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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Ring up Abbey and press option 1. Ask Scott (who will give you an honest answer) based on his experience of selling parts as to what are the benifits of fitting them? He told me that in my case not to waste my money! So I spent the money saved on cream buns as you can tell by the size of my belly:) I am no expert Arran far from it, but joining this site and just browsing through the posts will give you a wealth of knowledge. I recon I have saved a good £3k by adopting this approach.
  2. I also had problems with attitude with WestWay Aldershot. The sales people were just not interested which peeved me off as I have to use a walking stick. maybe they thought I wanted a motobility car which is time consuming and not much profit! I shared my thoughts in an loud manner that they were nothing but a bunch of pen pushing numpties and stormed off. Like Chris my car came from WLMG and although I had some issues they are polite and friendly and do go out of there way to help. Mehmet the service manager at Hanwell was fantastic. It really does ruin the moment when you are all excited wanting to buy a new car, and your enthusiasm gets stamped on by a silly little man with a small willy!!! Westway is full of them!
  3. Hi Arran Save your money mate for something that will make a noticable difference. A know a few guys that were under thE impression that fitting those lightweight pulleys would make noticable gains. They all said the same thing afterwards. When put on the dyno there was no difference! Save up for the spacer and uprev:)
  4. I would suggest that if your not experienced in this area and don't have the equipment. then leave it to someone who is. Its only easy or simple to someone who has done it on many occasions. Unless I have missed something, whats wrong with a tuned exhaust and uprev with the nessesary that goes with it? You will be suprised what a difference it will make.
  5. This is a picture of the GTM kit. Minus the fuel rail/ pump and 725cc injectors.
  6. here is a nice DE fitted with a GTM. https://www.gtmotorsports.com/car.php?v ... 107&page=1
  7. No to the sump. There is an oil cooler but I thought that was for the Super Charger oil. That goes to show how much notice I take! Abbey did the build so I should by rights ask them:)
  8. I must admit to having some luck with mine. No matter what the temp is outside the car or how far I drive. The temp never goes above a third on the gauge whatever that is! Yet others say there car runs hot!
  9. Now't wrong with my quotes. Do you want a leather quote! I was unaware that GTM did one for pre HR's but then I never really looked. I just saw the one's for mine and suddenly caught that illness that originated from Dorking "Zeditis"
  10. I'd say £10K minimum to go FI. From memory when I was looking to do the GTM TT kit, it would have cost me around £8K in parts - but that include fueling, gauges & a few other bits. Since that quote the £ dropped against the $ so unless its come back up you can add another £800 at least for the GTM supply and fit with all the bits and bobs.!
  11. make that so Number 1 !! love it lol.
  12. Is that Tourists who fart Bullet?
  13. It can be done for the cost of a long weekend back home, ok if you dont go lots and get a season pass the cost of laps mount up but even then no reason not to give it a go... Fantastic Stuff. I am sure we can get quite a few to come to this if it's planned correctly!
  14. Excellent stuff. I would need a hotel or B+B though.
  15. Great stuff, thanks for that. I think once some of the guys realise its not such a wallet eater we may plan a Mothercare trip there for next spring.
  16. Mind if I enquire as to approx how much you spent of fuel please? thanks Peter
  17. You coming out to play with us Surrey boys on Saturday Mike?
  18. You got a 4x4 Zed Stew! Had the BF's on my Pathfinder, but never knew they fitted a Zed!
  19. Long old trek for us Surrey boys but it is the 1st one ever, and as I shall be travelling back from Grimsby I could make it. Need a phone number so I can meet up with some of you guys.
  20. Nice to meet you Neil. Scott has threatened to weld my bonnet shut!!!
  21. Another big thankyou to the Abbey Guys for today:) Next time I take bits off the car I will try not to loose half the spacers:)
  22. Strange that as I have never had that with this. I did with the gold class liquid wax. Just asked my mate who used it on his coach and is on the Olympics and he said it is just as good as when he applied it 6 weeks ago and he has to wash it every day. Anyway movining on:)
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