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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. A thousand appologies lol; I am so used to reading threads that end up with members turning on one another of late I now log on wearing my old army tin hat and body armour. I tend to skip the members name and just go to the last few lines to see if I have to Duck or not. The car in question is a 350 Z lol
  2. This is definately one for the Geeks. Smurk and Ebized should be able to baffle you some more, and leave you a gibbering mess and mere shadow of your former self! However in reality I am sure they can assist or point you to someone who can with one of those funny PM Banners!
  3. Behave yourself! No, I'm quite serious. I'm over the other side of the pond, so don't have the same tv programming. Lol, and it's annoying when people say Zed, when there are 8 incarnations and many variatons of our beloved Zeds. Well sorry to disapoint but the forum has it's owne language and nicknames! I am sure if you ask SMD or the others, they will enlighten you to some of the more popular well know pet names we have for our Zed's and there are even pet names for forum members.!
  4. So you haven't heard the hack and your automatically assuming its better than the tape adapter? Good advice. I got a tape adapter.... It was crap so I chopped the cable off, got brave and did the hack. The sound is perfect with iPod hack Defo recommend - just follow the guide, it's not too hard. Then you can say that as you have the experience to back it up. Better tape adapters also give better sound. Are you having a poke at someone Dblock lol!
  5. I completely forgot I had Motors TV until a mate pointed it out yesterday. Some fasinating stuff,
  6. It belongs to a Racing team and Abbey Motors the Forum traders sort out the mechanics. I believe that's the right way round. It was on ebay last week for £55k
  7. If anyone is up and awake and interested, on Motors TV channel 545 on Virgin, they have professional drifting with loads of Zeds. Guy at the moment is in a 900bhp Zed:)
  8. A monaro is a coupe. The vxr8 is the saloon... Its not a predessesor. Duh!!! Meeooww
  9. Unbolt them and take them indoors!
  10. Poor guy is really confused now. Has the forum ever come to a unanimous decision on anything other than the one about Spurs?
  11. SMD loves everything. Rumour has it he loves Spurs!
  12. Nice to see another 2009 350:) Nice car.
  13. Take that disgusting bit of rubbish off the back please and don't even think about manufacturing them Taras unless your prepared to drive it lol.
  14. It makes the air con go cold quicker which is great on a blazing hot summers day. Some of you old farts will remember a hot summers day:)
  15. I think Mary Millington was not as pretty as Fiona Richmond. However Mary had a deep throaty rasp to her voice! Suck on that!
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