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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Blimey it's like being back at Tidworth mid 70's all over again!!!
  2. I think most people ripped there's out as its not the best of systems. It goes from the cradel to the underside of the cubbey hole behind passenger seat under the bottom tray. From there the wires go into a module that connect to the head unit and steering wheel controls. Smurf fixed mine so thats how i know all this lol
  3. Whole car is a work of art IMHO. I love that rear bumper. Hope you don't change it!
  4. The machine in the back of the van is the good as in house usually!
  5. It was imported with that kit on it. My mate was selling it for him from his garage and the owner would not budge on £7.5k It was never going to sell at that. Anyway from what I can gather he just came in one day and took it away.
  6. I only cleaned them a few months ago ya dirty lot!!
  7. I drove that black car a few months ago. Seemed ok and sound!
  8. How do you figure that?? On autotrader there are only 5 zeds for sale under £5k. Two of those have 100k+ miles and none of them have a Nismo kit. I dont get why people are contactly slating the values of zeds? Infact, using the search term 'Nismo', there are only 2 DE zeds on autotrader for sale, one at £6k and one at £7k, which i would say is about right for a desireable kit. ...but that might just be me being biased seeing as i have a 52-plate JDM Nismo zed. Your not the red Zed at Beckton meet last weekend in the PC world car park by any chance?
  9. Your confused lol. I need diazipan
  10. Hi. It's called a cat back as it should include every component from the cat backwards. Hence the name Cat-Back. Can get very confusing at times
  11. It's not the car for sneaking up behind people in thats for sure?
  12. Picked one of the best days in the year weather wise to buy her. Enjoy:)
  13. This is a very good point - folk are free to do their research before they commit to buying - most though are too lazy or naïve to do so and expect to be able to ask a trader countless questions/ advice on set up and products and then go elsewhere Wallet Raped. Umm I know that feeling
  14. +1. Just not been able to put it into the right words.
  15. Nothing wrong with stock internals lol
  16. I am sure the HR has a hole in it as well!
  17. Nope but I got a billet one coloured blue. A lot of peeps change them for after market ones.
  18. If you checked your tyre pressure on a regular basis they won't stick. Instead of waiting until the caliphers fall off after the tyres have exploded
  19. It's the sort of thing people go for who don't have much money. As the others have said, "Avoid" Thin tin and manky welds!! Save you pennies and go for something good.
  20. I like people who are prepared to be bold. Head lining and black plastic I don't like. Hopefully my headlining is going to be changed soon
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