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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Get a heat gun and put it on half heat. 1500w approx. Hold it as least 12" away and imagine you are spraying a car. Have a clean rag to hand and every 20 seconds smooth over the area of the dimples applying moderate pressure. soon the leather around the dimples will stretch, thus removing the dimples. I have been using this meathod with success for quite a while. Do not be tempted to rush the job or concentrate the heat for to long over the same area. If you don't have a heat gun then pinch the misses hair dryer.
  2. 5 litres of satin Nato Green paint is a good start!
  3. Not even a stick of dynamite brings back the oem sub kick I will journey down in the summer at some point.... I might even bring the Zed this time too I mentioned going down and letting him loose on my car. Then I started to ask about train times!!!
  4. It's fine. Redlind goods the leather people who advertise on here are the best people in my mind where gear gaitors are concerned. But wait till you get the car and take a deep breath b4 you go rushing into buying stiff as your money will soon vanish. And why is the car bum less lol?
  5. That was an interesting read. Especially the bit about the add on that makes your oem DAB! I still think I will get that pioneer for you to put in though. When I get it back lol:) Don't know anyone who has tried the add on, as usual with DAB it will be all about the reception. You'll get yours back when you stop changing your mind!! My mind costs me a lot of money!
  6. See! Someone else who changes his mind. Just like Spurs managers lol!!!
  7. Surely there is at least 1 tool in every Audi, the driver Behave!
  8. How boring life would be if we all followed the written letter of the law all our lives. It's hard enough trying to get people to be different and not follow the herd as it is! Keep some spare plates and enjoy yourselves you lot!
  9. Meeoww. Mind you thats one way to keep warm. Take a pussy with you:)
  10. He may be honest, but I doubt if all that deal in his affairs are! After all this is football were talking about!
  11. yes but look at the publicity he got over that. Sales of his underpant just shot up!
  12. The male hormones come out. I never even got an answer when I replied to her enquiry about the leather in the car lol.
  13. That must have taken ages !
  14. Anything is better than that awful azure:)
  15. That was an interesting read. Especially the bit about the add on that makes your oem DAB! I still think I will get that pioneer for you to put in though. When I get it back lol:)
  16. I hear he is pretty good on tyre prices as well:) Hope you let us know what the P3 service price is!
  17. He does indeed and if the OP is skint it will certainly do for the time being:)
  18. Do you know how cold it is at night of late!
  19. I believe it's someone you know and is playing with you. Check the wife/GF lol. If they were targeting your car they will have damaged it not played! I have a CCTV in my car with a switch on it so I can leave it on all the time. Never write down threats and leave them on a car as some numpty may read it and see it as a challenge!
  20. I don't think people would get it if it were M14 CUR Mind you even with the way I have it MI 4CUR they still struggle.
  21. Excuse the poor grammer but this is a copy of the email I just sent to the person who authorised the road humps in West Barnes lane. A few of you may remember that I damaged my car on these humps. This is the 2nd time and this is the details. Edward Quartey – Traffic Engineer Tel: 020 8545 2171 Email: edward.quartey@merton.gov.uk Website: www.merton.gov.uk/westbarnes20mph Dear Sir I wish to bring to your attention the height of the road humps in West Barnes Lane Worcester Park! This is the 2nd time I have written on this subject and am still awaiting a reply from the 1st. Are you aware that not one road hump is anywhere near the recommended 100mm in height? I have a Nissan 350 Z of standard height yet the very 1st hump I came to hit the bottom of the car! I tried to turn round but was unable to due to a van behind me and oncoming traffic! No matter what I did I just could not negotiate these road humps without the whole underside feeling the brunt. The intake pipe of the supercharger was later discovered to be fractured and the cost plus labour to repair was £800. This is now a year since I sent the 1st email, but what prompted me to write again was that nothing has been done to reduce the height! Many cars are damaged and this is evident by the black marks and cracking to the top of the road humps. What happens if a Ferrari or the like were to go down there? There is no signage to say not to go down there or people with low vehicles do not enter? The resident’s wanted the humps to slow the traffic down not rip the undercarriage of their own vehicles as one did! I am led to believe that several of the local bus and coach operators have stopped their driver’s from going down West Barnes Lane due to damaging Air brake pipes? It they are getting damaged then what chance have we got. Please could you give a time frame for rectification work to be done to lower the humps to the Government recommended height please? I hold your department fully accountable as you had to pass the rectification work of as suitable! By rectification I mean the repairs that were made back last year. One day workmen came along and embedded Red London Bricks as a top layer. These bricks alone are almost 50% of the recommended height which in its self was more than 10cm to begin with. Sincerely P. Andrews.
  22. Thank God there are others who complaind about the height of these humps!
  23. I think you rubbed to hard. Thats was a blue Zed when you started! Nice job:)
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