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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. The leather has sagged and I would need the frame sorted. Plus I can see indentations. Even if l unzipped them and got them off they would never sit right as I suspect the foam swab could be fractured. I am after some GTR seats for myself that need referb. Will go to £400.
  2. It appears to be a composite material. Aftermarket obviously. No doubt the same material that all the other non- carbon spoilers are made of. l,have seen similar on a Black Zed and Tamper orange one.
  3. Thanks for the feedback folks. Beginners luck lol:)
  4. Rickmansworth very seldom come down on the side on the customer. When l had issues with Crystals in Grantham supplying me with a motability vehicle that had 2 bald tyres as in one had wire sticking out the side, and broken wipper blades. Then sent me home in a thunderstorm I had to camp outside GB HQ to get any notice. And the dum girl who was dealing with my complaints said it was a dealer customer issue and could not get involved. Motorbility said something because I was certainly compensated, but what a fight to get it. trouble is we seem to be a nation of backfooters and dont like confrontation. Sorry Wasso l nicked ya post mate:)
  5. Would it not be a good idea if you were to actually pop over so he can see it warts and all! I know I would. Your not commited to anything and he doesn't bite!
  6. It might be there uploader as sometimes it does not upload in HD. Unlike photobucket. I am about 2moro if the weather is nice. Wednesday pm I shall be at RT working on a range Rover. Has Taras actual seen your car in the flesh? I have seen some excellent work and I really am not joking when i say i want the high gloss lime green wrap with everything else hard shiny carbon. I need one of those design software programmes that I can do a mock up on the PC first. P:)
  7. Thanks for that. it is going to be an ongoing one as quite a few of the guys want to try out different products and document the results. Not that i will ever find it again:) Suprising what comes out of Mothercare nowadays:) Peter
  8. These are basically just different pictures that has been taken after the detailing. Still a bit of work to do. I only used Maguiars products with the exception of the last wax http://www.monzacarcare.com/migliore-1/ ... uba-wax/0/ After washing I used a claybar to get that smooth as glass finish. I was advised to pull the claybar in the direction that the wind would travel. Ie front to back! For lubricant I used last coat detailing spray. Notice the contaminants are being pulled up off the paintwork by the clay/ After claybar. Then mask up all the door rubbers and anything that you dont want cut and polish on. In this case i used Blue decorators tape as it has a low tack. In my case I was lucky as i had a 2/3/5 and 7" set of polishinh pads, so i had no need to take all the art deco off:) I applied one medium cut with the cutting flexipad that is used with the DA220 maguiars polisher. After the 1st cut I then applied a glaze polish followed by Ultimate Liquid wax then the £145 tin of Migliore Competizione Carnauba Wax. Applied very thinly with an applicator or though some prefer to use there hands to apply it. As my fingers were cracked and stinging from the claybar and detailing, I was reduced to a application pad:( End results were impressive and certainly got some good feedback of the professional Detailers who were at Croydon on Thursday. Now the sun has started to fade you can actually see the depth of the shine. I will get there weather permiting:) I was amazed at the transformation of the wheels using a wheel wax as shown on the leather restore page! http://www.monzacarcare.com/migliore/mi ... el-seal/0/ Thanks to Clown for the finished pictures. Think that will do for now:)
  9. There is a kit for attaching and they use the existing holes. That much i do remember even if l cant fine the box that they are in Aerrreeee
  10. You though I would not notice that the leather needs cleaning young man! that's why you took the picture in the dark! And you know l speak the truth!
  11. A whole car for 99p. wow thats a bargain!
  12. I have a spare front wheel at Abbey. Ask Scott for a price and he will sort that for you if you want. Well its a start lol:)
  13. The World is a vampire lol
  14. Morning Taras. Looking forward to the positive side of this as you know. New and exciting stuff. right I am going to bed now as l am knackered.
  15. Royston as in Hertford? It can't hurt to ring Scott up at Abbey as they have lots of panels. in a container. In addition Tara's at RT performance has loads of bonnets/ bumpers and sills. I got a bumper off him for a project for £100.
  16. I think you will find that there are quite a few on here that have done simular things.
  17. I agree. Those goki carbon looks great. Tarus has a few bits on his wall. Or do a lime green wrapp! that will totally confuse them
  18. You will get some peace soon. They are dragging me into the Royal Free in Hampstead for a week. Bit of a nasty drip that will knock the wind out of my sailes I might take the time to brush up on my spell check and Photobucket. Umm might have to take the laptop:)
  19. And just to add. The whole world now knows you had a crash and the pictures are on here for eternity So no matter how much you invest to put it right, it will always be rememberd in anegative light!
  20. Keep it clean guys. Unless he was asked to keep quite then dont shoot the messenger. But then I was so l kept quiet:)
  21. Oh no you aint! shushhhh secret squirrel:)
  22. Blitz replica by evo-r was held on with 3m tape iirc, don't see why blitz couldn't be. If it was tapped on to that 185mph stock ebay it would surely blow off!!
  23. Ha ha Taras. Finally you looked at the Forum thread. Need it quicker than 3 weeks though lol:) Peter
  24. Well it may have been you going the long way to newlands corner!
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