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4RE Leather

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Everything posted by 4RE Leather

  1. It was a relevant question, you are the one having a hissy fit, I think having much better grip on the rear than the front is not a good thing. Oh and if you don't want comments then don't advertise on an open forum.... simples Meeeooowwww
  2. Because an alarm is audiable. To see it involves eye sight. The idea is to emit a sound to alert you to the possibility that the car is being knicked. otherwise you would have to live in it lol! He would have heard it mad Spurs!!
  3. There you go. Good suspect. if she knows your log on details she can go into your calls and text list. As Chris said ring up there security and explain. It's a case of making a list of all options. take away the improbable and your left with the answer.
  4. I phone app I saw last year sends copies of all text sent and received from and pre appointed numbers. It originated from the states but I can donwload to my jaikbroke phone for free. Several simular things running and there is a online Spy shop in Uk that will sell you military grade hardware (for a price) Apparently the sales are legal. However no need to go into the why's and wheres but they are out there and anyone with a basic knowledge can learn to use a "sim card hack" Do you have monthly contract phone? If so can she access it as it holds info? Just some thoughts.
  5. I am giving myself ideas. Only red or black seems to want to go with silver.
  6. Sure it is, it runs off compressed air! It does hiss a bit that's no compressed air!
  7. He already has one Not quite on the wavelength. That is not friendly to the environment no way!
  8. So when is the Eco friendly power plant going in ?
  9. I like this iPad programme very much. Nice new crayons to play with Wasso!
  10. That Alazane leather could do with the black marks removing young Darren!
  11. Our alarms get set off every Thursday evening from the noise of the ICE systems. They really are quiet so it would be nice to pump up the volume!
  12. Egzakery:) Is that a Tianjin accent? Korzectz!
  13. I doubt it but who gives a hoot? Although some are the real deal and obviously bent. My one was £25 and I am delighted with it:)
  14. I would use acle stands rather than a walking stick What's an "acle" stand? Is that like a Zimmerframe?
  15. Does this mean I have to put up with mine for another 24k Dave? Pete the way your rear slides about it will be about 2.4k Why do you think I have a walking stick then? I thought that was for hitting the bluetooth module I will hit something "Blue" with it when I next see you!!
  16. Thats quite funny as Arran is taking the black badged ones off his Azure blue and putting on the ones you have taken off. Maybe you should have done a swop lol:)
  17. Can a Novice on a walking stick fit them?
  18. I think that went out with rationing and demob suits Dear Dave ~~~~~(:
  19. Does this mean I have to put up with mine for another 24k Dave? Pete the way your rear slides about it will be about 2.4k Why do you think I have a walking stick then?
  20. What happened to just writting a "Dear John" ?
  21. Ye all you're doing is burning off the crap that's built up from town driving. Hardly a fix, more an afterthought One that often works. I just read up on the workshop manual as I still have it and it's quoted in there!
  22. Does this mean I have to put up with mine for another 24k Dave?
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