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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. What S/C are you having fitted? Why thank you kind Sir!
  2. No doubt those of you who have been to Abbey Motorsport have seen there race car. yesterday they were in action with 2 cars at Santapod. A yellow Skyline and the 350Z twin turbo 1850bhp that you will know doubt know. Just thought I would share some pictures of the day with you Petrol heads. Sorry for the poor pictures but I forgot my Camera and had to make do with IPhone. The last shot was as it pulled away. It was so fast the camera could not keep up. I think its rather cool. My mate did record the run but I cant get it off his phone for some reason. A very wet day and frustration long waits. I trust all went well today and good luck for tomorrow. Thenoname
  3. What S/C are you having fitted?
  4. I think that goes most places. My Sister lives in One of the many villages near Aylesbury and I do tend to drive a tad faster on that road. But you do need eyes in the back of your head nowadays.
  5. You have a 12 mile bypass which is new from Hemel To Aylesbury and I often use it. Once your past TRING you can do what ever speed is safe! Plus you have the M25 1 mile to the North of Watford.
  6. I have never felt that the zed has too much power or its unusable on UK roads. The only thing id have preferred is if Nissan had altered the final drive, to lower the top speed and increase acceleration. Whats the point of having a car that could probably hit 170/180mph but restricting it to 155, when in reality your never likely to ever reach anything near that sort of speed in real life. I have several times wondered if i bought the wrong car. However, that was purely because up until this last month I was doing about 2000 miles a month in it, most of which was stuck in traffic on my daily commute and I also worked out the car was costing me around £950 a month - with £500 or more of that being just fuel. - which is more than my mortgage costs me. When your stuck in traffic doing 30mph, unable to use the performance of the car, whilst watching the fuel gauge dropping like a rock you do wonder if its the right choice. However, this last few months ive been lucky to have use of a old diesel shed, which saves me £300 a month on fuel alone, and now when I drive the zed, i enjoy it a whole lot more. I now get that same buzz I got when i first drove the zed, everytime im in it again. You can rectify that easily. A simple job of changing the Dif for one with a lot more teeth could in effect give you the equivalent of 80 - 100 more BHP. but will lower the top end. They are selling recon ones on Fleabay under the Nissan 350 section for £450. Hence buses can get away with a piddly engine by using a lower ratio gearbox. But can't get much over 40 on a run. I prefer to get ABBEY to play with mine:)
  7. I have you know that my runaround is a 68 BHP Skoda Octavia 1.9 SDI and most Definately fast enough to get caught in a speed trap. Though I like the 65 plus to the gallon.
  8. I had a note as a hire car. Automatic it was. Did less mpg than the Zed. When I took it back to collect the Zed they laughed at me. The service guy at WLMG said at 26 mpg it was far less than that stated. The manual is a tad better. Is this now a Nissan Note sub forum?
  9. Glad you got it sorted, and no its was not a silly post. If it was we would have been able to answer it lol. Had it been the fuel pump I have a spare I would have donated to your cause. Good luck buddie:) Thenoname
  10. Take a look at the photo's Clown took of Thursday 2 weeks ago at Valley Park It shows what the black ones look like on my silver car. Everyone has given positive feedback this far:) Are you sure it was kids who took yours? If they took them off and left no marks it sounds like the villain used the string method? It is the quickest and easiest way,lus no noise! Just a thought ! Thenoname
  11. There is a set of 2 with the 350z in black on flebay for £43 They are not metal but plastic, however they look very good. I did get mine painted Matt black but it started to come off. Thenoname
  12. there are some good tips on here and it's great that everyone takes time to share them. But like you say taking them off is only the half of it. That sticky residue can be a swine if you are not near a electricity supply. Hot air gun is the way to go:)
  13. It appears I got them off EBay. And the seller I think got them from here lol. Oh well into the for sale box with them.
  14. I hope you don't mind me adding my own method? Get a length of cat gut of whipping string. Place under one of the corners of the badge, (or number plate) Holding one end of the cord in each hand pull along using a sawing motion. Both number plate and badge removal took 5 mins in total. Another 5 was spent removing the tale residue. No risk of chipping from knife or screwdriver. This was shown to me by Ferrari dealership. Hope this helps Thenoname
  15. Oh great. The ones I got are identical to the ones in the picture. My car is a 2009. Does this mean they are no good? I knew I should have gone to spec savers! Thenoname
  16. Trust you to pee on my parade Steve. I have a good mind to come over and let you do it lol. I just received a set in the post this morning from someone on here and I cant remember who it was. I paid £40 for them! Unless it was flea bay:( I think I will offer a free leather seat deep clean in exchange for anyone who wants to put them on for me:) Thenoname
  17. Fire fox opens everything I have tried on this site:0 But that is not knocking the peeps that can't open it. Thenoname
  18. What would the Fox want with his oil cooler Chris?
  19. I just got some black front bumper markers to replace the orange OEM ones. I thought there was a thread on "An idiots guide to fitment" on here somewhere. Only I am to much of an idiot to be able to find it! Any help would as always be greatly appreciated. Thanks Thenoname
  20. There was a post on this in the 350.com USA site a while back. The guy driving felt the steering judder and pulled over to the kerb. Every spoke in his after market wheels on the front right alloy had cracked at the centre dropping the wheel down on the hub. It was only his quick thinking and knowledge of his car that saved his life. It transpires that all 4 wheels had been powdercoated and l think he paid peanuts for them. there is a lot to be learnt and one area you cannot skint on is wheels and wheel nuts! Good post!
  21. Agreed, and it's best not to knock a company in the heat of the moment. Or until you have exhausted the argument. Then if they still won't budge put them on the "To Avoid list" and rip em to shreds lol. Thenoname
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