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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. This is the one thing missing from it that I'm a little confused about and I'm trying to source one myself to see if its something I can fit should i get it There are usually some for a VQ on fleabay and they go for around £50. HR are a tad more. Jap spares or A1 whatever they are called on the forum traders may be able to help as i got one from them or Zedmanalex. ask him for the nuts. There are always arguments for or against having one on but with the extra power I would suggest that it would be a useful aid to have as its supposed to help stop flexing.
  2. Its not a look i could pull off lol.... All provisionally gone chaps, many thanks. I think he wears his over his birthday suit! Not a pleasant thought.
  3. Dont skimp on the cheap nasty budget exhausts. If you cant afford a decent one now save your pennies until you can. By all acounts you can tune your car with better results with OEM that some of the cheap crap that is beeing peddled about. The top names have maps on record for the Zed.
  4. Ha ha BBK had to pay for his apron or pinny frock what ever you want to call it!
  5. OMG don't tell him that! he is not allowed things that cut!
  6. What one is it you are getting guys? There was an article on the Richbrook line of handbrakes last year and i bought a couple as I never can make up my mine what one to fit. I opted for the gun metal one and it already had a cut out in it that just needed widening with the dremmel. I need to change it for a non metal one and was going to put the black leather one on until i saw this post. My car needs some interior bling!!
  7. I see you had hair on your head then Dip?
  8. At last someone who speaks my languag!
  9. Have you booked in for the GTM yet Olly. I can't remember were we left the converstion. I see you made a start with the Dynamics Injectors 725cc
  10. I see you managed to get a shot of SMD in the 1st one. I always said he was a hooded yobbo!
  11. One mans meat and all that. I love it:) Luke is right though, they had it up for £38k last summer. His ebay feedback over the last 12 month has 3 people implying that he is a lying cheating git ! It's worth what ever someone is prepared to pay for it.
  12. You should have received the email with all the pricing and details by now Adrian? Hope it helps
  13. Warehouse 13 as now't stranger than what you get up to behind locked doors!
  14. That rocket just shot right over his head lol!
  15. kev T has a GTM I believe Dip not a stillen. His was the 1st RHD 370 to have one installed and was following the build Abbey were doing on mine before making up his mind. Had you not been so quick Dave you will have seen I altered it lol.
  16. I was going to put GTM but Kev steamed in to put you right ! The very thought of a Stillen and not a GTM made him go all shivery:)
  17. I hope your not going to clog up my workshop at Brentford with your hair dryer instal?
  18. I have not checked the forum properly to see if its been done b4 but quite a few of us want to see a table/chart or whatever it;s called:) It will give the people who boast big numbers to show those of us who don't believe them, that they are not telling porkies:) The old forum format had a garage area with a dyno results table and a separate area to list all your modifications. I think it worked really well but it seems to have gone since the change over. Mods- are there any plans to resurrect the garage function? did the info from it get saved anywhere or would we have start from scratch. +1 on that:)
  19. I have not checked the forum properly to see if its been done b4 but quite a few of us want to see a table/chart or whatever it;s called:) It will give the people who boast big numbers to show those of us who don't believe them, that they are not telling porkies:)
  20. I think what they are trying to say is when you save and upload the columns for the table, the figures and lines are all over the place.
  21. Thans for volunteering Doogy Rev It will give you something to occupy your mind until the next calender is due:)
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