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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. I have no doubt at all that you are correct The point I wash pushing is that they don't make things easy for us. For example start registering cars at the 1st January? Or is bank holiday a reason to confuse us all? Well spotted though:) The clue was the small ashtray at the front of the handbrake:
  2. I'm young also but its all about being sensible. The bills for 350z's can be astronomical and the fuel costs are horrendous if you drive mad. Just be very careful when buying, be sensible. I do sympathize with you mate, I know exactly how you're feeling and its not easy when people are shooting you down. You're being too public with your thoughts on it which is opening you up to criticism. Best bet is, if you see one up here, give one of us a shout and we'll go check it out with you. Wouldn't publicize everytime you see one though as you can see what happens. ekzakely!!
  3. You can put the question to him as he is a newbie on here l believe! Recognise the car as seen it at the Croydon meets.
  4. No need to lock it in my view, there is no abuse, just mild ribbing in the form of film quotes. On a more serious note, we take road safety etc quite seriously. We are a car club, not just a forum. We want to ensure the meets that are organised through the club forum are safe. We have put bans on members attending meets before due to irresponsible driving. The police have (and will continue to) looked at posts made on car club forums to put together a profile of drivers that are facing criminal charges. Posting 'I drove at 120 mph' or 'I raced a Focus RS on this road' etc etc might seem innocent. If you have an accident that might not have been your fault and they pull all these posts off the net and use it as evidence in court, what will the jury think? On another note, we had a member a while ago that was involved in a fatal accident in his 350z. It's something that we don't really want to deal with again to be honest. If we can make people think about how they drive in a humorous way to avoid this then we will. Now, I don't know how you drive on public roads but I know what you post here as does anyone else that logs on. Always keep this at the back of your mind. As for buying a sports car to go to the shops.... Many did! Those that didn't though are directed to various driver training companies, track day companies etc. This is where it is safe to use the zed to FULL potential. For anyone that wants to post up about racing on roads, driving at silly speeds etc etc then I suggest you find somewhere else to do it. If you do, then expect a ribbing, if you continue to do it expect a lot of ribbing. This isn't aimed at you in the slightest, just so happens that it is on a thread you started. Drive safe folks!
  5. Wow. As if people actually write things like this on an open public forum. Get a corsa/saxo instead Then he can join all the other saxo boys who pinched our bays at Mothercare!
  6. Have you tried the forum insurers? l am using SKY for the time being. Of course that will change when they quote me for renewal!
  7. Not when you think they are not calendar 12 months. Mine was 1st registered on 4th February 2009 but for some reason it's on a 58 plate. So it could be a 1st Feb 2007 on a 2006 plate. I do wish they would start there year on 1st January like the rest of us mortals!
  8. Are you getting him to do your scratch whilst he is here Steve? And have you explained the risks of parking on an ex military firing range? UXB for instance!
  9. Ah l see. Compulsary Cobra Tracker or the like that some insist you install. Glad l had mine done independently!
  10. Have you lot been chewing Wasps? I am so depressed l am thinking of having a wake for my Zed as you lot just killed her. Poor thing is crying outside my bedroom window.
  11. Cheapest I could find was insurethebox at £1200 but they wouldn't touch a fairlady and screw having big brother watching me. Big Brother? Am l missing something?
  12. I found it very easy to understand. Good thread well done:)
  13. I wonder if there is a Iphone snap in adaptor that fits in the cradel like the Nokia 6110. (Thanks Ebized) The reason I ask is it is well known that the modern day smart phone is more up to date than the bluetooth module. If there is such a device in the world I might be tempted to purchase one. I am aware that there is a softwear update for the OEM bluetooth module but buying all the bits to do it is not worth it.
  14. What pub meet. The Owl and the Pussycat!!
  15. Hopefully not Bridgestone Potenzas!
  16. Excellent Stuff mate. And the Sun has come out to greet you. Peter
  17. unfortunately no matter what anybody says and I do it's not playing. As l just turned the ignition on and it's not working again. If the phone light comes on and someone was standing there then obviously something is wrong. You have to witness it to believe it. I have a 410 shotgun that the book says will not no way what so ever fire a 3030 shell. I put one in and it fired! So in the case of my Bluetooth the book goes out the window! I am guessing that it is the fitting in the cradle where the round hole is. like a sat nav ariel connection. May have some @*!# in it. l need to get the Hoover out to illiminate it. A step by step illimination needs to be done. so over to Epsom downs tomorrow eh? pm me your number lol and the coffee area was flooded last week!
  18. I am starting to wonder because as soon as I got to Valley Park it started to work again. I turned the car off a few times and it's fine, how dum is that? I suppose it will be a dud again tomorrow lol. This is going to be an on going problem. I did think at 1st there might be a loose wire but if that was the case then the module would not light up. Keep the suggestions coming please lol
  19. Been doing that all after noon. For some reason it dont want to play anymore. Really weired but it I first noticed it packed up after a Pheasant decided to headbutt the car at about 6am Sunday morning as I was driving along the Hogs back Farnham. It wasn't until I washed the car this pm I noticed the bastard had taken out the complete middle section of one of the grills. What I have found is that it trys to connect with any phone that comes into range. I had a few mates round earlier and as they got close to the car the red light was flashing. And the phone came up on display. haunted car:(
  20. This is getting frustrating now. I did print the 3 pages off and take them to the car. I have tried everything that is says and the answer is I am not working lol. Believe me there was no reason for it to have stopped working over night This shows that something is amiss but the lights on the bluetooth are flashing and It says it is connected. I have dialled the other phone i have and nothing. The clue that there is a problem is when you turn the ignition on. There should be a bleep and phone should come up on the head up display. If this does not happen the dam book says go to Nissan. yeh I will wont I:) Thanks for the help but a sledge hammer might work!!!
  21. Ok Clown. Come and do the midas touch again. Got into the car this morning and started it up. Phone connected so I pressed the voice button on the wheel and the light came on the head up display saying phone which is good. However the light stayed on and nothing happened. I turned the ignition off and started all over. No joy so back to square 1 lol Its one of those jobs where you need complete quiet to sort out. And the strimmer guys are here doing my head in.
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