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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Not a hope in hell with the keyser on the prowl!
  2. That big Chopper he was standing infront of in an earlier picture!!
  3. I prefer the one behind:) Yeah, I wonder who she is? The Abbey Organ:)
  4. And make them targets for Clowns Camera. No thanks:)
  5. Bless but no tall ones please. He has to stand on an orange box to kiss anyone over 4'10"
  6. Wondered when you would show your face:) He won't though as he's only a 'maybe'
  7. Seems Mr Lizard has the same photgraphic eye as you mate Who wore white trainers?
  8. Barrett XM500 mounted through the firing hatch:)
  9. The exhaust and coilovers are being done today and the white wheels whilst its over there. Then off to Abbey for the power upgrade:):) Then back to R-T for sign writing. Then over to Chris (Forum member) at brooklands Kent to have a bottom tray fabricated as OEM is knackered. Then umm no cant put that on here lol. But after it may be finished lol!
  10. No I just doubled up by mistake hick slurp!!
  11. I think we need some pix of yours Pete The only decent one is what Chris (White veilside) took. I have a few taken Friday evening in the shop but its not the same. Its back at R-T as they only lent it to me for the weekend:(
  12. At the end of the day he has a right to put what he likes. Think I am on the attack of late!!
  13. I have started it but not sure if dean350 is a forum member lol!
  14. I did contact you twice lol. Once to say i feel like "£$%^&* The next to say hold on. Clown will pinch all the food so I got my butt into gear and made it, even if it was just to say hello and stop Keyser eating all the cake!
  15. It might be a good idea to lock this as I know for a fact one member had a seroius personal problem and could not get to the phone. Whilst I agree 100% with what Colin says, there are on a very rare occasion circumstances that prevent the attendee being able to contact anyone. Could I therefor ask that this is not turned into a war as I think the point has been made!
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