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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. I think its called a H gate and I have been searching for over a year, The USA 350 zed site had a picture of one that a guy made himself but it was very problematic and as such had to have a raised platform with elongated gear lever for it to work. You can buy the extention from ebay for about £22 and I have a Ferrari type round metal gear knob on mine. All thats missing is the H Gate:(
  2. Behave!! Sorry matron Are you getting bored with all that travel Dave!
  3. Is that real suede? Not wishing to put the mockers on it but its been banned from vehicles for a while now due to not meeting EU fire regulations. Hence the birth of Alacantara. I wonder if that is restricted just to car manufacturers and does not count for aftermarket DIY? Best of luck anyway as I am considering using leather on mine!
  4. Pick wisely as cheaper is not always better:)
  5. I would suggest you Google it! I am sure if it were a common occurance we would have heard of it by now! Just stay calm, otherwise you will worry yourself sick and ruin your trip!
  6. Just pinched this off the Web. Before you drive in France, ensure that you have a High Visibilty Jacket for the driver and, ideally, for all occupants. The law came into effect on 1st July 2008 making a requirement for the driver of the car to wear a high-viz upper body garment (waistcoat, jacket, anorak) if the car is immobilised at the side of the road or on a hard shoulder and the driver has to get out of the car. The jackets have to be within reach and inside the car - not in the boot. The jacket should carry the correct CE mark to show that it meets the current legal requirements. A warning triangle is also obligatory under the same law - this may be kept in the boot though. The purpose of the triangle is that in the event of a breakdown you place it on the carriageway some distance before your vehicle to warn other drivers of the obstruction. When placing hte triangle be mindful of your own safety! High-viz jackets are not obligatory for passengers, but you are advised to carry in case they, too, have to get out of the car. When hiring a car, check that a triangle and sufficient jackets (gilets) are provided.
  7. Thats exactly what happened at Bluewater in December. never again!
  8. The seller must be into there blue Zeds as another in the background. He claims it will fit an HR. Will it eck as like!
  9. Colin is of course quite right on this. However if it was 20 odd years ago before all the modern technology then there used to be a running in process, When we rebuilt the engine of my 1965 Daimler MK11 ten years ago, I had to keep the revs down to 3000 max and speed 50 or below, Then drop the oil, flush through and refill. You would gain absolutely nothing by having an oil change except thinning out your wallet by about £70. the Nissan dealership where you got it from would tell you the same thing. Just relax and enjoy the car:)
  10. Do a hard reset. Hold the on off button down and the middle one at the same time. Keep them held down until the apple icon appears. Do not be tempted to take you fingers off the buttons when the screen gose black. You must wait until the apple icon appeares. If it still happens then the home button needs replacing or what ever Dblock said. Its a face off whatever happens and don't rip the ribbon if your doing it yourself. It is a fairly common fault with the iPhone 4 as its getting into its getting a bit old now. I still have my 4 and the home button kept sticking on that, I got my mate to sort it. You could take it to the apple store as suggested and if I were in your shoes i would most definately be doing that, I cant see the reset fixing it.
  11. I personaly would not touch it. Just suppose something went wrong and you took it back to claim on the warranty. You just voided it? Just follow the terms and conditions to the letter as these warranty people are masters at avoiding paying out if they can. If say your engine went pop (though i doubt it) the 1st thing they are going to try to do is say you did something wrong so were not paying out. After the warrenty runs out you are free to do what ever you want. This is of course only my opinion and others may choose to correct me:)
  12. Fantastic stuff, Is this GTM number 5 or 6 Mark?
  13. First Aid Kit? Or is that just for PCV & LGV in Germany?
  14. Back last year when I was going to get some Akebono for my car, a few of you questioned if they were going to fit. I think it may have been Tarmac Chris who was going to get them for me, and they were about £1850. It was suggested they were the same that is on the 370. They certainly are bigger than the brembo's on a 350. Anyway Abbey got a template and offered it up to my 18" rays and it did not fit. Shame as I could do with some more stopping power.
  15. He wasn't my mate, I was reading up on it in a shooting magazine back last year. You would be surprised what people do without thinking. Not so long ago on u-tube there were some recordings of a Zed going about 150mph on a UK motorway. I have been trying to find them again but cant!
  16. Thanks for that. For a moment I thought you meant £4k price tag
  17. Again arguments for and against and as some of you know I have had CCTV in my Zed ever since i got it. Glad I have as when the **** that side swiped me on A3 in August said he wasn't there, The CCTV proved my case. However on the flip side, some dum idiot took his new shotgun round to show his mate and allowed him to shoot some off in his back garden whist another mate recorded it on his phone. This mate then uploaded it to u-tube and within a few days of it being on there the armed police swooped on his home and he is doing some time. It really is a toss of the coin debate and yes, if the police found you had a recording device the short of it all is unlike voice tape it can be used as evidence. It really does'nt matter if you have worked or trained with the police as I have had many a policeman on courses that I used to run out of Watford college. The subject never seemed to rear its head. It's no different to using the CCTV footage from shops and banks to get a conviction as far as i am aware. Anyway moving on. Do I need a college degree to work this device or not?
  18. Being a bit thick here. in terms relating to the camera. Whats 4k mean please! I have been looking for a new toy so maybe this is it!
  19. Whats the difference between the black and silver?
  20. Who said they wern't in the country then?
  21. Is this the same thing? http://www.ebay.co.u...=item19d8937b5e OOps repost lol
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