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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Bearing in mind my skeleton is fused together and my neck and back resemble a stick on Bamboo! Would I benefit from a harness to help keep me in position and stop me bending forward all the time which makes the pain worse? I am seatbelt exempt but that was b4 I had a killer car. Any experience in this field would be most welcomed! Thanks
  2. They are not all leather as apparently when they were being tested the test drivers were sliding in the seat! How true that is I do not know. So the back and bum bit are made from heavy grip upholstery as they call it. It has a fair bit of give in it and more than the leather seat pan. Side by side they look pretty simular to the OEM ones:) I drove a R35 a while back and did not notice to be honest. More excited by the car:) Chris brooklands350 just rang and said they are so comfortable you sink in them!
  3. Dan they made my nuts hit the ground and hit me on the chin when lifting them. Got to be a good 50%. I did wonder if the GTR was a tad wider inside as you have millimeters to spare each side. I will ask Chris to weight the drivers one!
  4. Naff of and stick to ya hocky jocky pants!
  5. So what? If you go see the car then youll know its not in Spain, if you bang out £6K without checking something first then you deserve to get ripped. I dont have any feedback on ebay but I am still the chairman and treasurer of one of the UK's biggest car forums, does that mean the whole of the SXOC are bent? Either way I dont see it as *that* cheap - sure, its got low miles but it wont have forever pmsl
  6. Brooklands350 has just sent this picture over of the passenger seat fitted and working:) masking tape was to hold a protective cover on. Thus far not any major issues:)
  7. Match of the day. Spurs v Fulham. good game good game lol
  8. Tighten what up? Doubt it's anything like that as Darren is fairly thorough with his methods and Sly at Kaizer checked everything over too I'm yet to get under her and check everything myself though Tighten what up? Doubt it's anything like that as Darren is fairly thorough with his methods and Sly at Kaizer checked everything over too I'm yet to get under her and check everything myself though Sorry Jordan I was under the impression you did the work yourself in the pub carpark
  9. Ask for HP lol How will a bottle of brown sauce help? Looks fantastic BTW. +1 on the cubby cover. Silly Billy lol
  10. If only you were right. Unfortunately one of the things in the security forums of ebay are 1st time high value item sales con artists. usually the car is in spain or the like. I believe the forum has a safeguard due to these cons. It's a sign of the times we live in.
  11. Take a good long look at the dad. Is he not a TV or film star?
  12. Brooklands350 has a 2003 ferrari 430 with 4000 on the clock in for a service at the moment.
  13. He isn't coming out to play today. can't blame him as I would hang my head down in shame as well!
  14. Well well I got the scores wrong. Chelsea won Spurs lost! And City died lol!
  15. I have enough problems trying to keep the car from running away with itself. let alone see who is coming the other way. No comments from keyser or Darran B either please?
  16. I think you saw a picture of the colour as they are identical to the ones Lee35 was selling and I believe Octet now has them. brooklands350 is sorting the wiring out and fitting them. Thats how we discovered the motor was in the runners. I believe the only issue we may have is the heated seat bit. The switch is on the GTR seats and on the Zed they are on the centre consul. I am sure Chris will put something up when he has sussed it out. The motor works and the 6 way operation all works. 3 of the mounts line up and one of the front ones is 4mm out which is an easy fix by heating the bar up and slightly bending it. The 2 inside bolts nearest the center consul just need half inch spacers. I am sure between Chris and Octet we will get enough info to make a DIY sticky.
  17. Just in the process of putting the GTR seats in my car and we discovered the forward backwards motor is in the runners!
  18. You can get rubber paint from halfrauds Well if you like the feel off rubber who am i to judge It's a fetish of SMD! One of many little quirks he has!
  19. Ok I have done the Donkey work on this and have nothing more to contribute to the post. There should be enough information for you all to be able to identify the systems you have. But more important, where to get a working up to date copy without busting the bank:)
  20. You have helped. By saying which disk you bought now identifies the system you have, as it's written on the front of the disk:) It's very confusing but glad you are up and running.
  21. I give in. Graham can you make a sticky like you said you would do please. I must have repeated myself twice already:)
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