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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. A while back there was a ferrari 355 with a front end smash on ebay They wanted £2500 for it. Now as the engine alone is £10k we gave them a ring, A forieigner answered and said he would accept Western Umion. We said that we will come to him and pay cash. He then said that the car was in France and would be shipped out next week. How fortunate said we. We are also just out of Paris so could take a trip over there and then. Dam add disapeared within 10 mins:(
  2. Could you have by anychance left the interior light on?
  3. Shell forum member. To much of a Lady to call you a banker from that distance:) :wink:
  4. As above. Total is approx £300 per panel:(
  5. Giving head to an Zorst in the Grasshopper car park Steve? I told you to keep out of my meds cabinet!! His name is Dave. NURSE!!!! Peter has got out and logged onto the forum again..... Meeowww
  6. Giving head to an Zorst in the Grasshopper car park Steve? I told you to keep out of my meds cabinet!! His name is Dave. I was told he responds to anything lol:)
  7. Giving head to an Zorst in the Grasshopper car park Dave? I told you to keep out of my meds cabinet!!
  8. If you post your location it will help people advise on local reputable Body centres.
  9. Turn the wheel full lock both sides half a dozen times. If there is any air in the system this could sort it out. Last Saturday night mine went solid where it had been standing out in the cold. It soon work it'self free. I assume you have done the obvious and checked your level? Any drips under the car where she been standing etc?
  10. I agree but I prefer to go late at night and get the good stuff of the refill trollys and have the store to myself:) The only rule I have is never ever go when I am hungry as the trolly seems to grow insize!
  11. Is that right Paul? You got a new Zorst!
  12. BBK would not be able to tell the difference!
  13. Buys ex army defender. Heatwave! egzackery
  14. Looked at this before, didn't comment as I had nothing to say. Just looks very awkward to use. Not really, you just have to have an inventive mind!
  15. where is the section for saying what you like as I may get some more naughty points for putting this next one up!!
  16. It was as written in a comedy film about to mates who bought houses next to each other then fell out. When one turned on the lights the other pointed the finger!
  17. I feel like sending that through the doors of all the houses on Morden lane. Every one in the street is a prat and its a major cut through. Just one tawt slowing down to goork and there is a 30 min tail back down a 2 min road.
  18. What life style Smurf? I get up when I want, go where I want and spend my money on what I want. Only problem with the last want is i don't have enough money to buy what i would like! Tomorrow I will get up at yeh then go over to Brentford for a free wash and wax from R-T. Trying to get up during the hours of daylight to take some snaps then a nice poodle over to Bluewater to meet up with some forum members and there lovely Zeds. AND FREEZE ME BLOOMING BOWLOX OFF!!!
  19. Who gets up at that time of the morning let alone go shopping! ye Gods!!!
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