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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. I am waiting for a Mars Bar input. I recon we could add a few lines:)
  2. Buy a ticket from the forum. Already answered your question in the Japfest thread. Reading might help. He said he is new you ninnyphoo!
  3. Its a good price for someone.
  4. Grandpa, apps are no substitute for checking with your eyes at the pumps! They are if your blind!! And Dip started it!
  5. There is a free app for iPhone called Fuel Economy Calculator. I think you guys would be surprised just how much you were getting by using this app. I am getting 25mpg in winter!
  6. According to wheeler dealers and the restoration of the DB7 they were doing the other week, it was Jag that saved Aston by giving them the design. Not the other way round as I always thought.
  7. No doubt some of you have seen this b4 and the od numpty will relish telling everyone like last time but who cares as I think its daft anyway:)
  8. Unless it's been said already, you have 45 days I believe with ebay? However it can be sorted. I have has ones fixed a sight worse than that!
  9. Chris from Brooklands Kent ( not sure what his forum handle is) who has a white veilside has cloth seats and its a JDM. He is having the seats out of my car to put in his so I will do a thread on it, thats if its not been done b4,
  10. Why don't you get them Chris! I will sort them out for you and you can sell the Alezain ones!
  11. I'm at 468WHP without the NOS Your as bad as Wizard lol
  12. Clear you message box out Taff:)
  13. You been giving yourself a Stranger as well then Perv Why didn't I think of that earlier No wonder B&Q never had any work mates in stock! You have them all!
  14. Essex is the hell-hole of England... You won't be going to any of the meets then One less drab colour to ruin the photo's lol!
  15. Never new that thanks. I have 275/35/18 0n back and 245/35/18 on front.
  16. Fronts are 225/35/18's! Whats wrong with a 35 profile? Am I missing something!
  17. 2 things never I would never do when buying lugs. Purchase ones from ebay at £10 Or but any from the outlet at Conlbrook who are notorious for importing forgery's from Hong Kong. I see he is now operating out of Reading as well. The 6 month ban from ebay obviously wasn't enough!
  18. Rays have some for £180 a set:)
  19. I have HR but they cant be that much different surely?
  20. Not sure what the stock size is but I have 750cc in at the moment.
  21. Sound like one of those commision firms to me.
  22. Provided you don't suffer with a bad back then you will be fine.
  23. Bloody hell! We would need sunglasses with you 2 parked together!
  24. Did I offer you my numberplate lol as its for an 58/09 car! I can never remember! Not much help with you question though lol.
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