Trouble is Adrian has only put one side of the story over.
ATOS the government witch hunters are associated with 11000 deaths.
These are the old and vunerable who died as a direct result of ATOS blunders.
yes there are 1 hell of a lot of cheats, but people who need help are being turned down and caught up in the frenzy.
Like the soldiers who have limbs blown off!
As soon as some are given artificial ones and can walk on them to a degree of stability. (There scale) they loose there entitlement.
And Dip. How much do you think it takes to look after a quadriplegic bomb victim?
£29k would not even cover the round the clock care for 3 months?
And you want to put a cap on it?
Are these people not deserving of a life?
I repeat what I said b4, there is no room for cheats, but punishing the genuine to get back at the few is not the answer!