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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. OK can we draw a line under the insults as at the end of the day we are supposed to be mature Adults. Topcop beware of Scams on Pistonheads as there are a lot of very clever people on that site! Good luck:)
  2. I hope you get what your looking for. With 15k cash you could get any 350zed out there including a 2009 but as you said you are after a 370. I have been looking and can't find one but after the new year its a buyer's market:) :wink:
  3. Think he said he don't like the Gold one!
  4. agenda for tomorrow morning! 09:00 Sutton eye Hospital appointment 09:15 Eye drops to make pupil larger. 09:17 Nurse puts drops in both eyes(Again) 09:20. Nurse takes my hand and leads me to the quack man as i can't see sugar/ 09:25 Quack states the obvious that i cant see nowt cos nurse dropped both eyes. 09:25.5 Quack laughs 09:26. I kick Quack accidently as i don't see him infront of me. 10:00 Nurse puts drops in eye to reduce pupil so I can see to drive to Oxted 10:10 After getting in car I realise nurse has only dropped one eye so I am seeing double. 10:15 Nurse is on coffee break. 10:15.5 £$%^&*()_+ERTYUIOP{!!!!!!! 11;00 Finally the pupil goes down enough for me to drive to Oxted. And you want me to Solder?
  5. +1 Oh and they need some rubber Typical SMD. You lay low for days on end then burst in with a rude comment. needs rubber indeed!! Geronimo!!
  6. Very nice and the only thing that matters is you like them:)
  7. A hat for his bald shiney thing thats under his helmet. Ok I give in:)!!
  8. Don't tell him that! His head will be swollen for weeks!! Hopefully it will just be his head Don't even go there!!!
  9. Well if I can do it and all that. Shut up Papa b4 you start as well:)
  10. Don't tell him that! His head will be swollen for weeks!!
  11. Dixon at DMS has had loads of Zeds through, and his team knows the car well. Abbey motorsport is run by a bloke who is an ex nissan mechanic who i think spcialised in Nissan performance models, also does the re maps and knows the cars well. TGM i don't know but have heard from jerry that they are good. Never heard Mark or Tony refered to a bloke who used to be a Nissan mechanic lol
  12. That's rich coming from you mate :wink: What you trying to say!!! ummm latest Panasonic Blueray surround sound looks good in my front room!! Especially coupled up to the new Yamaha Sound bar!!
  13. Believe it or not there are only 3 wires in that. get a usb lead and chop the end off and feed it into the machine and solder on:) Boys and toys:)
  14. I did not rush into anything as had already decided what I was going to do 2 years prior. The money was available and I did what I wanted to do, Anyway this is my build thread so can we get back on track please as my personal finances are not for public debait! Anyone who is serious about having this done and has the finances in place to commit to such a big project but wants to "Try before you buy" I am happy to meet you at Abbey and let Mark take you out.
  15. I agree, I went exhaust remap 1st and S/C not long after. Gives a bit of breathing space, but as soon as you have the remap and feel the extra it triggers the need for speed lol. Would I do it all again? You bet I would, and there have been times when the moths have left my wallet through starvation. I honestly believe that if I had got a car that couldn't be played with i would have died of bordom. Nothing better than a midnight coffee waiting for the online bank balance to chuck up its tally for the next day. I am already juggling for the Syvecs 8. Just need to find that dam Goose and it's golden egg! :smile:
  16. The only short cut is cutting down on labour by DIY where ever is humanly possible. if your not confident leave it alone. I was horrified when Smurf and I added up what I had spent on this car including the purchase price since I had it last August. I could get a late GTR with ease. Some on here have spent a lot more. Why do we do it? because we can, and its a simple as that! :smile:
  17. It's true, honest govenor!
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