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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. lol i was expecting that might be the answer One made from the insides of toilet rolls and tin foil would probably be more sturdy Is that how you made your Dave?
  2. Surely you mean bate I think your the 1st to use a capital letter at the start of the sentence?
  3. I would love to see a documentary on how they repaired it:)
  4. Sorry to hear:( I think finishing the build would be the best thing you all can do, as it will help keep you strong!
  5. Especially when is brand spanking new and you get a free tank of fuel!
  6. Manor car hire are really nice people. When that woman drove into me in March 2011 in my 1st Zed she was insured with Saga. They arranged to sort everything out and manor car hire sent me a brand new mercedes Auto CLS diesel 350 Grand edition. Plus a Tank of fuel. I think some of you may remember the post that I had the car for 96 days as due to the Big Wave in Japan they could not get a door skin or new front Ray. I did notice that the daily hire was £180 lol. The reason her insurance wanted to deal with it meant they had there hands on the purse strings. If I had gone elsewhere and hired a car which costs more than the one they provide, they are quite at liberty to invoice you for the difference. No doubt the OP would have this in writting from either SAGA or Manor car hire to confirm. And they won't take the car back until you are 100% happy with the repairs. You are in good hands and they really do look after you. The only reason I could not have a Ferrari 430 was that the powers to be do not put the Zed in the supercar bracket where the like for like in this instance is concerned. I rather liked the Merc:)
  7. Some of us don't have £12k spare to do that! I don't know what you mean?
  8. Super Charger will get you more power!
  9. I believe its a legal requirement to stop and render assistance in a few European countries. This includes rendering 1st aid and having the equipment to do so. They even tell you what the 1st aid kit has to consist of!
  10. You won't. You need to get the car down to your nearest Nissan Dealer and get them to look at it!
  11. The white looks fantastic. I think you have just the right amount of black to make it look really nice:)
  12. Don't forget you need a French approved MOT! Sorrey I forgot to add it has to be in English French and German. And at least one occupant of the car must speak the native tongue of all the Countries you plan on visiting fluently! Honest my mate told me!
  13. The one in the picture looks to me to be a 5 speed so maybe there is a bit more room! Need to be careful of the nylon collar as well. I am guessing for a 6 speed it would have to be domed if not raised. Thats Yanky one in the picture was about $150!
  14. I thought I had covered this subject B4 and had started a thread on it on here. In fact it is on the USA site. http://my350z.com/fo...gate-plate.html
  15. £20 lol stick another 0 on the end and you may be near the mark.
  16. I don't think its going to happen as just been reading up on another site and this is one of a few of the many negative comments. "The gated shifter is part of the charm of motoring in many European sports cars, most of them have dropped the gate in favor of a tighter shift patern, I believe you'll find the Z patern too tight for a gate, it would be simple to machine a gate if the pattern were large enough" Mind you where there is a will theres a way. Simple enough to take the panel of and with my lever extension measure the movement. And I am sure the guy that did manage to make one work for his Zed had to build up the base plate by about 1.5"
  17. A guy in Banstead has a Maserati with 4 CUR as the plate!
  18. I love this plate on this car. Wish I could have it!
  19. Behave!! Sorry matron Are you getting bored with all that travel Dave! It's cold and lonely in the NE I remember you saying you were going to plague us with some nightly wit !
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