I have bought my last 5 cars from Nissan dealerships, 4 from one and 1 from another.
Every single one of them has had to have things done to them, but I never ever put a deposite down without looking at one 1st.
Although I have managed to remain on good terms with them all so i need to pick my words carefully as I know that my mate Mehmet
who is one of the dealerships service manager is a forum member and loves reading these stories with his morning coffee:)
After my last puchase and all the hell it caused (which is on here somewhere from when I 1st joined) I was told this:
And don't shoot the messenger as no one can prove or disprove what I am about to say.
This guy told me that they put the cars up for sale and fix the major stuff if there is any, however what they deem as small stuff like reversing thingys being off line,
dings and dents and scuffs they tend to leave them.
Then when someone comes to buy it and take a look, there is a chance they will miss stuff hence the costs are kept down!
Often we miss things and they only come to light when it's to late.
And a few of the guys on here have had the same issues with the same dealership (different location) and told me exactly the same.
Golden rule is never ever place a deposit on a car without seeing it in the flesh.
If you don't know about the marque then take someone with you who does.
My advice is the same as the rest of people on here. Ask for your deposit back and walk away and you defence is item not as described.
Let us know what your budget is and take a look at the forsale section.