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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. No Dedman. Keep the cats off it sounds great
  2. I need some car ones, but all I have seen are the small ones. Halfrauds New Malden does not have them. Neither does any of the superstores local to me. Can anyone assist please? Thanks.
  3. Are you going to put 20mm or 25mm on the front TomLum?
  4. Yes you can put spacers on the front. The fronts are usually 5mm less than the back. (From what I have learnt on here) So if the back is 30mm then the front is 25mm and so on. Or you could have 10mm difference as some of the guys are running with. Hope this helps.
  5. Cheers guys. Only 1 half decent one left. I will get some more soon
  6. If your thinking of getting a private plate I have one up for sale on the forum on retention. GT58ZGT
  7. Craig who has the green painted Zed has fitted a set of leather Corbeau seats in his car. They are really comfy and ooze quality. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Corbeau-Seats/330364200336773?hc_location=stream
  8. They have electric up and down front and back unlike the OEM setup. Heavy Duty grip material to stop you slidding around as requested by Nissan GTR test driver's. I suffer from sever Ankylosing Spondylitis and with the OEM ones after an hour the base of my spine was burning. Thus far no problems with these seats.
  9. I have seen that car b4 but can't remember where i was!. The chrome comes in a roll and is of the type I used on my MK11 1965 Daimler. One mans meat and all that. I think if it wasn't for people going out on a limb and experimenting like this we would never advance! Fair play to the guy, and I am sure it will sell.
  10. Bypass Valve. Ooerrr all these different names. I will eventually get this sorted as I have dropped down from about 30mpg to 20 now Thats to big a difference!
  11. Would tyre size make the speedo give a false reading. The Zed is designed for 245/45/18 on the back and 225/45/18 on the front. So if I go down to a 40 my wheels would spin a tad faster no!! One of the guys is using a 30!!! Surely this has to affect the speed reading!
  12. I will take that as my signal to enter Chris GTR R35 2010 Black Edition. Everyone who has sat on them says they are really comfy.
  13. Find me an insurer who doesn't have bad reviews.. Again, Markerstudy take large volumes of specialist vehicles from us each year and claims go through without issue. The reviews sites you are reading, take them with a large pinch of salt. Where are the good reviews for the 99.9%of claims which go through without issue? It is also worth noting that we deal with the specialist arm of Markerstudy private car and if there are claim issues (and we support the customer's viewpoint) we will step in and help, Thanks It wasn't just the way your company and Chaucer treated me, it was the way you turned your back on me as you thought you were right. I was the customer and I had to fight for my rights through the legal system which you know I won. Only then did you try a half hearted attempt to help but not once not ever throughout have SKY recognised the part they played in all of this. You just sat on the Fence! And still no written appology let alone expenses whilst the car was off the road waiting for Chaucer to make it's decision which it never did. Like I said in my 1st post last year. I am of the opinion that any company is only as good as the way it treats it's customers when things go wrong. SKY as my broker failed in their duty of care to look after me when I needed you. Chaucer as my insurance company that I might add SKY placed me with, thought they could bully and browbeat me and it backfired. There is an old saying that bad news travels at 10 times the speed of good. And thats the bottom line. Anything else we can agree to disagree.
  14. Better big boy pants than a nappy and dummy I was not aware that the comments were aimed at you. Now get back in ya box, or Jag! í ½í¸œ
  15. Over 1000 justified complaints = a racket. Even Watchdogs own iphone 4 which was in A1 condition they tried to say had water ingress. All you doubters need to appologise lol. 3 words spring to mind. Face, smacked & kipper lol
  16. That girl get about a bit. Think she is in that GTR world record one a few weeks back.
  17. I would be interested to know why the cruise control did not disengage when you touched the brake peddle?
  18. I had very bad dealings with Chucer when insured with Sky. I now use another Forum Insurance company who are tied with Marker Study. Its £800 with all my mods and agreed value of £20k. If there is anything concret we should know about Marker Study that could cause problems then please let us know. But not hearsay! Thanks
  19. Pete, I am afraid you wrong with bypass valve is before the Throttle body , so even if the bypass valve was stuck open it wouldnt make the car idle high as the idle speed is controlled via the fly by wire throttle. The bypass valve actually bleeds back into the intake system. It will be the ECU causing the high idle speed the reason the intercooler being so hot will be the ECU retarding the timing to try to control the high idle speed. Bypass valve is a Turbosmart valve, we carry them in stock. Well I guess you were right then Mark as the BOV was not stuck closed, It was stuck open! I did however notice when I stripped it down that the piston was very weak, and the possible cause was the spring has been reduced a tad. I presume this is to make it open quicker/easier?N 1st Picture is of the BOV (Blow Off Valve) so people know what it looks like. This picture shows the spring and were it has had the burr rubbed off after size reduction. What I did notice though was that the sealing rubber had come out of place and the piston was heavily scored all over it. This could have been the reason why it appeared to have stuck. So when my mate tapped it wih a hammer handle it may have moved it, but it soon stuck again. As per next 2 pictures. I just cleaned it all up and rubbed an oily rag on it. It can stay in the Garage now until I get some pennies to have the ECU played with. And get a split BOV, so not only does it recirculate as the set up would have allowed for this, it also should go whoosh as it vents through the trumpet back into the atmosphere! The BOV I want is A Turbosmart split at round £300. At least they are easy to fit on.
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