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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. That's a funny looking cam cover lol:)
  2. What you mean the car looks real? It is real! Do you think I came over on the bannan boat? I know a real car when I see one!
  3. How come my car gets called "Lilly White" or "Tampon" yet yours escapes the SMD slanderer?
  4. Frig me Peter, if you can get a loaf into that cookie jar I'll be mighty impressed God my eyesight. Its a giant radio. I think that car has landed up in Jack and the beanstalk land!
  5. My God. That bread bin must be 6ft High!
  6. Fenders look wowzaroony!
  7. At feckin last!!! I've waited 2 years and 8 months for this. Must do the lottery this week as things like this are very rare occurences. At feckin last!!! I've waited 2 years and 8 months for this. Must do the lottery this week as things like this are very rare occurences. I already did it lol:)
  8. Colin you have been on here to long. Please and thankyou lol:) Please, I haven't decided what I'll have yet, thank you Coffee 2 sugars at the downs when the sun says hello:)
  9. Colin you have been on here to long. Please and thankyou lol:)
  10. Just enter Nissan Pagid brake pads in ebay and up they come.
  11. Undo the 4 bolts but disconnect the battery 1st Disconnet the wiring and you will see the runners and the motor underneath. I recon it would not hurt to clean all the crap out and squirt some WD40 on the moving bits. It has to be worth a try and is a 30 min job.
  12. In the States it's illegal to pass a school bus when its loading or unloading children. Pete They had a simular thing over here with the bendy buses. They were 2 long for the bus pullins and often could not see to pull out. Bang!! So then they filled all the bus stop pullins and bought the kerb out level with the road. And made a law of Tort that you could not overtake them! I think that fell by the wayside
  13. There are many deaths associated with passengers getting off a bus and not waiting until its pulled away b4 crossing the road. I spent many years as a Bus driver at Dorking and later Fulwell. At Dorking we had bus conductors who would bark out orders to the kids to either go to the crossing or wait till the bus had departed. sadly OMO has killed off the conductor, and now kids seem to do what ever they want.
  14. It is Dave who since having his candy butt kicked by Fulham on Saturday has yet to show his face!
  15. Does your wife not drive a new Range Rover? Does your wife not drive a new Range Rover? You may have me confused with someone else, possibly someone with a lot more money than me. I know he has bomb in his name and lives in Crystal Palace lol. peebomb maybe?
  16. Does your wife not drive a new Range Rover?
  17. I think leather is now an optional extra? There are only 2 basic colours from what I can gather. The black edition which all have the same ones as I have And the other model that has grey upholstery and black leather sides. Yes Alex, I can just see your arse sliding round the track b4 the car on leather ones:)
  18. I just went on ebay and you can get the ones you are selling for £57 total. This is the link I was looking at but copy and paste is not always a good thing on here. http://www.brakes-pads-discs.co.uk/pagid/car-brake-pads/nissan-350.html
  19. Does it not depend what ones. I was looking at a set for over £500 Nissan 350 Brake Pads If you would like to select a different model you can return to the Nissan page. 350 Z Year: 02> Coupe Front Axle Thickness (mm): 18.0, Braking System: BRE RS19 Yellow (Ceramic Based) £-2.40 RS4-2 Blue (Carbon Based) £258.25 RS4-4 Orange (Carbon Based) £258.25 RS29 Yellow (Ceramic Based) £322.81 Rear Axle Thickness (mm): 16.5, Braking System: BRE RS4-2 Blue (Carbon Based) £164.48 RS4-2-1 Black (Carbon Based) £164.48 RS14 Black (Ceramic Based) £181.19 RS5 Blue (Ceramic Based) £181.19 RS15 Grey (Ceramic Based) £186.62 RS19 Yellow (Ceramic Based) £205.63 RS29 Yellow (Ceramic Based) £205.63
  20. The bottom one is a wrapup bluetooth keypad! it's true, honest!
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