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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Didn't the yanks shoot him and then chuck him in the sea?
  2. Have you given Abbey a shout?
  3. I was chating to a guy with FI from the states and he said our fuel was better then theirs. Who am I to argue!
  4. Yours one weekend or evening is not a problem. So long as to have Nescafe and real sugar! Not some females artificial sweetner either!
  5. I will make sure i wear some white gloves then:)
  6. We are keen arn't we lol!
  7. Just because you think it's clean, doesn't mean it is!
  8. Can I eat a kebab at the same time please?
  9. Yep They run of the main feed at the base just under the 1st layer then carry on up the the heat pad as I call it!
  10. There are a lot of ways to damage the system for want of a better word. One has alreafy been mentioned and thats movement of the seat over time to include rough handling when taking the seat out of the car for instance. One big no no that I was informed about years back was the practice of kneeling on the seat to reach over the back or other side. Apart from making the leather sag it can damage the heting pad or element whatever its called. I am not an authority, just repeating what I was told by someone in the know!
  11. Go to Maplins and they stock all that stuff at very good prices. looks like 3 of us posted at the same time!
  12. They certainly dont go as cold as the OP says theirs does. Mine are like 20 mins on and 5 off. It must be a temp sensor issue!
  13. Now I know why my car is not finished, You lot keep pinching all the rear ends!!!
  14. Thought you might lol:)
  15. They are designed to come on and warm the leather up to a certain temp then they cut off. When they get below a certaintemp they come back on again. If you are skinny they will stay on longer. If like me you are a fat barsturd then they will heat up quicker.
  16. Thats what the rear view mirror is for Shel. To busy powdering your nose I expect!
  17. That was just the front speakers Pete, Bob got them from somewhere think they are 17cm ? Pioneer TS-G1718 170w. the wood bit to space them I made out of scraps but if you want some I'm sure we can come to an arrangment I said I was a coming and a coming so I am:)
  18. Scare the heck out of me as well! Thats a nice looking engine bay Chris:)
  19. I would suggest a full engineers report. Yep it may be expensive but not as expensive if you put your foot on the brakes and end up doing a Fredy Flinstone lol. Also check with the insurance to see what they will charge for the D and if its registered even? It should come back on an HPI check I believe.
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