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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. its a very time consuming job mate you can spend 12 hours easy detailing your car if you want to get it perfect, its all about just taking your time and going over areas twice to make sure you haven't missed anything I spent 5 days lol
  2. Don't forget he was wearing a pair of tarts tights at the time
  3. I forgot Zedman is the rag and bone man of the North! He is sure to have one. Ask nicely and he will sell you a Belfast Sink:)
  4. Use a pair of tights Whacko lol. You know you want to! It's proberbly 1 hr labour plus VAT if that helps:) Not for the tights though!
  5. Defo get one from on here as you will suffer in the long run! But if your stony then see if there are some OEM 2nds in the forsale section!
  6. The Turner ones on Sick speed are fine as they are a good make. They always seen cheaper from USA and I have them on my car. The fake Rays cost me £80 and they are usually £180. I spotted it by chance when I came across a artical on how to spot them. I wrote a thread on it. I would just be warey of named makes that are at a price to good to be true. I think the guys on here were selling Tuners for £50. So if you take of there mark up it makes them about £40 which is about right for a £25-£30 item from the states. I have been using slickspeed/Tuner Lugs for a year now and was put onto them by another forum member. When I 1st saw and felt them I could not believe how light they were. Well I checked them a few days ago and they are fine. There is an outlet in Chessington that sells Lugs for all makes. No one has all the answers but I certainly would not buy an unmarked brand! If there are unmarked they cant be confiscated by customs as counterfeit so they get into the country. They then go on to a warehouse that puts identification marks on them. Original Rays have a orange dot printed onto the back of the light blue packaging. This packaging was darker and the red dot was stuck on. I was lucky I suppose!
  7. They are the company that made the fake rays I purchased from that ebay outlet at Colnbrook nr Heathrow. Just bought some Tuner lugs from Sickspeed USA. They arrived a few days ago and so light you would think they would crack!. Although I am guaranteed they won't. Anyway no air gun on these all done by hand:) http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=lug+nuts&item=200891013799&_osacat=0&_from=R40&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&_ssn=jadjls&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313&_nkw=lug+nuts&_sacat=0
  8. Thats not a road I would go down. Fake = wheel falling off = death!
  9. Thats a pound please:) every little helps!
  10. Link me up please Will, search function isn't working great for me Lazy git!
  11. At least you did in under cover! I thought mine was good when I did it last summer out doors. But when I got it in the shade I saw small white specks along the side skirts and bottom of both bumpers. A combination of my poor eyesight and the bright sun resulted in me not polishing off very well. Mind you it did not help being a silver car. You have done well.
  12. Cant understand why BBK can't get his to shine like that! I can understand the roof as he cant reach it without standing on an orange box. But no excuse for the rest of it:)
  13. Panel clips are on ebay:) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-BUMPER-SPLASHGUARD-INNER-WHEEL-ARCH-LINING-WING-LINER-TRIM-CLIPS-8mm-/190758639913?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&fits=Car+Make%3ANissan|Model%3A350+Z&hash=item2c6a19d929
  14. Hhhhhhhmmmmmm, really!!!!!!!!! Next time I will use the 1" socket drive to beat you with, or maybe a frying pan as apparently my chain isn't long enough to leave the kitchen I have a spare length complete with some leg irons if needed!
  15. Have you gotta Super Charger fitted?
  16. Did we not have a conversation about the seats when u 1st joined the forum? i think I located a guy in N.I. who could have done the work for you !
  17. Ah I see, it could be done but as you say the flat panels won't fit most likely. I don't have a HR handy either to test fit/get measurements, maybe in the near future we'll see. Where abouts do you live?
  18. Its as I thought. You need to shape it. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/59663-hr-carbon-fibre-cooling-panel/
  19. I haven't test fitted it to a HR to be honest so couldn't say, is there any difference except the hole? Yes unfortunately. I got a flat one off fleabay that was flat. I had to enlarge the cut out on the right and build up the back with 3 layers of double sided tape. It didn't last so i took it off, although it does deflect the air. It's not flat underneath and has dips in the moulding. A flat one just does not sit on it without a lot of work and swearing. I think R-T measured up for some HR carbon ones as he did a thread using my car. It died a death for somereason. If you search through R-T threads it will show you what I mean. I will have a look as well and put a link up if I can find it!
  20. Why what Wacko!!! What does it do...??? (Theres a "h" in my Whacko..! ) Depends who is spelling it lol:)
  21. A collector was selling a pair of them off on ebay back last year. They were nut a bolt jobs and had a big block 7 litre lump in. It was no slow coach either as it was tuned and moded. Bost were in access of £60k and both sold I believe. I remember when I was a young teenager walking through Guildford by the Jag place and there was a red GT40 for sale. It had a hand written notice on it saying. "Eats small Italian sports cars for breakfast" That was 40 years ago and I recon it will still give them a run for there money!
  22. If you going to get that bolster sorted you need to do it b4 you put them in as it needs to be done with an airbrush, and you really dont want to be spraying a seat with it in the car!
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