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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Its the same stuff l used on your fuel cap Paris:) There is a shop in Norwood or Norbury that sells it. otherwise ebay for about £24 for a 450ml bottle Elsewhere its on average £19 a 177ml bottle. I know which one I would buy. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251066103469? ... 1497.l2649 This guy will order some more if you ask nicely:)
  2. I did cry. Normally I would relish the challange but ironwork is not my thing!
  3. but my best move yet has been the XKR I think you should get the leather done for next spring:)
  4. 4RE Leather


    Well I thought it was 1 piece per side but its not. The (Shadow) or boarder goes underneath and round the L shapes. It is a seperate item and was pure hell to understand which way up it went, as the picture from Stillen is such poor quality you have no idea that the boarder even exists! The fact there is no instructions or pictures just frustrates the day and had I not agreed a fixed fitting fee it would have been 3 times the amount. Taras lost out big time that day! Lucky enough i kept some photos:)
  5. 4RE Leather


    Unfortunately there are no known colour pictures of it on a car that is legible. When it arrived there was no instructions as it had a border and no way of checking which way it went on. You cannot tell by the website pictures that it even has a boarder? The picture is very small and of low pixals taken from the Stillen website. Even Stillen could not help. We spent nearly a whole day of internet hunting and phone calls to no avail. I thought it was a poor show considering the cost. In the end Taras just went for it and by sheer determination they got it right. But not until 3 hours had past. This is not an easy DIY job and definately needs 2 people who know what they are doing and the right equipment. But the end result was worth it as I have not had any negative comments. Not that I would pay any attention anyway. Good luck. Clown has some better pictures if needed.
  6. This liquide Wax really came into its own today. Its a wipe on wipe of product that can be put on anytime even like today in direct sunlight. Amazing results especially if you consider that the car is 20 years old and has not had any paint work done whilst in the hands of the current owner some 8 years. The car has never been detailed and it was just a quick job to take out all the smears from the car wash. I think most will find this a quick solution to those days when you want a nice shiney car but can't be assed to spend ages with the wax
  7. This car belongs to Ivor, a guy that joins us at the Thursday Croydon meet. I went to clean his leather today and afterwards before I could stop him he took it down the local car wash and the guy crucified it I then washed it with Meguiars NXT GENERATION car wash followed by a coat of Meguiars ULTIMATE Liquid Wax. This was the result. 1 hr to wash and polish from start to finish. All by hand. I was quite impressed with the Liquid wax and found it far better than the Liquid Polish or NXT 2. You tell me!
  8. I think what Envy and wasso charge are very good. If you take into account that they are experienced in what they do and what products they use. Then take note the overheads of running the van-stock ect then to only charge £25 approx is very good. I expect they make about £15 an hour or less? This is half of what a mobile mechanic would charge an hour and a quarter of a main line dealership! And often its the apprentis from the dealership that works on your car. I know driver's who earn more. It took me 5 days to do mine (as a learning curve) and l was knackerd. Plus they would have done a better job. Once I sort out what/if I am having in the way of bumpers I will not hessitate to use one of them.
  9. Yep. Big thank you to Abbey. They picked the car up at 7pm Wednesday and returned it 24 hours later with a new powersteering hose. Excellent stuff.
  10. Well I nominate to revive it Mr Biscuit!
  11. I totally agree with what you say so now can we break away from this tic-tac-toe and agree to disagree please:)
  12. Well this will be an interesting thread. It might be a good idea if we put up the name of our insurance company/how much they charge/what the renewal is. Mind you all that goes out of the window when it comes to dealing with you after a incident. I am willing to bet that the smaller specialists outshine the Esures of this world!!
  13. This goes to prove the culture of greed. This seems to be par for the course and they hope you will accept because to be honest the profit margins are not that great. My renewal is not due until January and as l cant afford to pay in one lump this time I have to find someone who will do it monthly. Trouble is I need a specialist insurer because of all the mods. The bottom line is always about money!
  14. Out of interest Ive just gone onto confused.com and did a quote as if i had just bought my old car again and I am amazed that Ive just been quoted £330 fully comp. WTF is that all about? In December they were charging £700, and now its down to £330?!!! Have 350z`s suddenly dropped in risk or something? All my details are the same as back in December - i just clicked "renew quote". As ive got 20 years NBC its nothing to do with that, nor is it anything to do with being more experienced in that car as i put that Ive not bought it yet. Just out of interest, I noticed that most of the companies on Confused the access can be up to £3k Where on go compare it starts from £300!
  15. Thats great stuff.thanks. Thinking of going up into the swiss Alps like Interlaken wher I spent a lot of time in the 80's. My Zed wants a trip.!!!
  16. He is playing with you guys. Stop biting and taking it personnaly:)
  17. I found you a leather cleaner so surely you can find a fly by night and there trusty DA Polisher.
  18. I agree. If you want it clean it will get cleaned.
  19. Indeed I do old chap. Windsor can have it's fair share of the fakey bakey gangs though! I just moved from opposite the Runnymead Hotel. I lived on a boat there and the insurance is actually lower than where l am now. Because the land I live on had a question regarding land subsidence. It made buildings and contents insurance higher. Why I don't know but this seemed to have knocked on to car insurance and at the time my car and contents were with the same company. I just can't get my head round it all but at least I told them to poke it and moved on. I prefer the small brokers as at least when you ring there is a chance you will speak to someone you know:)
  20. Have never used a pressure washer with mine I have always hand washed (and hand polished), just a bit of hard work and willingness to look after my car When I get the chance, Im out there with my buckets, wool mitt etc - and why not, it looks nice when its done That mobi washer actually has no pressure to write home about. It was great when the hose ban was on and one fill of the portable tank did the whole car. However nice to see someone else shares my enthusiasm for DIY:)
  21. Sorry I never even thought of that. Chris I live in a 2nd floor apartment as well. I drop the extension out the window and went and got me a http://www.mobiwasher.co.uk/ There is a solution to every problem if you want to lol. But in fairness I enjoy doing as much as I can myself and have time to do it and have a run around. However if I used it for work and had other things to occupy my life I might feel different. I just hate the car washes that don't give a hoot, I saw a Bentley Continental 2 year old last week that went into a hand wash in good condition and came out needing most of the panels doing as there was swirls everywhere.
  22. Was that supercharged clay polish Chris? Took me 5 hours with the clay bar and I believe I could have spent a lot longer.
  23. I think its great and not over the top at all. Obviously there is a demand for it and I can't see any of these guys even considering going to the local car wash to destroy what Ian has done. Depends on your attitude toward the car. I spent 5 days doing what ian has done in a few hours. I only wish i could do it as quick:)
  24. Nismo v1 front bumper at a later stage, perhaps the side skirts as well? If he did all that it would look like yours!!
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