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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Will you be at the Grasshopper tomorrow? If so there will be a large assortment for you to hear. Which I think is a must where exhausts are concerned. Most have been supplied my Traders on here so you can listen b4 you buy so to speak:)
  2. Now theres a thought. I could make some money out of this. Tattoo anyone.
  3. Think the council housing was last night or tonight!
  4. I am disabled ex serviceman and got my disability whilst serving in Northern Ireland on the 2nd occasion. For years I refused to believe that if I wanted I could have done naff all so worked my butt off and unknowingly made myself worse. I had to give up full time work about 8 years ago. Although I am on here as a trader I am very limited to what I can do hence I do the odd job (Declared) and I can do 16 hrs a week. Though at the moment I cant do a great deal. I suffer from Chroninc Cluster headaches. Reiters Syndrome. Sever Ankylosing Spondilitis. A constant busted toe and now full blown Osteoporosis. I go into Hospital 4-5 times a year on a pain drip. And I have a Zed! I got it on a thing called Motorbility HP. Motorbility is a charity that held disabled people by leading a normal life as possible so they dont have to go through life listening to bias twats with the IQ of a Chocolate frog forever labeling them. I get £50 a week towards mobility costs and can either get a normal car and run around in ie a picaso or Skoda. After 3 years the car goes back to the dealership and exchanged. But you have nothing to show for it. I don't drink or smoke and saved through the years I could work taking massive hits when off sick for 6-9 months at a time. I part exchanged my last car giving £10k toward my Nissan 350 because 1 I wanted one and 2 I know that soon the steroids I am on that have caused the Osteoporosis are going to leave me in a wheelchair. Some of you have seen me struggling in and out of my Zed and have helped me out on occasion as i get stuck. I personally think this is funny. What I don't find funny is someone who has all his bits and bobs trying to tell me to get into the nearside lane. I try to live as much of a normal life as I can. So do my mates who got blown up in the Guildford pub bombings 2 who are/were soldiers but was not put to print so to raise the spirits of the IRA. I will be down at the Grass Hopper on Sunday if anyone wants to see a disabled person (with a blue badge) in a 470bhp Zed. I will even let you take pictures:) Hope this helps:)
  5. I thought you used Buster to rest the car on! Or is that only when he is sleeping on the job
  6. My clutch does not have a spring? But it has the fittings where a damper or spring should go!
  7. That used to be the best Transport cafe on the A24. Clockhouse Cafe it was called:(
  8. I have put this up so many times now its hurting my fingers. http://www.airbagsforsale.com/contact-us/ Ask for Sam in the ebay sales if they dont have onein main sales.
  9. Stop it Adrian. You should be in bed with the lights out. And no talking!!!
  10. If someone reminds me of course I will pop down. How "Aloof" do you want me to be with your seats
  11. You are of course quite right, but they both look sexy as fek:)
  12. You have to fabricate a bracket up like me and Brooklands did! Might not be to everyones taste but whatever happens you have to make a drop down bracket. This one is not actually a rear bracket but a front one. We just found the rear one stuck out so far there was a danger of not being able to shut the garage doors. We are starting work on the front one very soon. This will involve a drop down link with the same thread as OEM (as the front bumper covers it by about 3"). so we can then either screw in the one that came with the car, or have a bling one. This is the rear one and it has 3 positions. At present it is set to be in as far as possible!
  13. I just saw the exhaust and cut out and got all excited as you no doubt gathered. Need to save some pennies to get a white one.
  14. It's a chance you take buying blind off ebay. The picture used has been doing the rounds for a while. In an ideal world you should be able to go and see a car with it fitted. But that will rarely happen. At least with R-T you can pop up and take a look at there cars in various stages of fitting. To give a price comparison, I was reading a few months back that the new veilside combat body kit to supply and fit is in the region of £6.5 - £7k. To buy direct from Japan was not shy of £4k!
  15. It is weak. flimsey. no room for the lights and the boot open and numberplate light just flops about as there are no fixing points. It does not sit right and sticks out like a sore thumb. I don't think I got them from him as it had a trade name. But defo the same kit!
  16. I was dumb enough to order one last year. Ended up in the skip!
  17. I love that rear bumper. When I said I wanted one like Mike harris has on his well known blue Zed people said it was @*!#. Well it isn't and if it shows off the exhaust like that then go for it. The one I am looking at is a Amuse with the middle section cut out. Who is doing it for you? This is the Mike Harris converted Amuse.
  18. Adrian will even fit it for you. He has nothing else to do all day!!
  19. Beats watching snow though Better not look at this Where is theTardis?
  20. When the Alezan seats are Deep cleaned then fully refurbished they are in my opinion the best looking seats in the Nissan Zed range. There are some pictures of a few sets I refurbished and deep cleanned cleaned on the leather restoration section. And Keyser has one I did down his place a few weeks ago. So has jumping 350:)
  21. wrong thread! Think the needle is to small to get the thread through Dip?
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