box!!! I cant have my power upgrade done until this bit is on the car!
  10. The list is getting quite big and there may be to many. If so I shall come off the list and let someone who has not been b4 have a go.
  11. As Steve said you need this:) http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=46653&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Shopping&utm_name=UnitedKingdom
  12. Lee will have a few sets coming up. Wondr what these are new? anyone?
  13. Never had a name related plate but its surely up to them. I get loads of comments about my plate. mainly from people who want to buy it!
  14. Oh well I was too slow on this. What heathen pinched me seats!
  15. As everyone has said. Sorry to hear this. I thank God I have got the new Cobra Tracker Plus. I can see on the puter where the car is at all times. I know this does not help you but in my case I will never get a fraction back of the money I have invested:( Lets hope the people who did it catch a nasty illness and there balls go black and their dicks fall off. Being white it is noticable so hopefully you may get it back intact:)
  16. There are countless threads on this and I would suggest after reading them, going to find your local refurbisher. and have them powdercoated. The average cost in London and the south is £60 a corner plus vat. there are people who will do it for cash and wave the VAT. Where abouts do you live?
  17. I thought you flogged it:) Obviously got it wrong!
  18. I think SMD has some of the new MoTo brake fluid with the anti sqeek aditive in it. Why not pm him?
  19. I resemble that remark about old farts sir!! Stick a hot water bottle behind you with and get the misses to knit you a nice pink warmer for it:)
  20. So if you took it off and not picking the new one up till end of month, what are you putting on if you have not got the original?
  21. Using your logic there, that would have been an epic fail for me as ive absolutely no idea what N17 FTW means. In fact I wouldnt even realise it was a "private plate". I would have probably have puzzled over it a little as thats a 1996 (ish) number plate which is older than a zed, so I would have scratched my brain for a bit then given up on it and maybe just assumed it was your initials. Isn't FTW What The F**K backwards? So SMD dont like N17?
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