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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. You put down ignor the doom spreaders! Then when I commented on it you changed your post!
  2. According to that Trader you are a doom spreader Graham! However he has now reworded it lol
  3. I think basically you hit the nail on the head. To many cars per house hold and and when the vast majority of houses were built post war only a handful of people could afford a car. Its something that is never going to go away and will only get worse!
  4. Clutches are a pain in the butt but glad you got it sorted:)
  5. Local councils have the freedom from Parliament to to inforce and make there own rules for non criminal cases. This is called "The Law of Tort" For the purpose of debait Hounslow Council have made it a "Law of Tort" that cars will park in Islay Gardens TW4 5DR with 2 wheels on the kerb and 2 wheels off within the dotted lines:) If there is no signs on the lamp posts and no dotted lineson/off the pavement, then in all probability Statute law - act of Parliament will come into force and you are not allowed to park in this way!
  6. A group of us as young Squaddies at Aldershot having the customary swallow on each hand. The artist was indeed an artist as in pi**ed. She was called Winny and must have been late 60;s cant remember if it hurt I was laughing so much.!
  7. Don't know how true this is but years ago I had a 3.0 litre Granada Ghia. I used to park it on the kerb which was about 4 inches high. After a good few months I started to hear a whine and then a rumble and one day "Bang" A hole appeared in the diff and all the oil drained out. Good old Curry Motors the buisness to do people with in Kingston where I got the car said it was down to being parked for long periods Put a strain on the ???? shaft and ferked it. I did not have the knowledge at the time to argue. Hands up i still don't know the answer to that lol. It was a 1976 P reg and the car was less than a year old.
  8. Thats because all the other pupils were girls!
  9. Is this Horse entitled to a Zed jacket in the group buy?
  10. A Horse behind the wheel of a Zed. Did you crash into a field and the Horse ended up wearing the steering wheel? Poor Horsey
  11. Its called "BOND IT" PVC Solvent cleaner. used mainly for getting the black marks off you double glazing frames. Only use it as a last resort. Its quite mild compared to thinners and thats something you dont use on Zed leather. Lint free by definition in this case for instance is a microfiber cloth.
  12. Ewan buy it Mate. Its more comfortable than an S class merc and on par with the Lexus 600 hybrid.only a fraction of the price. I have driven all 3 and pound for pound its a winnner.
  13. with the zed seats I think you'll struggle to get more than one horse behind the steering wheel, as for the reo50's they won't make a difference as the horse can't turn the ignition key. Maybe we could try some of those Prancing Horses like Ferrari use!
  14. Kris they fit perfectly mate
  15. So just how many Horses are at the steering wheel then? And will running 050A's make any difference in the wet!
  16. I don't like you! Nah I'm only jealous mate, I love white cars and my next will be white Thats because it's Spurs colours!
  17. Seeing as everyone is picking up on spelling. What the heck is Stelath?
  18. Umm. So have you all come to a conclusion as to where the decimal point goes then?
  19. As above the rear bumper is coming off as i dont like it.
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