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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Sorry guys and gals, You pride and joy plays 2nd fiddle to the one and only best Zed in the Uk. It must be because it says so in the title:) ! God we are a **** taking bunch:) All ment in the best possible taste and it is a nice car but the best in UK is a bold statement to make, especially with you lot about!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350Z-GT-313-BHP-COUPE-2009-one-of-last-ever-sold-by-Nissan-UK-/300822002832?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item460a637c90
  2. I will just settle for the 20 year old/ I forgot how to make a new post durr
  3. What do you want. A good boy badge? Have you voted Peter? I have now:)
  4. What do you want. A good boy badge?
  5. I could'nt reach the food as your fat burger belly was in the way!!!
  6. I take it my 255 at the hub works out to 306 at the flywheel. Looking forward to seeing the print outs! It won't be that high. More like 295. You don't add 50bhp to go from hub to fly. Its a bit more complex than that. But I'm sure Mark will be along tomorrow to explain it all. Believe it looses 40;sh for the clutch so 295 approx:)
  7. You need to check with someone. If you know it will work then Pm me for a price:) Funny thing is I had it in the boot of my car today? I am also swapping mine over for one I recovered. Its not so much the wheel fitting as it does, more about the controls I think You need to ask someone who knows more about them.
  8. These are 2nd hand http://www.ebay.co.u...=item45f99acf6d http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-2005-STEERING-WHEEL-/230870526710?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item35c0f4aaf6
  9. Whats JDM stand for? I have a brand new one with radio phone and cruise and you should have mentioned it today lol:)
  10. That green stands out Clown:) Dont know if you've notice but Chris has a bungalow roof embedded in his head. Either that or it;s hollow:)
  11. Big thank you to all at Abbey for there hospitality and enlightenment today:}
  12. Allow me to be the first; l? She may surprise you lol:)
  13. .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
  14. Is that identical to the one you had surgically implanted Dave:)
  15. This is the email address of Chris marshall-Dowe the rep from tein who is eager to assist. I need help to convince him that this is not the simple fix that tein say it is. Thanks Peter sales@tein.co.uk
  16. Nah if someone thinks that rear looks good they deserve lots of offense I think it looks awesome Dave:) Phew I was having 2nd thought but now I am assured it is complete cack Only one thing worse than that and thats the back end of a jag!!
  17. No good round here with all the raised humps. I would have to go on a 3 mile detour just to get home!
  18. Once again sorry I am unable to help. I did try to lighted a gear knob once but it only lasted a few weeks before it came off in my hand. I can only suggest if one of the others has not got one you go to Nissan. What colour is in it at the moment?
  19. Nah if someone thinks that rear looks good they deserve lots of offense I think it looks awesome Dave:)
  20. I asked the same question about how to save weight kev! They said don't get in the car you fat bastard! I was deeply hurt:(
  21. Remember to turn up would be a start!
  22. Andrew. Charge your camera mate:)
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