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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. hmm that's a bit crappy so you cant make it tighter / looser depending on feel? Will it be ok without the bump on the hood on the later Z's? (don't mind LEXX, he's just jelaous... don't even have a Z ) I never did ask you Anders but did you get the Cusco ok and does it fit alright? Well on track with the other stuff Peter:)
  2. I had serious problems when experimentin . I never got into 3rd gear or above 40 mph. I think I started a long thread on the subject. I ended up with bridgestone protenza 050A 96Y all round. Rear 275/40/18 front 245/40/18 For some reason my car hated the OEM rear 245/18/45 on the Front and me putting 275/18/45 on the rear. I don't know why but RS Tyres at coulsdon (bless em) scratched there heads with that one. I think you guys gave me the above comvo that I am using now. What I did wonder was what was the widest width I can get on the 18" Rear Ray's? My mate has Ferrari 355 and he is running 245/40/18 on the front and 295/40/18 on the rear and it just feels so planted. Admittedly I spaced all 4 corners with 20mm's but I would prefer more rubber on the rear if possible without changing the wheels. Thenoname
  3. have you the same S/C I have? GTM Motorsport stage 1? Fitted to HR Engine? Thenoname
  4. Well spare a thought for all the poor sods that just bought what they thought was a bargan ex MOD reserve truck. They were up for sale for a reason! The new London emmision laws come into force soon and they are banned! I was going to get a little Renault Quango or simular as a run around and even they are banned up to a certain age. Think Boris needs a haircut! Thenoname
  5. We have all been there, and I feel for you. In the cold light of day I know that words can't make you feel better exept echo what all but one have said. You are alive!! And the last thing you need are folk stating the obvious when the wounds are raw. There is always one:(~ Recon there will be a fight for spare parts! Thenoname
  6. Taras told me he was going away on the 8th Jan !!!
  7. It was a good job that my washer bottle size was reduced to accomodate the S/C instead of most people relocation it and disconecting the lamp washers. Oh the good life:) Thenoname
  8. I left it to Mark. stage 1. They even have a stage 5 in the same model!
  9. It is a buyers market at the moment. I just bought a set without tyres for £250, yet on Ebay you may have noticed that there is a Guy selling them seperatly at £200 each!! And that is where I would start. Last month I had 5 tyres which must be classed as new as none of them had done 1000 miles and 3 of them had done 40 miles only. they were Brigestone Protenza and i advertised them at £100 each. In the add i put "any 350 z forum members contact me for discount. Which was £400 for the 5. Some guy drove from South Wales to Banstead and was well happy.
  10. I will let you know when the weather is decent. I am using the runaround at the moment. It was fast b4 the S/C
  11. Hi Colin I would have loved to have come but I have a prior engagement. Don't know about your neck of the woods but it it well freezing here, Glad I put the car cover on! Peter
  12. Well there is no excuse for us not to meet up seeing as your only 20 mins away!! Funny enough I am down in dorking either tomorrow or Sunday.
  13. Well picked the car up from Abbey this pm. And I can sum this up in a few words. I have a smile back on my face:) Thank you to all at Abbey Motors for the excellent work and if anyone is toying with the idea off having one installed then I suggest they go for it. If you still want convincing, I am quite happy to meet you at abbey and let you go out in it with Mark Providing you are insured and pay the fuel. And I know a few of you are twiddling your thumbs. Oh and Anders, this one has to be driven with the TC OFF! Thenoname
  14. yes but for me the only reason to have more money is to buy better cars so thats ok with me Good point
  15. The TT build that Abbey were planning on my HR engined Zed (same as yours) hit £19k before I pulled the plug. And that was using standard internals with a predicted HP value of around what you have got. We could do this cheaper now thou. Almost 50% cheaper!! Sorry, should have stated that this was back when HR kits where thin on the ground and no-one in the UK had done one
  16. No use you having a beefed up engine Anders, you would run out of road b4 you got out of 3dr gear!
  17. Maybe you should all consider having Mark fit this GTM S/C to your car:)
  18. One of the forum guys owns a 370 and lives less than a mile from me. If he is following the post, maybe he can make contact and do the video's:)
  19. Thanks for that. Anders has been at the guinness again!
  20. Whats a traction control Anders? (Joke) But I would like to know if a Troq is related to a Troll, and what's AFR?
  21. best get my browning box camera out of the loft!!
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