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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Gone mate sorry. Will be in touch Pete - I'm sure we can sort a Saturday Ta
  2. Very enlightening Peter, although this is the reason why I never call Dibbs . . . Dibbs :- an std that can be gotten from kissing or any other sexual act. if you have dibbs it is very serious and you should get it checked out. symptoms include the genitals turning green and falling off. it is extremely painful! ewwww. Dude you have dibbs you should get that checked out. Not forgetting ya nob turning black and ya balls falling off lol:)
  3. Here comes another wheel whore In any case they're not purple............ Yet Give it time Ian Dibbs the sacred institution of dibbs: originated during the Paleolithic era. Cavemen or Neanderthals used the dibbs as a means to reduce fatal conflicts over mates, food, shelter,etc. The institution of dibbs prevented pointless deaths by providing a universally acknowledged rule. If person or persons are competing for the same object, goal etc, the first person to call dibbs gets total soverignty with respect to the objects/goals in dispute. This institution is the secret to the success of the human race and has been respected for over 5000 years. group of guys notice a cute girl. One among the group yells DIBBS! That guy gets the first chance with the girl without dispute from his friends. They respect the dibbs.
  4. Just to add it will have to be a Saturday as your wife uses her car during the week. I dont do anything on a Monday which is ok for seats but no good for Zed lining as everyone else is working. Peter
  5. Chris have you got the front drivers side inner wheel arch liner please? Mine flew 200ft skybound alond the A3 Although brand new the whole thing is only £40 from Nissan there are none in the country, and a 6-8 week lead time! If you have give me a date for the roof lining and I will definately get busters and your Missy black seats done now I am not using the spray gun in one hit. maybe the orange as well. You call lol. Plus I can test my new clutch I am putting in on Monday:) bang. Darren wants to test it at the hatch. i told im to naff off! Peter
  6. 4RE Leather

    Pagid RS29

    You won't get the expensive £300 ones which I think your looking at for much under that price.Otherwise I would have some!
  7. I would go get a CD car maual off flea bay for £5 it should tell you. Meanwhile just do an oil change.
  8. You open the oven door and you put the Turkey inside. You close the oven door making sure its set to the right temp. If after a short time black smoke billows out of the oven, you know the temp was to high:)
  9. Enough Green under there to keep a pot house in smoke for a year!
  10. I thought it was the other way round? Reason being when Abbey fitted the supercharger they did away with the drivers side as no room for air filter and induction pipes. Hence I now have no headlight washers:)
  11. I was using it as a mini cab when I came out of Army. Front offside suspension collapsed on the kingswood Roundabout near reigate Hill so I abandoned it. Not the most ideal car for mini cabbing, especially as i broke down with carberation problems at Clapham south tube during the brixton riots. No one would come out and rescue me:(
  12. It's not burning any Dean as i followed you last saturday for about 15 miles back from Brighton and not a wiff of oil. I did have a car do that to me. It was a ex police Rover p6V8. It used a litre of oil a day. You knew when it wanted topping up as when you go round a bend the oil light came on as the oil slopped about. I thought though does occure. Has it got an extended oil pan? And if so I wonder if they extended the oil pick up feed pipe. Just a thought:)
  13. I thought I needed to go to specsavers for a long time. Now I realise I must book an urgent appointment!!
  14. Ninga I was in the stand behind you lol. I counted at least 20 Zeds dotted about. We overtook Mulibu Stacy about 30 miles b4 Donnington but no sign of her at Donnington!
  15. What a lovely car. I could touch that mark in on the seat so you could not see it if the new owner wants me to. But in reality you want to keep her as its testiment to your love for her:)
  16. he can't reach the dip stick. He is to tall lol:)
  17. I took Jumping in my car and was given a free pass for Just Jap. Brooklands350 travelled up with us.
  18. Umm tight leather for saggy shiny stuff!!!
  19. Thats because as squaddies we do most of out work at night:)
  20. Where can you get 4000 donuts for 400 quid? I'm moving there Palace pier brighton. 10 for a quid I think?
  21. I did a thread on here somewhere when I put mine on. 1st thing is get some decoraters low tack masking tape. Then get someone to help you align it and tape it up. Then get a marker pen (white board) and draw round the edge of the diffuser. When done take off masking tape. Then put generous supply of Tiger Seal on and whilst holding get mate to use masking tape to hold steady onto bumper until dry. If its a slight pain use gaffer tape especially underneath as they tend to pop up until the tiger seal is dry. I also have some panel cleaner (Mild sovent) which quickly removes the access Tiger balm off the paintwork. PCV window cleaner will do it. You need to have plenty off rag or roll of paper towel It should dry in 30 mins and drive after a couple of hrs. Try not to do it in direct sunlight.
  22. I got an app on my phone that works as a remote for the tv... Im making myself look bad here Im free this sunday if anyone is wanting bits wrapped, or to see my car do you can get an idea of how vinyl looks You said you were doing stuff hence not coming to Japfest!! Naughty man!
  23. You 4got to mention you are 10 foot tall which helps when wrapping a roof!!
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