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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Have a word with Brooklands350, He has a soft socket set that he uses on Porsche and Ferrari. He put some on mine last week and not a mark on them. you would need to pm him as he does not come on here very often as its race season!
  2. What would you want one for? Your car never goes anywhere and your permanently stuck behind a desk! Well you could stick it on that I suppose? I used to be quiet handy round a track, and because the XKR is going next year there may well be a track toy in the future Handy round the track. Umm throwing sand on oil spills lol:)
  3. What would you want one for? Your car never goes anywhere and your permanently stuck behind a desk! Well you could stick it on that I suppose?
  4. Only because you wouldn't wait for the GTM S/C Lol
  5. There is a bolt on the disk to prevent you putting the rears on the fronts Plus you can see by placing a front and rear side by side on the ground. The fronts are noticably not so deep as the rears.
  6. Jumping 350 just bought a set identical for £450 last week from flea bay. The ones your selling look like a set that was up for £600 for nearly 6 months a very short time ago. Its a sad fact of life that nothing is shifting at the moment. But good luck if you can get what you are asking
  7. You dont have to tell DVLA as its only the outside of the vehicle that geys wrapped. The inside door surrounds and pillers are left original. Hence its classed as paint protection. However you do need to tell your unsurance as they need to price it accordingly incase of a crunch. If you use the decent stuff it will protect against stone chips and will even stand up to lazy gits who don't know where the empty shopping trolly lives. It's a Marmite thing!
  8. You may have to be moving fast to see that Zed close up But he would keep up with us though Chris
  9. I think you Philosinorsinihillyphilliphcation could be malfunctioning:)
  10. So you don't put forum flyers on cars then Dip?
  11. What he said. but I need the seats in the reclined position Arran otherwise I cant get under the side bolster that needs the operation. I will be there when you do it so no worries. I have a nice Marrigold yellow to try out if you want? And stop knocking the phone. my iPad is always double posting on here. I just don' think the Android can handle the forum!
  12. I thought you had recently just had an expensive overpriced full service and if my memory serves me right. Did you not ask for the brake fluid to be changed? If I may ask just what exactly did you get done for you money Dip? Holy crap! He's back from the dead! back to the forum! What's that got to do with it? Chris just didn't have any super ate blue stuff in case we lost some. All he had was Motul. What I got for my money I believe was a P2 with a brake fluid change. With regards to price I've realised that other places are more competitive. I was told up front what the price was, I just didn't realise when booking it that other places were 30% cheaper. Also I won't mention where I got it done as that's bad game. My fault for paying over the odds but we all learn sometime. Must have got you mixed up with someone else and I don't recal asking you were you had it done? Nothings changed I see.
  13. I thought you had recently just had an expensive overpriced full service and if my memory serves me right. Did you not ask for the brake fluid to be changed? If I may ask just what exactly did you get done for you money Dip?
  14. Thanks for the punts guys. Looks like its got leprosy. PM on way.
  15. Unfortunately thats not the case Neil. I spent a lot of time at HC visiting people. ATOS are getting a bonus for everyone who they get off or reduce there benefits. This they relish and do not care if you can run or drag your body behind you like a snail. More often then not the assessments are done by admin staff with no or very little medical experience and thats the issue here. Saying if your genuinley ill than you have nothing to fear would not invole the deaths of 11,000 innocents as an MP stood up and said on TV last month. Reminds me of the true story of the soldier from 13 Rifles who had his right leg blasted off. He put down on his benefit form he could not walk 50 yards! One day he was out trialing his new artificail leg with the guys from Rhoehampton Limb Hospital and was being spied on from ATOS. In less than a week his benefits were taken off him and he was charged with fraud. Why? because all they could see was a guy walking. And thats all they wanted to see. So how can can people not worry in they are genuine if this sort of thing goes on! I have attended 6 Trubunals on behalf of others and one who was wounded, all because of the blinkered conception that everyone is a cheat.
  16. Read your 1st post! Then you should have put that in the 1st place! You quite plainly put in black and white you want a £26k cap period!!! "Less people on benefits the better. A lot of people just scam it. I like the £26k cap"
  17. Trouble is Adrian has only put one side of the story over. ATOS the government witch hunters are associated with 11000 deaths. These are the old and vunerable who died as a direct result of ATOS blunders. yes there are 1 hell of a lot of cheats, but people who need help are being turned down and caught up in the frenzy. Like the soldiers who have limbs blown off! As soon as some are given artificial ones and can walk on them to a degree of stability. (There scale) they loose there entitlement. And Dip. How much do you think it takes to look after a quadriplegic bomb victim? £29k would not even cover the round the clock care for 3 months? And you want to put a cap on it? Are these people not deserving of a life? I repeat what I said b4, there is no room for cheats, but punishing the genuine to get back at the few is not the answer!
  18. You will have the spam police on you later?
  19. Are there any Auto's with Man Utd livery? Dont be so silly!
  20. I would swop mine for a like for like auto!
  21. How does this automatic window thing work then? Someone said if you press and hold the keyfob the window will open. And if open from outside you do likewise it will close? I cant seem to get the knack!
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