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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Out of interest Clown. Have you got an aftermarket front bumper on yours! If so your thread is underneath the right side front? Like mine and as such cant be used as it would get ripped right off when the tow was underway! We are going to fabricate drop down attatchments hopefully soon that bolt onto the existing tow hole.
  2. He tried putting it in his boot, but he complained it hurt and made him walk with a limp!. You fool Clown
  3. Why are you always...SHOUTING at people..?? Why are you always bullying them Will? Have they done you a poor service or something?
  4. lol regularly saw normal size ones ie about 6-8" accross as they are so common, almost like a house spider.... only saw one that size and also saw a redback now THAT was one scary bugger! I had a little book of all the deadly spider/snakes etc the idea is if you get bitten you get to hospital quick and point to what bit you Only even got bitten by a fire ant but that was bad enough hurt like feck!!!!! Dave politely **** off!!! WTF am I doing going to a country literally festooned with deadly stuff! Did I mention the cockroaches you can hear then scratching away they are so big Is that why you were scratching all day at Darrens, Dave?
  5. Only if it bites ya leg off Arran lol
  6. I personnaly would go for someone thats done them b4 and knows what the fek they are doing. Whilst competition is a healthy thing I spent months making a list b4 I got the car. In the end it came down to 2 companies. Ben at AMD Essex, and Mark at Abbey Motors. Although the prices were about the same for what I wanted ie Milltek, decats and up-rev I went with Mark. Reason is he took the trouble to explain things and didn't get the hump when I asked questions. I was extreamly happy with the work and it was like getting into a different car. I think I stuck 1000mls on it in a week as I just wanted to drive it. It was based on this that I went for the GTM, and even though I nearly killed myself the day after I got it I still almost 2 years on love it to bits. Only had a few proplems and that was the clutch could not handle the power. So I rang a company in USA and ordered a new heavy duty 600bhp clutch and presure plate. Absolutely no reason to replace the fly wheel as my opinion is if something works then keep it. The only issues I have had with the GTM is the Air filter could have been designed to fit somewhere else. It was so full of siht that it had sucked in on it'self so a blast out and reshape and I got the roar back. As a few of you know after doing a sound off at Essex Arena in July smoke started to come out of the Intercooler. And the revs went up to 1500 after sitting 3 hrs in roadwoks. This high reving went on all week until I could get it down to my mates workshop in Swanley. We checked all the vacum pipes for leaks and started it back up. It was still on 1500 revs so we took the pipes off the BOV. There was air rushing out of the large black pipe at the bottom on tickover. A few phone calls to the techno guys who were all at Brands racing and we drove across to them. They all said the wast gate is sticking and tapped it gently with a hammer end. The revs dropped down straight away to about 1200. Anyway I am driving down to Newhaven early Tuesday Morning so I can use a mates ramp to take this BOV off and hopefully strip it down. I still cant identify it and even Mike from GTM cannot remember which one it is. Looks like the Bosche one they use on the 911. Cant say anymore until Tuesday. But if anyone can recommend a decent blow of value that can handle the extra power i would be obliged. I will get the measurements Tuesday and post them up. Sorry to hijack the thread lol.
  7. Give the guy a chance lol
  8. Non aggressive like anything until you psis it off lol
  9. No definately don't kill it. It eats other spiders lol.
  10. Note I say as to if this is the one or not I do not know. Yes they have been here a long time but mainly in the South. The have stayed hidden but warm weather has bought them out.
  11. There was a big thing about those on FB a few weeks back. A teenager got bit on the leg and within hrs he was taken to Hospital He had 12 operations to open up his leg to wash the ozzing puss from his swollen leg. It smelt rotten and they nearly had to amputate. As to if this is the same one or not I do not know. But it has been described as having a mark on it's back that looks like a scull. This is a piece about another attack. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2471504/False-widow-spider-bite-left-grandfather-fighting-life-hospital.html
  12. Excellent Graham. My Dad spent many years making them and collapsed in the poppy factory and died a short time after. He was a resident of The Royal Star & garter Home at Richmond Hill. I don't know how many of you are aware, but all the poppies are pieced together by disabled ex service men and women.
  13. There is no-way in hell that one garage is going to get 10 Up-revs done in a day. Each car is different and has to be treated as such. 3-4 on a good day but thats it.
  14. I had both my Zed and Skoda with AXA. When I had it S/C they said they could not insure in so I went elsewhere. At the time I had 30 odd years or whatever the max is on the Zed and nowt on the Skoda. They mirrowed the Zed no claims on the Skoda. As they could not insure the Zed and I had to take it to another insurance they kept the max NCB on the Skoda. Lucky or what!
  15. You could drive to Leeds and still save money! Bloody fantastic and long over due. Now we have some more competition we should see prices and attutudes change if favour of the customer at last
  16. You'd be surprised tbh! There's a vid on here of me at japfest and you can here me at the opposite end of the track. The testers laughed when the passed me at 100db, as Keyser and buster will remember, his words were along the lines of " you guys, that's how a real car sounds" after asking Keyser and buster if there engines were on. The only reason they let you in was they added yours and Busters db reading together and divided it in half O and that maybe how a "real car sounds" but I don't recall seeing you on the track - well just the once in the REAR VIEW MIRROR!! Was a fun day out thought Were you driving backwards Chris?
  17. Only one I know thats ever been Red Carded was Smudgeon at Castle Coombe in the spring. LMAO
  18. That R8 and the bikes. Bit dumb if you ask me! I kept expecting a smash up!
  19. That made my hands sweat just watching it
  20. Your barred cos you have a GTM!! Shushhhhhh!! It's only a bit of compressed air!! See you there chap. If I can find a ramp to get this BOV taken off and stripped down as I mentioned before. It was a no go today
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