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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Dip. Arran wants you to upload that racket from the back of my car yesterday pls:)
  2. Of course it will. If you don't update the disc every 2 years you are going to have problems. Especially at the rate roads are being built. Sat navs are not in real time and rely on up to date info. nav trak and co pilot all update in September every 2 years and they have to buy the info from ordinance Survey who as stated only release full uk map updates in September every 2nd year. It takes them that long to get it sorted. It was on Top gear a few years back.
  3. Buy cheap and you shall receive crap in my experience. Not always, my £18 rear view numberplate eBay camera is spot on Isn't that a camera with no recording facility? Just for reversing? Its for blind Spurs fans who can't reverse!
  4. Not a good excuse, unlike me you went to school here! Diu ley gor low mow, ar! Ley leung gor doo hey chee gay jun, ar? LMAO Can I have that with special flied lice pls?
  5. Someone said via the battery box. Mine has an adapter plug and goes into the main fuse box and comes on with the ignition
  6. http://www.lelong.com.my/2lens-vehicle-video-recorder-cdr-e07-83406758-2012-02-Sale-P.htm This is it and it works out about £170. It was on ebay but I can't find it. Make sure you put a fast card in of 8 or above for quality pictures. 32mg card will give a good 3-4 months of driving.
  7. Buy cheap and you shall receive crap in my experience. Not always, my £18 rear view numberplate eBay camera is spot on Not if some one runs into the back and squishes it? Then 10 mins later he same happens again!
  8. yes me and my neighbor bought a couple and they were nasty. Mine doesnt have a name as such but is called vehicle video recorder. was about £180. The black taxi company in london that has about 200 black cabs all have them installed and one of the drivers got it for me.
  9. A lot of the stuff thats going around seems to come from the same guy in Thailand. Even the so called mine come from Asia and the way to spot a fake is they dont have the mines name or logo on them. The original moulds did, but since a micky mouse has been making them the name is missing. It would appear that they are handled quite a few times b4 they come to uk and everyone takes there little bit. Not saying there ugly or anything or even knocking the quality, but why pay a double middleman when you can go direct? At the end of the day you want the best product available for the lowest price. You are far from paying a decent price on this one. Even the Goki which is much better (IMO) is cheaper because it's only handled twice. You have to make your own mind up as it's your money. But I agree if you put something on the front you need one on the back.
  10. If you'd owned both, the quality of the facelift interior is far superior, not quite sure what there is to prefer as it just feels cheaper in every regard. I agree cheaper materials but I really don't like the gear surround, i guess that would be easy to change though The facelift interior is an improvement but still low rent for a sports coupe really... But then a lot of people on here hardly drive their Zed and just polish and shine the outside and engine bay so I guess the interior is secondary Ha ha ha so funny. If it wasn't for my dirty engine bay I would say that was aimed at me!
  11. Spill the beans Sorry Dave as I'm to pi**ed off with what I saw to put thought to words! Plus I would not go public until I have sorted it, if at all!
  12. Its not HD like Dips is I use it just for protection and it has never let me down yet. I am not sure if you can get a HD all singing dacing front and rear view in one unit under £300 plus! Thats if you can find one!
  13. You need one with both forward and rear facing cameras. A large proportion of prangs are rear end shunts. You need to be able to identify the culprit. Also if you hard wire them like I have, every time the ignition is turned on it records whats going on outside or who ever is behind the wheel at the time. I sat through 16 hrs of playback in January as I needed to find something. Mine had recorded everything from August onwards. I found what I was looking for and a whole lot more!
  14. To late mate he bought an Austin A35 estate with a 850cc lump in it!
  15. This should be made a sticky as the definitive answer to grounding kits. Well said that man:)
  16. Like I said type in ebay. They even come up at £40 on Google. Nissan wanted £350. Loads of them out there. The guys that u load the cars of the ships at Grimsby tend to borrow them from the Player and put them on ebay for us lol
  17. There you go Arran. Can get this in the country for around £400. Must be an original mines as the pictures are identical to the other post. Amazing what you canndo if you search. Dump the Middleman and save even more. I think Octet can get them a lot cheaper still!. I thought you didn't like the diffuser on my car? Thats why I gave it away in the end because Clown thought it looked like a square dollop of Phoo! Think it was Clown. It really did make the rear of my car Micky Mouse looking. R-T has a couple of originals that people took of there cars so pm them. http://www.ebay.com/itm/06-08-Nissan-350Z-Carbon-Fiber-Front-Lip-JDM-MINES-Z33-/221186175248?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item337fb93110&ssPageName=RSS:B:SHOP:US:10
  18. Don't go mad buying stuff Graham. I have a length of 8 or 10 mm rubber that I used twice. plus some quick release cuplers and reducers. Your welcome to them mate. I am not going anywhere till Tuesday if you want to take a gander! So long as I don't have to drag my butt out of bed early:)
  19. I think this is the 4th post on this subject in recent times. No sound on that Dip! Did u not say you recorded the noise from someones exhaust yesterday as well?
  20. Spraynsome superguard or the equivelent on them and polish it in. It helps To stop the brake dust and grime from stickin to the wheel. Either that or do what others do and put a wax polish on them!
  21. I was chatting to Jezz about them and he has not done an HR yet. But he has some computer data to back up his claim that they are benificial!
  22. Umm you didn't go straight home than Dip?
  23. Love those red and black seats Dip. I must get some for my wheels:)
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