Pete, I am afraid you wrong with bypass valve is before the Throttle body , so even if the bypass valve was stuck open it wouldnt make the car idle high as the idle speed is controlled via the fly by wire throttle. The bypass valve actually bleeds back into the intake system.
It will be the ECU causing the high idle speed the reason the intercooler being so hot will be the ECU retarding the timing to try to control the high idle speed.
Bypass valve is a Turbosmart valve, we carry them in stock.
Well I guess you were right then Mark as the BOV was not stuck closed, It was stuck open!
I did however notice when I stripped it down that the piston was very weak, and the possible cause was the spring has been reduced a tad.
I presume this is to make it open quicker/easier?N
1st Picture is of the BOV (Blow Off Valve) so people know what it looks like.
This picture shows the spring and were it has had the burr rubbed off after size reduction.
What I did notice though was that the sealing rubber had come out of place and the piston was heavily scored all over it.
This could have been the reason why it appeared to have stuck.
So when my mate tapped it wih a hammer handle it may have moved it, but it soon stuck again.
As per next 2 pictures.
I just cleaned it all up and rubbed an oily rag on it.
It can stay in the Garage now until I get some pennies to have the ECU played with.
And get a split BOV, so not only does it recirculate as the set up would have allowed for this,
it also should go whoosh as it vents through the trumpet back into the atmosphere!
The BOV I want is A Turbosmart split at round £300.
At least they are easy to fit on.